Morgana's Chambers

As Morgana looked over at Gwen she couldn't help but admire her, Gwen knew how dangerous this was but she seemed not to mind. They were having to tear up Morgana's bed sheets Which was taking longer than they thought it would. Morgana was then going to use the sheets as a nifty alternative to the her usual method of, 'Using the door' Because you see Uther has confined her to her chambers for defying him...How is disagreeing defying, I ask you!

Morgana sighed before moving closer to Gwen. ' You know how dangerous this could be! Are you sure you want a part in it?'

Gwen held Morgana's stare 'Of course.. How many more times? Morgana when I think of Gaius being tortured by him!…'

She closed her eyes and shuddered.

'Hey hey it's ok.' Morgana comforted Gwen. 'It's fine we're gonna save him, I promise.' Morgana lifted up Gwens head with her own hands and smiled, 'Trust me!' She half whispered looking into her eyes.

Gwen was silent for a moment, looking back at morgana as if hypnotized Before finially Smiling back and nodding.

'Right then' Morgana said standing up 'I managed to get the key from Arthur's chambers last night.' She told Gwen with a smile half waving it.

'Oh, and I brought this to' she smirked, Unsheathing a sword. 'Just in case.'

Gwen couldn't help but smile, she loved the fiery side to Morgana.

Arthur's Chambers.

'Well where is it then?'Asked Arthur hotly

'Well it should be in that drawer'

Said Merlin, pointing at the drawer as if blaming it.

'Yes I know that' replied Arthur getting frustrated, 'That's probably why we searched it two times..'

'Well we could try again. You know what they say… third times a charm!'

'MERLIN! Are you taking this seriously..? If we don't find the key what would be the point of this entire plan?'

Merlin paused as he remembered Gaius being tortured by Aridian, A frail old man, kind and helpful to anyone being tortured for his own mistake.

Arthur crossed his arms and sighed 'Well look it's getting late if we can't find the key soon then we're just going to have to call it off…'

'NO!' Exclaimed Merlin ' I don't care if the key's in France we're freeing Gaius!

Arthur looked stunned for a moment but gathered himself quickly 'And how are we going to open the door without a key.. Genius?'

'I'll open it' said Merlin 'I can….' he stopped suddenly realising what he was about to say. Arthur's brow furrowed as he waited for the rest of the sentence. 'You can….?'

'I can… Pick locks' He fineshed, looking just as confused as Arthur.

There was an awkward silence, which was finally broken by Merlin who was extremely eager to change the subject.

'Right then… Shall we?' He said opening the door and beckoning for Arthur to follow, which he did muttering something about ' Creepy!' And 'So that's why..'

Gwen met Morgana outside the castle…Are you ok? Did you get down ok.. You didn't fall did you! Gwen's babbling was cut short by Morgana's smile, I'm fine Gwen, now we can't stand around here all day… lets get going. Gwen nodded before following Morgana to the dungeons.

As they skulked along the outlines of the castle heading towards the dungeons Gwen shivered, She had developed quite a fear of this place since being locked up in it. She shook of the fear and looked up, noticing Morgana had stopped. 'What is i..' Morgana clasped a hand around Gwen's mouth, Gwen was confused for a moment before she saw shadows making their way towards where they were standing. Morgana looked at Gwen as she took her hand away and signalled for her to 'Shhh' Gwen nodded watching Morgana peek around the edge cautiously. Gwen bit her lip before Morgana signalled it was safe to continue. Sighing with releif she began to follow again. Before she knew what was happening she walked straight into the back of Morgana, who had stopped dead in her tracks, And for good reason, An army of twleve Gaurds had their sword pointed staight at hers and Morgana's chests.

Morgana struggled to find her voice, 'How dare you!' she said finially. 'I am the kings ward, he will have you head if he founds out you have threatend me!' For a moment the guards seemed to withdraw but one of them stood firm, 'I'm sorry my lady but it is after hours, and you have been confined to your chambers!' Sir Leon replied. Morgana stood her ground. 'So that gives you the right to treat me as nothing more than an criminal?' She asked her chin raising slightly. 'The guard signalled for the swords to be resheathed. 'I am sorry My Lady. ' Said Sir Leon. 'Quite..' said Morgana relaxing a little, Knowing they weren't going to arrest her or Gwen. 'Now if you will excuse me My maid and i have somewhere to be.' She said, starting to walk away. 'My lady..' Called Sir Leon. 'You dropped something.' He called after her, as he bent down to pick it up. Morgana froze in her tracks realising there was only one thing she could have dropped. Sir leon's eyes squinted in the darkness as he examined what he was holding. He murmmered something to one of the guards before approaching the two women. 'You're under arrest for conspiring to release a man from the dungeons without the kings permission.' He stated as he showed them The key to the dungeouns, that they had dropped.

Morgana couldn't think for a moment, She stood there looking confused. 'RUN' Shouted Gwen, With Her brain snappping back into action Morgana did as she was told, she and Gwen Ran towards the east wing of the castle, As they heard the warning bells sounding.

Merlin and Arthur headed towards the dungeons in some rather awkward silence.

Arthur wondered where his sword had gone, His favourite one any way, I mean he had over twenty of them.

Merlin however, was wondering how he was going to open the cell door without Arthur seeing him use magic, This was going to be tricky. But then the amount of times that i have done it And gotten away with it...The prince was a bit of a prat really, He thought to himself... I could go around carrying a wand and wearing a pointy hat...and he probablt still wouldn't twig! Merlin thought to himself Chuckling.

'What could possibly be funny Now Merlin?' Arthur enquired as he surveyed the area. 'Oh, Nothing.' Merlin said smiling.

At that point they heard the warning bells sounding. Merlin looked quickly at Arthur, who returned his glance.'RUN' exclaimed Merlin, but before he could get anywhere Arthur grabbed him by his collar…'Merlin.. You idiot, we haven't done anything yet.' Hissed Arthur as he forcefully released him. 'Oh yeah right' He muttered feeling a little foolish and rubbing his shoulder.

'There must be an intruder in Camelot' Stated Arthur unsheathing his sword, As the two of them headed to where they heard sound coming from.