This is the first chapter to a new story I've been working on. It is somewhat AU but will still stick to some major parts of the show. I really hope that you will enjoy it as much as I've enjoyed writing it so far. I'm currently in school so I don't know how frequently updates will be but there shouldn't be any longer AT MOST than a week and a half to two weeks. Please review and comment, they are always helpful and motivating. Thanks! =D

What Do You Got
"If you ain't got someone, you're afraid to lose.
Everybody needs just one, someone... to tell them the truth."
- What Do You Got, Bon Jovi

My eyes race back and forth the room to find something recognizable as I sit up. I look down to find myself covered in an unfamiliar blue almost paisley patterned sheet and, I pause for a moment as it takes me to realize that I'm completely nude, nothing. 'Where the heck are my clothes?'

Once again I'm frantically scanning the fairly dark room, this time I'm searching for the necessity of my clothing. After a moment I eventually find my clothes in a pile near the doorway, intermixed with clothes that definitely aren't my own but yet seem vaguely familiar.

I decide it would be wise to actually take in the other aspects of the room before attempting to silently cross it. It doesn't take long for my breath to be taken away, causing myself to release an uncontrollable gasp.

As my eyes meet the sight of the absolutely breathtaking Latina who lays sound asleep beside me, my mind begins to catch up with reality. 'Oh my god, Arizona, what did you do?'

Making my way cautiously across the room the loud house music booming in my ears, the bass pounding sporadically creating a non-sense pattern that some how fit to the main melody of the song, I can't focus on anything but getting to the bar because the music was the only thing that was fully coherent in my mind.

I couldn't believe I was doing this. Going to clubs was not my thing; I was the girl who stayed home on Friday nights in high school and university. But here I am, going out to a club, alone, in a city I've only been in for a few days.

Kate, one of my coworkers from my last job, who was also the closest thing I had to a best friend, had told me that if I was going to be in Seattle I had to go here at least once before I started work and life got hectic, but here I am and I can't figure why she told me I had to come.

As I finally reach the dimly lit bar and take a seat I take the time to investigate the club more while I wait for the bar tender to come my way. The room is lit with black lights and the occasional light box on the wall. It was becoming harder to find reason for Kate to suggest this place to me the longer I looked around; what did this place have that the other didn't?

"Drink?" I'm taken out of my reverie as a deep voice intrudes my thoughts.

"Long Island Iced Tea, please." I hold out my money and barely get the words out of my mouth before the bar tender grabs the bill from my hand and is gone once again.

Thankfully, the speakers emitting the music is on the other side of the club making it possible for me to actually think of something other than the club and bar itself. But unfortunately, that causes my nerves to flare up as my mind immediately goes to work, of all things, it goes to work.

I had visited Seattle Grace this morning for a couple of hours to make sure I didn't get lost on my official first day but I still hadn't gotten an exact feel for the place. The Chief of Surgery managed to remind me of my father, he was a "No non-sense" kind of man, which some how caused me to bring myself here; the authority issues caused me to leap, and here was where I landed.

Luckily before my mind protrudes any further into the issue I'm surprising able to hear the distinct clink of a glass and change landing on the bar counter in front of me. Before I even get to say thank you or flash a polite smile the bar tender is gone once again. Looking down at the bar counter I'm surprisingly disappointed to find a tumbler of what I assume is a rum and coke instead of my Long Island Iced Tea.

"Uhm," I don't even get a chance to think of anything more as a voice speaks accompanied by a warm captivating chuckle. "I do believe that is mine."

I turn my head to find a striking raven haired Latina standing directly behind me, looking at me with warm russet eyes that matched her laughter and a blush that was slowly creeping across her face. "And this," She holds out a tall highball glass to me in one hand and change in the other, "is yours."

My mind momentarily goes back in time to a few moments before as I flash her a charming dimpled smile, if I had doubts before I didn't now, this place definitely had something the other's didn't … her.

As my mind leaves last night's events and begins to take in the current version of her, even with last night's make up on she's still stunning as she sleeps, I get distracted. In a room filled with the darkness of black and blue, striking red numbers that read 6:32 cause another frenzy to begin.

'Today is your first day! You can't be late!' I mentally chastise myself as I notice the time. My mind is beginning to race once again, bombarding myself with questions I know I don't know the answer to; 'How do I get back to my apartment?', 'How far away am I?'.

Glancing back at the clock once again I realize that three minutes have managed to slip by while I was interrogating myself making it now 6:35. Knowing that I wasn't going to be able to get any answers to these questions if I kept sitting here I do the only thing I possibly can do.

