Playing With Fire, Dancing With Wind

Hey guys! This is a new story I decided to write since I havent written in SOOO LONG! Its DeidaraxOC and ItachixOC. This chapter isnt that great but it'll get better! ENJOY!

Jade's POV:

That. Is. IT! This is the second time we've missed the bus today! There is absolutely no way I am letting the happen again. My best friend was coming over and I was sick of being downtown. We both wanted to go home so we could watch Naruto, and play Ultimate Ninja 4! We both LOVED the akatsuki, so we were excited to be able to play as them in the game. "Cheyanne let's gooo! If we dont catch this bus we have to wait for another hour!" I yelled at her, starting to become very irritated. She just looks at me blankly "Yeah, yeah. We're not going to miss the b-" And there it was. "OH MY GOD THERES THE BUS". No. NO! I am not missing this again!

I grab her arm and looked at the road to be sure it was safe. Don't want us dying now do we! Once I was sure no cars were coming, we ran as fast as we could across the road. Well... Halfway across the road. There was an sudden intense pressure on my abdomen and I felt something inside me pop as I rolled over what I assumed was a car. Oh my god.. I just.. I just got my best friend hit by a car! I heard her coughing, and crawled over to her with blood dripping out of my mouth. Turns out the popping sound was my rib puncturing my insides.

I barely heard the screams of the people around us as I reached for my best friend. I cant believe she's dying because of me. I'm a monster! "I-cough- Im so sorry, cheyanne". My body felt so weak, as all of my strength left, and I collapsed near my friend.

Chey's POV:

"Cheyanne let's goooo! If we dont catch this bus we have to wait for another hour!" Jade screamed at me. I understand why, I mean, neither of us wanted to wait ANOTHER hour just to get to her house. "Yeah, yeah. We're not going to miss the b- OH MY GOD THERES THE BUS!" I saw her pale, as she grabbed my arm, looking to see if there were any cars. When we were sure it was safe, we bolted across the road to the bus stop. Right when some drunk guy was speeding past us.

The impact was unmistakeable, as I felt my ribs breaking and my body roll under what felt like a rolling bolder. I could faintly hear Jade screaming over my own voice. It started feeling as though my insides were exploding within me as I coughed up gross amounts of blood. The blood flow was getting to be too much, and I started choking on it.

I heard people yelling in the background for someone to call an ambulance, but I knew it was too late. My vision was blurry, but I could faintly see Jade reaching to me. "I-cough- I'm so sorry, Cheyanne"

That was when my world went black.

Chey's POV:

Talking. I heard talking! I thought I died.. Was I in heaven? Naw, I couldnt be, I was in too much pain. Then, maybe I was in the hospital? I forced my eyes open, but all I could see was fuzz. Well, fuzz and two figures.

I looked around as my vision started clearing. Right beside me was Jade, still passed out. Or dead. Oh my god, what if I didnt die but she did! I started to shake her, tears in my eyes. "Jade you idiot! YOU GOT YOURSELF KILLED!" I didnt expect a responce, since I thought she was dead. What I did get was a firm punch in the face. "mphh mmddsf, shut the fuck up, oh my god! I swear to god I'll kill you."

She.. Did she just punch me? It wasn't surprising since she was always smacking me, what shocked me was the lack of deadness! WE WERE BOTH ALIVE! She glared at me, and then her glare turned to a look of pure horror. "Im so sorry I almost got you killed! Are you okay?" she asked, hugging me. "mhmm!"

Jades POV:

How wonderful! I DIDNT GET HER KILLED! A voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Oh they're awake, un." Un? Woww, real intelligent sounding... Wait, what! Only ONE person in the whole universe would ever say that. We broke our hold on each other and looked at one another with horror. We were thinking the exact same thing. Deidara.

"It cant be.. That means that we..." I stopped talking and look directly behind us, confirming our fears. There stood Deidara and Sasori, looking at us as if we had two heads. We were in the naruto world, sitting beside two criminals. How wonderful. Cheyanne started giggling and I almost punched her in the face again. Was she TRYING to get us killed, cause it sure seemed like it. "Dude, what the hell!" I snapped at her. She stopped.

Then she looked at me.

And back to Deidara.

Back to me.

And just laughed harder.

I seriously thought she had a death wish. "Dude, are you for real? This is the weirdest dream I have EVER had!" she yelled through her tears. Dream? I dont think this was a dream... "you're not dreaming, brat. Now stop yelling." I heard Sasori say, confirming my thoughts. She stopped again, and stared at them weirdly, before passing out.

