First Meetings
A Private gazed up at the starry sky. His eyes shone bright as the moon.
He needed a moment alone. Away from the others. Just for a night or two. But he had nowhere to go. So to the park he went. His mind racing.
The pond was not far off. Maybe he`d go and see JJ in the morning. He`d take a small swim right now. A late night swim. Then try and go home.
Going through the bushes he felt himself slip through. There was some sort of dirt hole . before he knew it he was sliding down into the hole.
Sliding in he finally stopped. Private opened his eyes. He was in a living room type of set up. There was a flat screen over by the wall and in front of the TV was a small couch that could only fit two, maybe three. In the corner was some bean bag chairs. Blue, red and purple.
Sleeping on the blue bean bag chair was a gray she-cat.
Private turned around and tried to climb back up the hole but he only slid back in each time.
"Oh dear," Private said. H tiptoed by the she-cat, trying not to wake her up.
"What, Willow go away," she said, opening her eyes. Private stopped cold in his tracks. Any moment the she-cat would spring on him and eat him for dinner. He gulped.
"You're not Willow," she said, narrowing her eyes. Private shook in fear. "Who are you?"
"My names Private," Private said.
The se-cat yawned. "Calm down, I`m not gonna hurt you unless you hurt me," she said. "Names Faith."
"Hi, Private said.
"So Private, what can I do for ya?" Faith asked.
"Nothing, I`m just a little lost," Private said.
"Well, stick around, I got beer," Faith said.
Just from that Private could tell she wasn't the best influence.
"I`m good, how do you get out of here?" Private asked.
"A hidden door so no one gets in or out without me or Willow knowing," Faith explained.
"Who`s Willow?"Private asked.
"A friend I live with," Faith said.
"She isn't here is she?" Private asked, fear chilling down his spine.
"No, you're not fond of cats are you?" Faith said, narrowing her sapphire eyes again.
"Never met one, I heard rumors," Private said.
"Well know this. Cats don't normally hurt others unless attacked or another`s trespassing on its territory, depending on how strict they are with their territory," Faith said, padding over to a bar like set up and getting out of a fridge.
"How old are you, kid?" Faith asked.
"Just turned 13," Private said.
"Want some?" Faith asked, grinning.
"No thank you," Private said, politely.
"You loss," Faith said. "What's a penguin like you doing in a park like this?" she asked after a moment of silence.
"I live in the zoo, I needed some time alone," Private explained. Faith nodded. "Can I stay here?"
"Leave, stay, do what you want," Faith said. She could get used to this kid. "Mi casa es su casa."
"Thanks," Private said. Hopping up on the couch. Maybe Faith would understand him, since no one else did.