I'm painstakingly slow as I crawl out of the bed, somehow my eyes never avert from the woman who was lying next to me, which also slows me down, as I make my way to the pile of clothes near the end of the bed.

It is only after pulling on my clothes before I'm about to head out the door and I take one last glance her, unable to tear my eyes away from her for too long, that I recognize what it was I was about to do. I was about to have a one night stand. No, Arizona Robbins didn't have one night stands, I sure wasn't about to start now; especially not with her.

"So Dr. Robbins, Dr. Kenley had a very large case load and so I'm going to have one of our senior residents take some on of his cases so you can ease yourself into the swing of things here. Do you think that would be acceptable?" Dr. Webber's strong voice travels across his desk entering my ears.

"Yes, Sir, this is a teaching hospital and giving the residents the opportunity to be responsible is a part of teaching. So yes, that is perfectly acceptable." I give the chief an appropriate professional smile.

"Okay, then now that's settled we can go upstairs so I can introduce you to the residents and the nurses." He says with a smile to mirror my own.

"Sounds like a plan, Sir." I say as I stand up out of my seat to follow the example of Dr. Webber who has done the same.

After we leave his office it doesn't take long before we take an unscheduled pit stop. "Ah, Dr. Robbins, there's two people I'd really like you to meet." The Chief says before grabbing the attention of a tall man with ice blue eye and dark salt and peppered hair. "Dr. Sloan, mind if I borrow you for a moment? You too Torres, of course." He says with a smile chuckle.

"Not a problem, Chief." The tall man looks at the Chief before quickly taking notice of me and beginning to smirk.

I only now become aware of the other figure that had been partially behind him as the dark haired woman turns around. My heart stops for a moment I'm sure as I become face to face with her. She gives me a welcoming smile but shows no sign of recognition.

It takes me a moment to wipe away the look of disappointment that has been spread across my face and replace it with a fake smile. Sure, I had left without her being awake, but I hadn't been expecting to be forgotten.

"This is Drs. Mark Sloan and Callie Torres. Dr. Sloan is our Head of Plastics and Dr. Torres is our top orthopedic senior resident."

With the mention of her name my mind travels back to last night once again.

"Uh, thanks." I can feel the blush beginning to creep across my own cheeks. I hesitantly take my class from her hand as I hold out my other one for her to place the change in.

"This seat taken?" She motions to the empty stool next to me at the bar that I hadn't noticed until now.

"Nope, it's perfectly vacant." The words come out of my mouth before I get a chance to think about it. 'Perfectly vacant? What the heck, Arizona? Are you a freaking British Ivy Leaguer?'

"Do you mind?" She says as she inches slowly towards the seat.

"Sure, have a seat." I carefully slide her drink and change across the counter so that it is in front of her as she takes a seat next to me. "I wouldn't have taken you for the Cuba Libre type, but then again everything isn't always way it seems?" I can't help but smirk.

"You do have a point. I wouldn't have taken you as the type to come to a club on a weeknight, or at all. But things aren't always as they seem, am I correct?" She plays along giving me a quick wink. She then takes a quick sip of her drink as she turns in her stool so that she's on an angle, making her closer to me, cutting herself off from the people on the other side of her; it was a confident gesture, almost as if to say that she would have minded if someone else tried to take my attention.

"That you are," I say with a slight nod before taking a sip of my own drink, "though I'm surprised to find myself here to be honest."

"And why would that be?" She asks with a curious tone.

"I'm new to the city for one, and two." I pause for a moment to consider what I could say without going off on a tangent. "Well, that's just a long story."

Without missing a beat, she pulls up her sleeve slightly to reveal a watch. "Well, I think we've got time." She chuckles.

"I only tell that story to people of who actually have a name, sorry. And from our conversation so far, to me it seems that you don't have one." I say with a look of fake disappointment on my face, tilting my head to the side slightly.

"Callie." She says sticking her hand out for a handshake, "Callie Torres."

"Nice to meet you, Callie Torres." I say before reaching my own hand out and taking hers.

As I take her hand it is as if I'm being injected with every 'feel good' drug there is; butterflies are fluttering like mad around my stomach, surely doing somersaults. I can feel the blush beginning to creep across my face once again, this time I can tell it's more noticeable this time as my face feels significantly warmer then it had before. I find myself having the urge to hold on to her hand and never let go.

"It's nice to meet you." I stick out my hand for a professional handshake, even though I'm very anxious to feel those butterflies flutter and my heart quicken. "Dr. Arizona Robbins."

My handshake that was directed at Callie is quickly intercepted by Dr. Sloan. "Mark Sloan. What specialty?" He asks almost slyly as shakes my hand.