... Well that was weird. XD

Deidara's POV:

My day had started out perfectly normal! Until my danna and I were heading back to the base and these two weird looking girls fell on us. "What the hell, un!" I yelled pushing them off, danna doing the same. I took a good look at them, to see if they looked dangerous. They didnt. They just look.. Weird.

One girl had ripped jeans with some weird looking flat shoes (a/n: Skater shoes). She also wore a black spaghetti strap tank top. She had black hair, and it was short in the back with long bangs. She was pale, and wore sickening amounts of black eyeliner. She had blood all over her face, and it made her look like a vampire. (a/n: DONT WORRY GUYS. She is not a vampire XD) This girl was clearly a goth.

The other one was wearing a baggy black sweater with a skull on the front, and and a light purple tank top that was pulled a little low. I was assuming she was wearing very short shorts since you couldn't see them with her sweater on. (A/N: This is seriously how we dress, btw! Hahaha) She had shoulder length, chestnut hair, and glasses. Her eyeliner looked almost like mine, but almost like Orochimarus also. She looked quite a bit girlier than the other.

That was when gothy, which was the name i gave her, started stirring. She opened her eyes and looked directly at me, squinting. Then turned away and looked at the other girl. What the hell? What a nice introduction! Thats when I heard her sniffle and knew she was crying. She started to shake the other girl, yelling something about her being dead. Then the girl did something unexpected. She punched gothy right in the face! I had to hold back a laugh. They were whispering and then gothy looked right at me and laughed. How dare she! I was going to punch her, and it looked as though her friend was too.

"Dude, are you for real? This is the weirdest dream I have EVER had!" she yelled looking at us. Sasori-danna scoffed at her childish behaviour. "You're not dreaming brat. Now stop yelling." he was stern, and it put a terrified look on her face. And then she passed out. Good!\

Nobodies POV:

There was an eerie silence as Jade and the two akatsuki members stared at each other. Cheyanne was still passed out. "Sooo.. uhm.. H-hi?"Jade said, trying to break the awkwardness. She was never good at talking to people, it was always cheyanne who did it. Sasori and Deidara just looked at her weirdly. "Who are you."

It wasnt a question, it was a demand. And that bugged Jade. She was a pacifist and avoided fighting, but when people talked to her like that and they didnt even KNOW her, it pissed her off. "Who the fuck do you think you are? Don't act as if you own the world, you stupid fucking barbie!" she barked at them, before going wide-eyed. 'Shit! Did I just call Sasori a barbie?.. Im so going to die for this.' she thought, taking a moment to pray.

Then she heard laughing. Hysterical, manly laughing. Looking up, I seen Deidara with tears in his eyes. "She told you, danna! Un!" I wanted to laugh myself, but decided it was too risky. So instead I calmed my nerves and looked back towards Sasori. "My name is Jade. And she-" I pointed at Cheyanne as she started to wake up, "is Cheyanne. Dont ask where we're from because you wouldnt know. And dont ask how we got here because it was to my knowledge that we were dead."

That stopped his laughing! Cheyanne was sitting next to me now, with a look of confusion on her face. Patting her leg, we looked at the two of them. "I see. Well, I am Deidara and this is Sasori-danna, un." we nodded, acting as though we had no idea who they were. "Nice to meet you!" Cheyanne grinned, back to her normal self. At least things were going a little better now.. Until barbie had to open his big fat mouth. "What do you mean you were dead?"... Is this guy fucking retarded? What did it SOUND like I meant?

"Oh Im sorry! Well you see, what I meant was.. Itttt was to MYYYY knowledge, you know, like understanding. That WEEE, as in ME AND MY FRIEND. Were DEEEEAADD, meaning no longer alive. Make more sense now?" He looked like he was going to kill me. So Cheyanne butt in and saved my ass!

"What she means is, we were hit by a car and Im pretty sure we were dead. But we woke up here, wherever here is, meaning that we are not dead. Hehehe.. yeah.." They nodded slowly, not knowing whether or not to believe us. (a/n: YAY FOR CHEYANNE! My hero :D) "well.." Deidara started, but Sasori interrupted him. "You will come with us. Then we will decide whether or not we will kill you."

We gulped and looked at each other. On one hand, they might kill us. But on the OTHER hand.. We were going to meet the akatsuki! We grinned and grabbed hands, helping each other up. Strangely enough we were not in pain! I guess our wounds healed! "Lead the way, capy-tain!" yelled cheyanne, as we followed the two Akatsuki members to our impending doom!

Chapter One is done! Its pretty awful, and all over the place.. but I havent written for like 2 years so leave me alone haha Chapter 2 will most definitely be better :D Promise!