" You know how the story plays out?" I asked. " I get with Inuyasha, and you get heart broken."

" I don't give up that easily." Kagome said, making eye contact.

I banged my fist down onto the roof of my car. Kagome looked taken back by this. "You are so frustrating! Kagome if you keep looking for that happy ending, than you are never going to get it right."

"I know what your trying to do, and it's not gonna work." Kagome said in a quiet voice.

"Yes it is! Love is not always fireworks between two people, but it's a simple understanding and trust. Something you destroyed with Inuyasha when you left him alone 4 years ago." I opened up my car door and slammed it shut. I pulled out of my parking space, and drove away. Leaving Kagome to be alone with her own misery.

Speak Now, chapter 10 ; Two is better than one

Short chapter, enjoy.

Woot woot! Double digits in a chapter ! (:

"Any fool can be a father, but it takes a real man to be a Daddy."

Kagomes POV

"As long as were together"

I leaned into Inuyasha, I missed that warm feeling I felt when I was with him. I was alone for hours, but it felt like days. I hated it, hated that feeling of being alone. He had come into my window that night, and i cried. I was happy to not be alone anymore, and was happy that there was that warm feeling again. Inuyasha grabbed my hand, forcing my heart to skip a beat. I looked up at him, confused as ever. I must of looked it cause he smiled that goofy smile at me, the one that makes you weak in the knees.

"I'll protect you with my life." My eyes widened as Inuyasha looked into them. There was a sudden change in his eyes. His pupils dilated.

"Inuyasha-" I could fell my face turning redder and redder. It felt like he could see right through me by the way he was watching me. His eyes drew me in, I couldn't look away.-

And then it happened. I had started laughing. I did that when I was embarrassed, laughing.

"Cut!" Keade had yelled, but Inuyasha still held onto my hand.
"What?" He asked. It was now his turn to go red. "Am I doing something wrong?"
"No!" I laughed. "Its just I've never seen you so serious before, and you know how I get sometimes when it comes to these things." Inuyasha looked and me and lowered his voice, "Are you embarrassed?"
Truth was I wasn't that embarrassed. I mean I've kissed guys before, it was just with Inuyasha, things were different. This was going to be our first kiss in the final act, and to be honest I didn't want this moment to end. Everything about it just seemed so perfect, expect for the fact people were watching us.

"I wouldn't use the word embarrassed, maybe more the less shy, or nervous." I said avoiding eye contact. You could tell he thought it was cute.

"Hello! We have a plane to catch soon!" Kikyo had yelled from where she was off stage, causing Inuyasha to drop my hand and looked away.

And there was also that. I was trying to stall hoping that we would miss the plane to the wedding and they would just have to postpone it or something. I needed more time.

Its been a few weeks since that night in the parking lot at Kikyo's bachelorette party. What she said had got me thinking.
"Kagome if you keep looking for that happy ending, than you are never going to get it right."

She was wrong. I'm not looking for this happy ending for myself, its not like I want to destroy a marriage. But my daughter- our daughter deserves a happy life, and Kikyo wont let that happened as long as shes with Inuyasha.

"Love is not always fireworks between two people, but it's a simple understanding and trust. Something you destroyed with Inuyasha when you left him alone 4 years ago." But she was right. I did destroy the trust between himself and I. I took away the first 3 years of his daughter life, years he wont get back, and soon him and Kikyo will start a family, will he even have time for Kotomi? For me? Kikyo was right, I had to get it right. Now.

But it's not like the wedding is today or anything so whats the rush? They were going to were they first met to get married. I wasn't invited, and Inuyasha didn't know that.

"Take two, action!"
"Inuyasha-" I could fell my face turning redder and redder. It felt like he could see right through me by the way he was watching me. His eyes drew me in, I couldn't look away. Inuyasha started moving closer to my face, I could feel his warm breaths on my forehead as he got closer. He squeezed my hand tight, our faces only inches away. My heart was beating so loud I couldn't hear anymore. I was scared Inuyasha could hear it, and figure out that I've been waiting for this moment with him. Our faces were only inches apart, and when we kiss, it will be just like in the movies. He would realize hes making a mistake marrying Kikyo-
Kikyo ran through my bedroom door, yelling cut. Kaede had stood up from the directors chair, and looked angry. Inuyasha had gone a bright red, and he looked at Kikyo.

"Whats going on?" Kaede yelled, coming over to Kikyo.
"Sister, don't get me wrong this whole kiss thing seems fantastic," Kikyo had said through closed teeth, "But its just wrong! I mean your giving the audience what they want to early, but if you wait til after the big final battle, the audience will be on the edge of their seats for the rest of the series! But if you give it to them now," Kikyo said shaking her head. "Its not as exciting"

"You know Kikyo, that very true, and also a very smart idea." Kaede had said, now taking into consideration of what Kikyo just said.
I stood up, and got in between the two of them, "Kaede that's crazy! The scrip if fantastic the way it is! You can't just change it!" I would kill for her not to change it, but I could I say?
"I'm sorry Kagome, I think my younger sister is right. Instead of the kiss whats going to happen is..."

Mine and Inuyasha face were inches from each other, both eyes close. The kiss we both longed for, was finally about to-

"We're home!" Sota yelled, running into my room.
Mine and Inuyasha eyes flew open as I pushed him away.
"What are you doing?" Sota asked, blinking at the two of us.

I watched as Inuyasha and Kikyo left the studio. Everyone was going. They were all invited to the wedding. I was force to sit there and watch one of the most important people in my life make the biggest mistake of a life time.

"Hey Kagome, need a ride to the airport?" Hojo asked, coming over to me with his bags. I looked at him, and smiled sadly.
"You didn't hear? I wasn't invited to the wedding."

