Playing with Fire, Dancing with Wind

Hello my lovely reviewers! Back with another chapter, dedicated to my lovely Cheyanne for being so helpful all the time when I have writers block! But first, replies!

Joanna Davis: Oh gosh! I hope you were okay! Hahaha Im sorry I made you fall off your bed, but Im glad that it was from laughter :D. Im very happy that you like my writing, as well as Chey and Myself :D. As for how long it is going to be, Im going to say probably another 5 or so chapters. It depends, how long does everyone want it to be? I write for my viewers, so if you want it longer, tell me!

FMA Inuyasha Narutard: Thank you! Im glad you liked it. And trust me I will try as hard as possible to make sure that this does not go unfinished. With you loving reviewers, how could I do such a thing?

Jestie Uchiha: Yes! Damn Madara, Jade is right to not like him. Hope I updated soon enough for you :D !

Xelacy: Thank you! Im very glad you like it!

So, Chey, this chapter is dedicated to you! Hope you like it hunny! Hugs.

After a few months of being in the Naruto world, the girls were sad to say that not much had really happened. They trained every day, and were slowly getting the hang of the basics of being ninja. They had also both turned sixteen, and were given small gifts of kunai as well as odds and ends to help them during training. As for their boy troubles, well, they were the same as they were a few months ago. Which basically meant that there absolutely no progress in the love department.

Days went on without much excitement, and the girls got closer with their roommates, as well as the other members. Of course, there was still a lot of tension between a few of them (aka, Jade and Tobi), but other than that, life was pretty cozy for. Well, at least until today. Their day started relatively normally, with them skipping arm-in-arm down the hallways singing Sexting by Blood on the Dance Floor.

Jades POV

After such a boring few months, it was nice to be slightly back to normal. There was nothing quite as fun as skipping down the hallways with my best friend while singing inappropriate music.

As we belted out the lyrics to Sexting, I barely noticed Deidara standing by a wet spot on the ground. By the time I finally noticed him, it was too late.

"YOU GOTTA BE TEXTUALLY ACTIVE IF YOU WANNA BE MI—oof!" my foot slipped on the wet surface, and I collapsed onto my back. I started coughing as the wind was knocked out of me. Deidara looked down at me with concern, and tried to help me up, just for me to slip and fall back down again as Cheyanne burst into hysterical laughter.

"It's not funny, un!" he growled, still trying, and failing, to help me up. This made both me and Cheyanne laugh even harder as I tried to help him help me, to no avail.

By this time, most of the base was standing, staring at the spectacle in front of them. Cheyanne was on the floor with tears coming out of her eyes as she clutched her shaking stomach. "It hurts! Oh my god, it hurts!" she managed through her laughter. I was currently red faced and very, very embarrassed at the fact that no matter how hard we tried, I just kept slipping again. Deidara was starting to look angry at the whole situation.

"What the hell, un!" he growled, which made Cheyanne laugh even harder, and me blush even deeper.

"I.. I can't b-breath! It hurts!" Cheyanne laughed out. Kisame just shook his head, picking her up and bringing her out of the room. By this time, everyone had left the two of us alone in the room. Deidara, still angry at the situation, just glared at the ground.

"So..." I said awkwardly before he grabbed me by the arms, picked me up, and placed me a good three feet from the slippery surface. He then grinned, I'm guessing he was proud that he finally diffused the situation. I patted myself down, and turned to speak. The second I opened my mouth, I noticed Cheyanne around the corner behind Deidara, making weird faces at me. I started to giggle, which made Deidara look at me like I was crazy.

I shook it off and went to open my mouth again, just for Cheyanne to mock me, causing me to laugh once more hysterically. Deidara looked utterly confused, until he heard Cheyanne laughing around the corner. We were just about to leave when Chey waltzed from around the corner, stretched her foot behind Deidaras, before pushing me towards him. This caused the two of us to topple to the ground with me lying on top of him. I blushed profusely before starting to get up.

"Whooops! My bad! Here, let me help you up.." She said evilly, before attempting to pull our clothes off.

