Disclaimer: Not mine- all of this belongs to the immeasurably talented Rumiko Takahashi, etc.


150 word drabble- a moment from Purity between the first and second chapters that didn't fit and has been pruned down to a nice bite-size piece. InuKag.

The fine hairs dusting the back of her neck stood on end and the miko glanced up from her history book, only to be caught in his amber eyes like a fly in tree sap. Lured in by the promise of sweetness and trapped, frozen in time. Why do I let myself keep doing this?

"Kagome. You okay?"

"Sure, Inuyasha. I'm fine."

He's never going to let go of her. I'm an idiot for staying, for letting myself feel like this! Tears pricked and threatened to fall. Kagome brushed them away impatiently. Not happening. I'm not going to cry in front of him!

"Hey… I found this, last time you went home. It reminded me of you."

A dog figurine! Just like the one I found last year at the markets. He remembered?

"Thanks Inuyasha. It's beautiful."

"I thought you'd like it."

I like that you remembered even more, Inuyasha.

AN: I sincerely doubt anyone's really going to be interested in these little snippets, but I thought I'd make a place for them anyway.