DISCLAIMER: MR belongs to JP. The man belongs to Freddy. The weird guy that keeps stalking you :P

They made me turn into this. Into this... blood-thirsty monster. A monster who needed the shed of blood, and yet even that wasn't enough. Even death couldn't compensate to what they did to me.

"Subject 1. How nice it is to finally see you in person. I've heard a lot about you."

My hands were chained against the wall, spread eagled. Ironic, eh? Nothing else was keeping me there except the chains. Nothing usually kept me there. But these were the strongest chains I had ever come across.

"I would like to ask, exactly, what you feel the need to accomplish being out in the open world."

I stayed silent, refusing to lift my gaze from the floor.

"Many have said that you were the one to save the world. But you had to escape to save the world. I don't care what they say about you. I want to know what you think."

When I didn't reply, the man obviously got irritated, walking up to me, trying to get into my face.

"Why? Love? Freedom? Anger? Justice? Why do you persist on keeping just a step ahead of it? WHY DO YOU PERSIST?" He yelled, obviously getting sick of the silent treatment.

When I replied, my voice was dark, deep, and husky. "Because I choose to."

As I said it, I raised my head to stare the man straight in the eye. He stumbled back, whether surprised or frightened I'm not sure. Then he made the biggest mistake.

Before he closed the door and threw his walkie-talkie, gun and taser into the hallway. Subsequently, the Eraser that was in charge of the door had decided to take a coffee break, leaving only me and this man. As I said, big mistake. Being here for 2 months had it's advantages. I knew exactly how long it would take to snap this chains in half, even though they were the strongest I had ever come across.

I started pulling, getting the rewarding creek of the strength being applied.

"what are you doing?"

I held my gaze on the floor as the chains snapped. Landing with a thud, I held my position while the man continued to pound the door. But as I said. The Eraser had taken a lunch break.

I felt him turn to stare at me, crouching on the floor. I snapped my wings out, only just grazing the walls with my 15ft wing-span.

"No..." the man whispered, crawling into the corner on his hands and knees. In a mere second, I had him in a head lock. "don't kill me." he pleaded. I almost laughed.

And that was when the door miraculously opened. I don't know who, how or why it happened, it just opened.

"you will be hunted, subject one!" the man warned, tears pouring out of his eyes. I lowered my head, right down to his ear so he could hear how lightly I was breathing compared to his.

I twisted his head and laughed at the sound of the crack. But before I snapped his head I had said one simple sentence.

"my name... is Max."

A.I :)

Short first chapter. I like to keep it as it is in the MR books - short chapters, but many chapters.

Review - tell me what you think!