"DUDE WHAT THE HELL!" I screamed, tugging back at my shirt, trying to keep it on.

By the time help arrived, my shirt was ripped down the front showing some cleavage, and Deidaras cloak was almost off. Pein, Hidan, Itachi and Kisame walked in with looks of horror on (most) of their faces. Itachi tapped Cheyannes shoulder to get her attention, but she continued with her rampage until Kisame picked her up and began walking away with her.

"No! Put me down, I have to help them up!" she cried, pounding at his back, before slipping out of his grasp and trying to pull down Jades pants.

"OH MY GOD WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU, CHEYANNE!" I screamed at her, trying desperately to keep her from pulling my pants off. This left me in a rather uncomfortable position, with my body pressed firmly against his while my hands grasped my pants. Luckily Hidan came to my rescue, grabbing her and throwing her across the room, giving us time to try to get up.

Sadly for us, Cheyanne used some crazy mary-sue speed to run up and body slam us back to the ground.

"Holy shit, un!" Deidara groaned, as she pressed both of our bodies onto his. Before she could torture us anymore, the guys held her down and brought her out of the room, her screaming the whole way that she needed to 'help us'.

"What the hell was that all about, un?" He asked, lightly pushing me off of him with a blush on his face.

I got up in a flash and bowed over and over.

"I am so, so, so sorry! I have no idea what's gotten into her!" I apologized profusely. He just nodded and acted like nothing happened. I thanked whatever gods were up there that that was over as we walked awkwardly into the kitchen. Once we finally made it there, Pein walked in, with Cheyannes screams in the background.

"Who was that girl? I mean, during training she barely moves, but when she's trying to strip you she's like an animal!" he said, astonished.

We nodded with dread, just wishing the whole situation would be forgotten.

"OKAY LET ME GO! I'm done! They've left, the funs over." We heard Cheyanne's muffled scream before she stopped and everyone filed into the kitchen.

We finally sat down for breakfast, me and Deidara as far away from each other as possible, and ate our breakfast while glaring at Cheyanne.

A while later we found out that Cheyanne and I were to be training together today. So when we finally arrived at the training area, we were surprised to see only Itachi standing there. We sat down and waited for an explanation.

"Deidara said he was sick."

Oh. So he was avoiding us basically. Whatever, I'd avoid Cheyanne too after that ordeal. Cheyanne giggled, obviously coming to the same conclusion I did, before we listened to our instructions for the day.

"Since you obviously need to learn self control," he said looking at Cheyanne, "You will be meditating today." We nodded at his instruction before sitting down cross legged and closing our eyes.

It wasn't long before I felt Chey jab me in the side with her elbow, so I jabbed her back. Soon our eyes were open and we were in a full on poking war. Itachi glared at us.

"You girls are hopeless, look, this is how it's done" he said, before sitting down and closing his eyes. We looked at each other and nodded before standing up and pulling a magic marker out of nowhere. I had it held just in front of his face before he opened his eyes, grabbed the marker, and snapped it in half. We looked at him in horror.

"I hope you know that was a magic marker." Cheyanne said, pouting.

Just then, Kisame was walking by, and Itachi stopped him. "You deal with them." He said coldly before leaving a confused fishy man in his reached out to his retreating form intensely before sitting back down as we listened to Kisame instruct the rest of our training.

Cheys POV

It was almost time for bed, and Jade and I were walking down the hallways having a nice conversation, when I heard the shower on in Deidaras room. I grinned, but continued on with our talk. 'Heh heh, she has no idea..' I thought evilly. The second we passed his room I pushed her into it before grabbing every article of clothing I could find. Before Jade could blink I was out of the room, dead bolting it shut. I could hear her banging and yelling from the other side of the door, and I just grinned.

Itachi walked by in that instant, and looked at me blankly.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing too important." I replied before turning towards them "Let's go have a drink, shall we?"

He looked like he was going to ignore the situation, because he just nodded and we went to the kitchen for tea (and in my case, hot chocolate).

After we were sitting for a while, enjoying our hot beverages, Kisame walked in with a strange look on his face before sitting down.

