I do not own any of these characters, Kingdom Hearts and the characters are owned by Square-Enix and Disney.
The Two Year Wait
Chapter 6
*In Twlight Town Library*
Olette: "Come on. Over here, lets take a seat."
She walked over a small rectangle table with 4 chairs. Two chairs on each side.
She pulled out a chair, set a binder on the table and sat down.
Olette: "Well…"
Zexion:"Well. What?
Olette: *she patted the table* "Come sit down with me."
Zexion walked over to the table and took a seat on the opposite side of her.
Olette: "So tell me exactly why, you can't laugh."
Zexion: "Like I said, it's a long story and kinda complicated."
Olette: I maybe only 15, but I'm not slow. I'm sure I will understand.
*In Zexion's Mind*
"Is she crazy; I'm not telling her anything."
*In reality*
Zexion: Well..the thing..I'm what's called a Nobody.
*In Zexion's Mind*
"Wait! Did I seriously just tell her that!"
*In reality*
Olette: "Um…you see, that's why your self-confidence is so low. You're calling yourself a nobody. No one is a nobody. Everyone has something special special that they are supposed to do in the universe.
Zexion: ,,,, You don't understand."
Olette: " Then I guess I am clueless."
Zexion: ".. trus t me, you look and act very smart. It's just you don't know the concept of what being the type of nobody that I am.
Olette stared at Zexion with confusion.
Olette: "Then tell me."
*In Zexion's Mind*
"D**n it! Why can't I control my words. Its like I have no control over myself.
*In Reality*
Zexion: " Well, When a person dies. They are separated into 2 beings. The Heartless and the nobody.
The heartless is a black creature that roams around going place to place to find other hearts to feed on and collect. Then there is the nobody. After the heart leaves and becomes a heartless. The leftover body and mind linger and search for their lost hearts. Hoping to find it and re-merge with it, to become complete again. The nobody, as I said, lacks a heart. There for. The nobody cannot feel any kinds of emotions.:
Olette: " Well, then, it can't be that bad, I mean, not feeling anger or hatred or even envy."
Zexion: " That's true. But then also, You can't feel the emotions that cause joy. Such as love, happiness, and friendship."
Olette: "Oh..wow…so your saying, that you are a nobody?"
Zexion was silent for a quick moment.
Zexion: "Correct."
Olette: "But that can't be. Because just a few minutes ago, you smiled and laughed.
Zexion: " Although, we cannot feel emotion. We remember what it was like to experience that emotion. And we show it the best we can. Just to make ourselves feel better and more whole than what we currently are."
Olette: " Oh. That's sad. I..I am really sorry. But wait.
Zexion: "Hmm?"
Olette: " You mentioned earlier about how nobodies travel looking for their hearts, that way they can become a person again.:
Zexion: "Yeah, I did say that. Why?"
Olette: " Well. It is your heart. Wouldn't you have some sort of special link to it. Like a connection, you seem like such a nice person. Your heart must have had to have been full of light and goodness. Can't you, sense that and follow it.
Zexion got up out of his chair and started walking to the library exit.
He stops in the middle of the room.
Zexion: "I wish that were true, That we could connect and find our hearts. But even if what you said was true, about finding our hearts from by following the light it had. I still would never be able to find my heart.
Olette: "What do you mean?"
Zexion: "I did a horrible thing in the short time I was alive…my colleges and myself, we searched for what lied inside the darkness…and we journeyed way too far.
Zexion walks out of library.
Olette runs out through the doors after him
Olette: "Wait! Come back tomorrow! That way we can talk some more!
Zexion: " Sorry Olette. But I'm going away for awhile. And where I am going, I'm afraid I might not return. But I promise you, if I do find my heart and become whole again. I will make sure to come back and meet with you….even if you don't recognize me by appearance…..hopefully…you will still understand.
End of Chapter 6