
Isabella Weasley laughed as she watched her husband Fred Weasley chase after her four year old son Charlie Severus Weasley around the yard. Her son laughed happily as his father tried to catch him as he rode a small broomstick that hovered a foot of the ground around the yard.

"Be careful Fred!" she called out as he tackled the young boy playfully off the broomstick falling backwards onto the grass with him in his arms before proceeding to tickle him. Peals of laughter echoed through the air around them as Isabella wrapped her arms around her swollen stomach. She was seven month's pregnant with a baby girl Allegra Allison Weasley named after the mother she loved but never knew.

Isabella smiled as her husband's carefree laughter rang out through the garden reminding her of how far they'd come and the battle's the fought to get to where they were today. It had been five years since the Great War. Five years since Isabella found out that her uncle the man who had taken her and her brother in-law prisoner had sided with Voldemort. Voldemort, she despised that name. It was because of him she'd never known her Mother. She blamed him for the death of her father that night in the boat house at Hogwarts. She'd nearly lost Fred in the war if it hadn't been for her best friend Viktor's quick thinking. She smiled at the thought of her friends. All of them were now either married or just starting a family.

The Cullen's however were somewhere in America, Alaska Rosalie had last told her in a letter. Rosalie and Isabella had departed on good terms and kept in touch regularly with letters and phone calls on the muggle devices Fred had learnt to hate. In fact Isabella wrote frequently to all of the Cullen's apart from Edward and Alice. Any form of relationship Isabella once had with the duo couldn't be rekindled not matter to what degree. They were old wounds she didn't want to open again. One day, in the far future she might be able to forgive them. But in the far future and right now to her that was a long way off. She'd only just started to come to terms with the fact that both her parents were dead. She wasn't willing to add to that pain.

Many lives had been lost that day and her heart sank with sadness at the thought of them all. Her Uncle along with Voldemort she knew however would be one of over hundred that would not be missed. Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks and Alabaster Moody few of many whose presence she would miss. People like them, hundreds of thousands of them, would never be forgotten. They died tragically but there memories would carry on in the hearts and minds of the survivors, the ones who made it their mission to live for those who could not.

"Mummy" A voice squealed with delight suddenly running over to her where she stood on the porch steps of the tiny yellow house they lived in.

"What is it Charlie?" she asked her voice softening, her heart-warming slightly at the pair of grey eyes that stared up at her looking so much like her father.

"Look what I found!" he laughed holding up a worm which wriggled about in his tiny fingers. She laughed softly at the little boy her eyes filled with motherly love.

"That's great Charlie, how about you go show that to daddy?" she suggested watching as his grey eyes lit up with mischief. A look she'd seen so many times in his father's eyes it made her laugh. The mischief that he now channelled into his products at Weasleys Wizard Wheezes that he shared with his Twin brother George Weasley her now official brother in law.

"Charlie no, don't you come near me with that!" Fred shouted alarmed as his son ran at him with the worm between his fingers. Isabella smiled shaking her head slightly as her son chased his father around the lawn with the worm. Fred had always been afraid of worms Isabella thought as she felt the baby kick gently. She smiled rubbing her stomach gently, everything was perfect.

A/N: Well this is the end everyone. The story is over! I hope you enjoyed reading and I want to thank everyone who reviewed this story, added it to their favourites or alerted it because you gave me the drive to write this and finish it! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! I intend to write more Harry Potter-Twilight crossovers in the future so hopefully they'll get a similar response that this story got! If there's anything nobody understood or if you have and questions for me write a review or send me a PM and I'll try and answer you as soon as I can.

Anyway, thanks for reading!