Meus Dulce Angelus – Chapter 35 – Letters

AN – I realised it's been over a year since this story began, how crazy is that? I'd like to thank everyone who's ever read this story, especially the ones who've given me feedback. Sorry for the wait, I have just been so stressed out with school I made myself sick and didn't get better for quite a while.
Disclaimer: I do not own Twiglet.
Skaramoosh x

She looked so peaceful as she slept; I could've watched her forever. I wrapped her in a blanket when she started shivering but when she woke up she still looked cold.

'Bells? You okay?'

I got my answer when she rushed to the bathroom to be sick. I held her hair back from her face and rubbed her back. Eventually it stopped and she could sort herself out.

'Ugh why do I keep throwing up?'

'Maybe it's because you're not eating.'

She shrugged and leant against my chest.

'Try eating something?'

'Okay then.'

Carlisle came in just after she finished.

'I heard about you being sick, it's probably just a stomach upset. If I doesn't stop after a couple of days just let me know. Your body's been through a lot of trauma, as has your mind. Have you thought about the anti-anxiety medication?'

She sighed.

'I don't like the idea of not being able to feel everything, like before I was either in pain or numb now I'm 'normal' again... I don't want to take anything.'

'That's perfectly alright; if you want anything else you know where I am.'

He nodded to me on his way out.

'Do you want to go outside again?'

She grinned and I took her hand to lead her outside.

'It really is beautiful out here Fix; I couldn't focus on it properly last time.'

We sat down on the soft grass together, the sun making my skin glitter. I closed my eyes and kissed her.

I spotted Bella outside in Felix's embrace and smiled before going back to my work. I received a lot of mail and I insisted on replying in person, to not do so would be rude. Everything was as it should be before I noticed a silver envelope at the bottom of the pile. The stamp told me it was from Paris and I recognised the handwriting, this letter was from Sulpicia. Why had she written to me? I hadn't heard from her in over 100 years. I tore it open and unfolded it more slowly than I usually would have. I read it ten times before I absorbed any of it's contents.

I know it's been a very long time since we last spoke, via letters or otherwise. It's just recently some things have been playing on my mind and I feel the need to let them out. I'm sorry for leaving like I did. I know this apology comes far too late but you have to know that I didn't mean to hurt you. I was being selfish, I still am really. Don't for one second think that there's anything wrong with you. You're a good man, intelligent and strong and brave and true. You would make a wonderful husband. Just not to me. We didn't work together as a couple, you know that. It's better off this way. Which is why I want you to divorce me. I don't want to take from you anymore, I have the ability to look after myself and it's about time I did. I'm sending you some money, it's not nearly as much as you've given me but this feels like the right thing to do. Use it to buy your daughter something nice. I heard about what happened and I'm glad she's home and safe now; Marc and I looked for her you know. I wasn't about to let an innocent child suffer if I could do anything about it regardless of who her father was. Know that I'm very happy with my life with Marc, we intend to marry very soon and you need never speak to me again.
Be safe, love your daughter and just have a good life,

I don't know how long I sat there with my head in my hands. Eventually I felt a warm hand on my shoulder.


I looked up to see my filia's very confused expression and gave her the letter which she read with her brow furrowed.

'How dare she?'

My eyebrows shot up at her comment.

'She thinks she can just say sorry and send you some money and that makes everything alright? That doesn't make up for what she did!'

I couldn't blame her for being angry and she was young.

'Listen, filia, you don't understand... '

'What don't I understand? You can't let her get away with it!'


Her eyes went to the floor.

'I'm sorry for being rude to you angelus, it's just that... She hurt you and I don't like seeing you upset.'

I pulled her onto my lap and moved her hair behind her ear.

'Look, I know now that she's happy. I still love her and I probably always will and her happiness makes me happy.'


At that moment Felix walked in and she explained to him what had happened.

'I hope it hasn't upset you too much.'

I smiled my thanks before Bella went to him.

'You know where I am if you need me angelus, okay?'


I tried to get on and reply to the rest of my mail but my mind kept going back to her letter. I decided to write back, it told her that I'd gotten the letter if nothing else.

I've read your letter and so has my daughter. She's not very happy with you right now but can you blame her? I'm glad that you're happy with your fantastic new life and I'll divorce you if that's what you really want. I don't think there's anything more to say that you haven't heard before so I'll just stop.

Once again I sat with my head in my hands trying to stop myself from writing 'I love you' until I heard Bella throwing up again. Fortunately Felix was with her.
'Constantly being sick is getting really old.'

'Give it one more day then we'll get Carlisle to look at you, okay?'

Bella and Felix really do make a perfect couple.

AN – I realise this is ridiculously short but I've just got so much to do and I really wanted to update. I'll get the next chapter up when I can.
Skaramoosh x