I open my mouth to answer him but Callie swiftly interjects as Dr. Sloan lets go of my hand. "As you can see by the monkey and the elephant, I would say Dr. Robbins is the new Head of Pediatrics. Am I right Dr. Robbins?" She gives me a quick wink.

I can't help but let out a nervous laugh as she sticks her hand out to shake mine. "You would be right about that, Dr. Torres." My voice is almost shaking as my mind begins to race.

'Does she remember me?' 'Why isn't she completely acknowledging me? Is she hinting, or is she just naturally this way?'

I don't get a chance to think about it any more as her hand comes in contact with mine, the butterflies distract me to bring my mind to a completely different level of thought.

"It was nice meeting you, Dr. Robbins. Mark and I have surgery in a half an hour so we need to get going. I'm sure we'll see you around later." She gives me another smile as she lets go of my hand. "Chief. Dr. Robbins." Callie nods in our direction before quickly grabbing hold to Mark's elbow and begins to drag him through the surgical floor lobby.

I can't help but stare almost longingly as she walks away, hoping we'll be able to speak again soon. I hope to have conversations with her that she'll actually remember. The beginning of our first actual conversation begins to swim to the surface of my consciousness.

I find myself slightly embarrassed as she begins to pull away hesitantly as she looks me in the eye after realizing we've been holding hands for longer than society suggested for an introductory handshake.

"It's traditional after someone gives them your name for you to give your own, I do believe." Callie chuckles with a somewhat of a goofy grin.

I open my mouth to reply but shut it once again to allow myself to think of a sensible rebuttal before speaking. "I only for yours, you didn't ask for mine. Besides, my name isn't one of the most common names you see people in our generation with."

"Well I'm sure it's not as unusual as Picabo Street, is it?" She chuckles once again, at her reference to the famous American skier.

"No, it's not that bad. But to some people it would be pretty close, personally I like it, but it's still embarrassing."

"Then what am I supposed to call you then?" She gives me a curious look once again.

"Hmm, I'll have to think about that one." I chuckle before taking another sip of my drink.

"Whatever, Long Island." She rolls her eyes before giving me a smirk and taking a sip of her own drink, causing me to nearly choke on my own. "What? That's not really your name is it?" Her warm russet eyes are open wide in surprise, causing butterflies to flutter around in my stomach once more.

"No, it's not. I'm more of a west coast kind of girl." I say with a slight chuckle.

"Hey, we east coasters aren't that bad you know." Callie says with a look of slight intimidation on her face.

"Oh, you're not from Seattle?" I can't help but look at her with a look of confusion. "I never would have suspected that."

"Well what gave it away?" She begins to chuckle again, "The raven black hair? The ochre skin?"

I can't help but blush for a second time, "You do have a point there. Where are you from then?"

"I grew up in Miami and stayed there until a few years ago actually. My life was about to change a lot so I thought 'Why not have a change in scenery as well?' And I've never regretted it."

"That sounds like a good life. I never stayed in one place for more than eighteen months growing up. I definitely think would have really enjoyed staying in one place."

"Moving that much and you never lived on the East Coast?"

"Oh I have, only it was the North East, being a military kid it's impossible to miss D.C or Norfolk."

"Oh you were an army brat? Definitely didn't see that one coming considering you said you weren't the type to go out to clubs, in my personally experience that definitely isn't the case." I can hear the embarrassment in her voice as she finishes her sentence. I don't get a chance to respond as her hand fly ups to her mouth. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean." Callie's unable to finish her sentence out of mortification.

"Callie, its o-" I don't get a chance to finish my own as she interrupts my reply.

"I'm so sorry. My mouth tends to keep going when my brain is telling it to stop. It doesn't like to explain itself very well. I keep going on and on with out a good explanation for what I'm saying. It's like I'm ranting, well almost." Her cheeks have become noticeably red now as she takes a breath, "And I have a feeling that I'm doing it right now, but I can't seem to come up with something to stop this conversation. And,"

"Shh." No matter how much I find her rambling endearing, I can't let her torture herself any longer. I place a finger to her lips to stop her from speaking; finding her lips surprisingly moist against the edge of my finger.

"Callie, it's okay. I've heard a lot worse." I give her a dimpled smile as I unenthusiastically pull my finger okay. My eyes meet hers, immediately making me feel as if I had adrenaline coursing through my veins. "For future reference, I was a Marine Brat, and a proud one at that."

Callie chuckles at my attempt to make a joke of things. "See," I can't help but place my hand against her now slightly hot cheek. "That's better. No harm done."

At my own words I have a feeling that this night is going to be a long one and this conversation will only be a tiny blimp upon its radar.