Hojo shrugged. "Neither was I. I'm just going for a little vacation. I need to get away for a bit, you know. And its a shame too, I have 2 extra plane tickets.." He said, his voice trailing off. It never occurred to me at the time how strange this was. That he just so happened to have 2 extra plane tickets. But I went along with it anyways. I rushed home and packed for myself and Kimi. Maybe I didn't have to sit there and watch him wish his life away, maybe there was still hope.

We were now sitting on the plane, Hojo on the right, Kimi in the middle, and myself with the window seat. Hojo had gotten up to go to the bathroom, when I noticed a familiar pair of dog ears making his way towards us, causing a smile to spread upon my face.

"Inuyasha, I thought you and Kikyo were riding first class?" I asked, as he sat in Hojo's seat.
"We are," he said smiling at Kimi, who was adjusting the hat on her head, "Bathroom is occupied up there, so I decided to come down here, but I'm guessing its busy too." He said looking towards the bathroom.
"Must not be your lucky day." I said. More like few weeks, since your selling your soul to the devil.

Inuyasha smiled and shrugged, "Guess not."
The bathroom for the males looked busy, with Hojo behind a few guys.

"Isn't this great? I get to have you and Kimi here for my wedding?" He said, clearly in a daze. Kikyo hadn't told Inuyasha that me and Kimi weren't invited yet. Hes going to take that hard when he finds out.

"Yeah its great." I said and smiled."Hey Inuyasha, you wouldn't mind just sitting here with Kimi as I use the ladies room?" I asked, giving him the smile, and puppy dog eyes.
"Alright." He replied and I undid my seat belt.

"I'll be right back sweetheart." I kissed Kimi's head who nodded and I got up, and made my way by Kimi and Inuyasha towards the bathroom.

Inuyasha POV

Kagome walked off, and it was just me and Kimi. I haven't seen her since the night Kikyo found out about her. She might have been my daughter, but I realized I didn't know much about her, and that had to change.

"So Kimi, tell me about yourself." I said, making myself comfy in the seat. She looking at me, and started naming things off on her fingers.
"I am 3 years old, my favourite colour is green, my favourite food is ramen, but my least favourite foods are spicy ones! My full name is Kotomi Taisho but people call me Kimi for short and my favourite show is-"

Kimi continued to talk, but I couldn't see straight. Kotomi Taisho.. Kagomes last name was Higurashi. My last name was Taisho-

"Hey Kimi, how come you don't have the same last name as your mom?" I asked and Kimi smiled. She had just lost a tooth, because one of her front teeth were missing.

"Mama says its so that I will always have a part of my father with me, wherever I go."

My dog ears twitched and Kimi laughed at it. I smiled at the little girl sitting beside me. She was everything, she was perfect.

Kotomi Taisho.

Kagome POV

I had heard them as I walking back to my seat on the air plane.

"Mama says its so that I will always have a part of my father with me, wherever I go."

I started to think I was a monster. Not letting Kimi know her father was the man sitting beside her right now, Inuyasha saw me coming, and stood up so I could get it. I smiled at him and lowered my voice so Kimi wouldn't hear me.

"Inuyasha, I think Kimi deserves to know, your her father. Shes taking quite the liking to you quicker I've ever seen her open up to anyone. I think its time we tell her, but not here, not on the plane, when we get off." Inuyasha nodded.

"And I know the perfect place we can tell her."

It was quite the shock getting off the plane when Kikyo realized I was here after all. I was going to be staying with Ayame and Sango in their hotel room, which was in a different hotel than Kikyo and Inuyashas. After Inuyasha had made sure Kikyo was settled in at the hotel, it took me and Kimi for a drive.

"Where are we going?" I asked many times, but he wouldn't say. He would quickly change the subject. Soon enough we were walking, and we were at the well were me and Inuyasha had met for the first time back when we were little kids, near the secret tree.

I was so free and alive back then. I was only a little kid with no care in the world. I had been playing with a ball, when it had bounced into the well. I remember looking down the well wondering where it would lead too. I had climbed in, and carefully made my way towards the bottom, which was a whole lot longer than i thought it would be. I was at the bottom with the ball, with no way out. I remember crying for hours, when a small head had poked over the opening, his dog ears twitching. He had put his hand down the well, and I had taken it. My mother always said don't talk to strangers, but this felt different. I felt the "spark" people talk about when you first touch that special someone.

"My names Kagome!" I said, "Thank you for your help." I wiped the tear stains on my cheeks away.

He picked up the ball, and had started passing it to me. I remember his mother had been there, and had been watching us play together. I remember her telling me Inuyasha was shy, and never really had a "real" friend before because he was a half demon, and people judged him for that.

He had helped me get out of the well that day, and changed my life and he never knew. And he hadn't even said a single word.

"You remembered.." I said and he nodded. Kimi had been chasing after a butterfly when I called her over. Inuyasha, Kimi and I had taken a walk, and we were now in front of the secret tree.

"Kotomi, you know how you always wondering about your father?" I asked her, taking the silly hat off her head. Kimi had nodded and I smiled at her. "Well hes been apart of your life for a while now, he wasn't there at first, because mommy made a mistake, because I was scared." I said looking up at Inuyasha, "But mommy was being silly. Your father is a great father, and wants to be apart of your life. Kotomi.. your father is Inuyasha." I said and Kimi had looked up at Inuyasha. A big smile spread across Kimi's face as she jumped towards Inuyasha, giving him a giant hug. Inuyasha had taken her into a hug, and he was holding her tight. Both looking the happiest I had ever seen them. Everything was going to be alright after all. We could be a big happy family, if bridezilla wasn't in the way.


I was asked if this was a Inuyasha and Kagome fanficton, or Inuyasha and Kikyo. It is most definitely a Inuyasha and Kagome story. (:
Please review ! xoxo