*this is the last part, enjoy. Tell me what you think. From Anne's POV*

Part 3

"Thank you"

I woke up, and looked at my sleeping husband, I felt freer somehow. I picked up Gil's shirt and buttoned it up, and walked towards the window. I saw the sun shining on the glen, I'm pretty sure I know why I blocked out Honey and the woman, my scars, my former life before Green Gables. I think it was to protect myself, and those that I loved. I felt like I would only hurt them somehow, if they knew more then just the bare facts about me. And also, what if they rejected me? Or worse, pitied me so much that they never let me truly grow up? So I never told Diana or any of my other friends anything about my life, pre-Avonlea. I only told Marilla and Mathew a brief summery.

Eventually I suppose I just forgot, until one day I started having memories of that day...there's a little part of me that has always been scared of being loved, I'm scared of losing those that are close to me. I am scared of being hurt. I realize that now. That might be why I pushed Gilbert away when he kept declaring his love for me. I looked over at my husband, so handsome, so kind, and gentle. I am glad I told him, I love him so much it scares me. I looked back outside,

'I'm sorry I haven't thought about you in so long Honey, I hope it's not too late to thank you. You saved me, took care of me, you were more then a friend, you were like a sister to me. I love you Honey, thank you' I whispered, I knew that she couldn't hear me, but I'd like to think that wherever she was, she somehow knew what I was saying.

I went back to the bed, and wrapped my arm around Gil's stomach, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I loved Gil, I love Gil, and I think I always did love Gil.

The End