Okay, so I have at least two people interested in each story and I just want to say thank you to them and that I will let you know soon

To the two people that seemed to take issue with me I would like to say a few things;

1) If you disagree with me, let me know in a PRIVATE MESSAGE instead of reviewing in an anonymous form.

2) Someone said that they believe that I just can't be bothered writing and that is NOT true. If I had inspiration for these fics I would be continuing on with them, but with the rate I am going, you would be lucky to get a chapter a year from me.

3) The way that you are talking makes it seem like I have a twenty page plan per chapter, when in reality I have a sentence that has an important event in that chapter so a lot of the story will be up to the new author to write, I will help them out if they want.

4) I have been thinking about it more and more and think that maybe I should just find a co writer for Red Eyed Vixen, because that is the one that I really loved and wanted to write, so if you are still interested message me.

5) I am sorry if it seems like I just want someone to write this for me, it's not like that, the story will be written by the person that takes it on and it is up to them how much they stick to the plan I have written and if they have questions or need help, I am happy to help them.

So, I hope this has cleared things up and if you don't like what I have written in my author's note, don't read it and if you are going to comment on it at lease have the decency to let me comment back and clear things up.
