There once lived a young boy named Sephiroth. His one true dream was to become a Pokémon master. He woke up on his 10th birthday, and was so excited that he could finally go out and achieve his life-long dream. He put on his clothes that he would wind up wearing for his entire quest to become Pokémon master. He put on his Vibram Five-Finger shoes, and began to head downstairs.

As he went down the steps, his mother, still mad at Sephiroth for his choice of life, confronted him before he left the house.

"Sephy," his mother said. "Please, reconsider this, being a Pokémon master is not a good-paying job." Sephiroth has been told this for years, every time more annoying than the last. "Why don't you be a lawyer… or a butcher?"

"Because mom," Sephiroth said. "I'm a big kid now!" he stormed out the door with all his worldly possessions, as his mother sat is disgust, hoping to never see him again.

Sephiroth went to Professor Oak, while his rival, Uncle Phil, drove by with his new Pokémon. Sephiroth ran up to the lab, where Oak left a note for Sephiroth saying, "Dear Sephiroth, I'm too busy making out with a very sexy octopus to give you a Pokémon in person. Please take this pokeball containing the last Pokémon I have left, an Obama." Sephiroth grabbed the pokeball with pride, and strolled out into the wilderness.

Within his first five steps into the grass, he found a Pikachu. Sephiroth always wanted a Pikachu, so he sent out his Obama, and a battle began between the Obama and the Pikachu.

"Obama, use Growl!" Sephiroth exclaimed. Little did he know that Obama is worse than Magikarp, all it ever does is an attack called Suicide. Pikachu responded by using Super-Mega-Death-Ray of-Doom (a new attack in Pokémon Black and White), which swiftly killed Obama.

Sephiroth was speechless, not even 5 minutes into his Pokémon career and his journey was over… or was it? Sephiroth did what he did best. He threatened to kill Pikachu's family if he did not team up with him. Pikachu loved his family more than anything, so he agreed to work for Sephiroth.

For years, the two worked to become Pokémon masters, collecting gym badges, catching every Pokémon, defeating his rival Uncle Phil several times.

After years, he was down to the final trainer, known to be the best around. Sephiroth went into the castle, and saw someone he never expected to see after they last met… his mom. She said "Hello son…"

"Mom?" Sephiroth screamed.

"That's right son," she said with a small grin on her face, haunting Sephiroth's mind. "I'm the unquestionable god of Pokémon. I'm going to strike a deal with you. If you win, you take my spot, and I go away forever. If I win though, you leave Pokémon forever, and go to college to become a lawyer or a butcher."

"Very well," Sephiroth responded. "LET THE GAMES BEGIN!" He exclaimed.

His mother easily defeated him, so he and his Pikachu left each other. Sephiroth became the dark lord of sin, and a part time lawyer. His mother is still the undisputed ruler of the Pokémon world. As for Pikachu, he became the Vice President of France.