"So. When are you going to let them out?" He asked, knowing what I had done.

"Oh, for whatever do you mean?" I asked, feigning innocence, before yawning. "Well, I'm going to bed. Good night!"

They nodded and I headed off to bed, passing by the room on my way. I grinned, thinking of the havoc that was going to ensue when Deidara got out of the shower before going to sleep.

Jades POV

'Oh god I can't believe Cheyanne did this to me! What is Deidara going to say!' I thought, while desperately trying to find a way out before he found out we were locked in his room. That was when I heard the shower turn off. I widened my eyes and turned around slowly.

"What's all the noise abou-.." he stopped midsentence, noticing I was in his room. I glanced down and began blushing profusely as I covered my eyes. He seemed to notice he was only in a towel because I heard him shuffling around his room.

"Just a second, un. Let me get some clothes on..." I inwardly glared at Cheyanne before speaking.

"U-uhm.. Little problem." I said, and heard him stop. He was probably looking at me so I carefully uncovered my eyes and looked him in the face, avoiding glancing down. He stared, waiting for me to continue.

"Yeah, uhm.. You're clothes are kind of on the other side... Of the door..." He looked around before nodding in agreement. "Okay, I'll just go get them then, un." He said as he reached for the door handle and tried to open it, only to find out he couldn't turn the knob.

"It's locked."

We kind of just stood and stared at each other as the thought of our current situation finally seeped in. It was silent until something dawned on the two of them. His clay!

Deidara walked over to his bag and reached in to grab some clay, only to find it empty. He pulled out a note and read it aloud.

"This is my art, so hah..."

I couldn't help but keep almost glancing at his crotch. Luckily, I caught myself before he noticed, and looked to the floor.

He glared at the piece of paper before throwing his hands up in anger. In that instant, the unspeakable happened. Right as he lifted his hands, the grip of his towel loosened and it began descending to the floor.

I acted quickly, as I jumped to the ground, closed my eyes, and grabbed the towel before holding it to his crotch. Keeping my eyes glued shut; I realized that we were once again in a compromising positing. That seemed to be happening a lot lately.

"U-uh.." he sputtered, obviously not knowing what else to say.

"P-please. Just take the towel" I ground out, now beyond embarrassed. Luckily he complied before grabbing it and tying it tightly around his waist. I opened my eyes and pushed myself off the ground, unable to look him in the face.

"Wait, what's that, un?" He asked and I glanced at him before looking in the direction he was looking. There was something under the bed, and it looked like fabric!

"I don't know, let me check..." I said before kneeling down and pulling it out from under the bed. A huge smile graced my lips when I realized that Cheyanne had missed a pair of pants when she was stealing clothes.

"Pants! Here, please, put them on!" throwing the pants towards him, I knew I didn't have to ask twice. He went into the bathroom and came back out a few moments later with a pair of sweatpants on. They hung low on his hips and I couldn't help but notice his well built abs. He grinned.

"Like what you see, un?"

"N-no! Shut up!" I said, blushing and looking away. I tried not to give him the satisfaction of my embarrassment because I knew he was teasing me because I liked him, but I failed miserably. He just laughed and plopped onto his bed, motioning me to sit down with him.

We sat up and chatted about nothing in particular for hours, until it was early in the morning and we passed out beside each other.

After that stressful day, it ended sort of peacefully, and we almost forgot that we were locked in a room against our will. So all in all, it was a nice night. And as for the day, well, neither of them was likely to forget it for a long, long time.

FINITO! I hope you liked this DeixJade centric chapter. So I have a question for you.. POLL TIME!

How much longer would you like this story to be?

Less than 5 chapters

5-6 chapters

10 or more chapters

Please tell me what you think, because whatever gets the majority of votes is what I will do with the story. Im kind of feeling 5 to 6 more chapters, but it's all up to what my readers think is best for the story!

Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I will update again sometime this week! Get ready for a little bit of romance next chapter!

LOVE YOU ALL AND HOPE YOUR SUMMER HAS BEEN SPECTACULAR SO FAR! Love and hugs sent your way from Snakeylobve!