Disclaimer: I am Not the Author of any of the stories I write about and there for Do Not Own any rights to any of the Orginial Stories and/or Characters.

"I try to take life one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once."-Ashleigh Brilliant

I was official frustrated. I can't believe it his such a jerk the fact that he could do that to me and think he was going to get away with it, well then he had another thing coming. I should just do want I want from now on if his going to pull some crap like this. Pulling me aside and whispering good night to me! We're not even dating... When I think about I guess we kind of could be. I know we were friends he made that clear a long time ago when he told me I loved his brother and not him. I know now that wasn't the truth but at the time I didn't know. I mean yeah I don't have time to go on any dates but that's because when the guys from school would ask me out I would already have dinner plans, or already seen that movie or gone to the museum or art showing, etc., etc.

I was laying there trying to see the plain ceiling I couldn't see in the dark room. Why can't he just say what he wants with me? Why does he have to make everything so difficult? Well I guess I have to be the one to do something about this. "Well I'll show him" I muttered under my breathe as I sat up flipping my covers back on my bed, turning to the nightstand to grab my phone off the charger to use as a flash light and put my feet on the floor. I made it out of the girl's bedroom without making too much noise but Ayako and Masako where such heavy sleeper it wouldn't of mattered.

I was about to walked straight into the room leading to the base but leaned up against the wall and thought 'Better not put too much energy into this that might tip him off to something and what if he already went to bed than this would be a wasted effort and I don't want disappointment written all over my face if Lin was the only one in the base and not the raven hair and blue eyes with glares that could melt ice of my boss Naru. I turned off my phones light to adjust my eyes to the dark so the bases light would seem bright to me even though I knew Naru only had half the lights in the base would be on, making it dark like his layer I mean office.

I opened the base door lazily and stepped in just my luck; just who I was looking for. I almost smiled I was about to greet him instead he spoke "Is there something I can help you with Mai?" I sighed this was going to be interesting "Well kind of but I don't think you'll be happy with me." "..." He stopped what he was doing for a second to think about what I said and then went back to working. "Because it's important to me to do this but I don't think you'll feel the same way." He turned to smirk at me and said "Your right for once I'm sure about that but I'll be the judge of what's important to me." Naru turned back to the monitors and finish his thought "So go ahead with what you need and be done with it. I don't have time for.."

I slide in between his chair and the table with the monitors on it. I sat on the edge of the table. (I'm glad I wore a pajama set with shorts and not my nightgown.) I pressed my knees on the fronts on the arm rest so I was still higher up than him if I wanted to keep control of this situation I had to be the one towering over the other it looked like he was going to ask me what I was doing and if I'd gone mental and that's when I went in for the "kill". I brought my hands up to caress his handsome jaw line with my fingers and to rake them into his baby soft hair and inclined my face to the point where our lips wearing touching while I did that. Of course I closed my eyes so I didn't have to see his expression I'm sure he was going to be so angry with me. I was going to enjoy this moment no matter what. I felt his body relax so that was a good sign I hadn't noticed that I was tense so I relaxed my body and leaned into him more. Which propelled us away from the table so now my legs needed something to lean against. So I brought them in a little and they slide comfortably on either side of Naru's. So now I was straddling not sitting on his lap I didn't know yet if I wanted to go any further than this at the moment so sitting won't be a good idea. I knew when I finished with molesting Naru I was going to just getting up and walk out without looking into his eyes so I pulled away and looked at his lips and then kissed them once more as I plucked my hands out of his locks withdraw them and rested one on his cheek for one last peck and the proceeded to get up and walk out.

I was at the base door with it open when he came up behind me {was it just me or was Naru turning into a ninja I didn't even hear him get up} and grabbed my hand to turn me around but we heard a noise it was from one of the temperature gauges' and he dragged me with him back to the monitors because he had a hold if my hand and he wouldn't let go. We were checking over the monitors together checking to make sure we didn't miss anything. He let go of my hand so that he could look for the room with the temperature drop; now was work not playtime. "Mai do you see anything." he sat back in his chair while I was still standing looking over the monitors again for something, anything. "No I don't (gasped, spoke too soon) right there monitor-camera 6 the lens is foggy as if someone breathing on the lens but it's below freezing in that room." "Got it." he brought it up on one of the bigger screens on the bottom row of the monitors and started a better quality recording with sounds and audio and sat back in his chair all the way. We watched.

The ghost was now coming closer to the camera ghosting back and forth across the cameras line of sight like it was pacing the room. I sat down and watched with my hand semi covering my mouth. It got in the cameras "face" and said "I'm watching you just like your watching ME!" A cackling laugh was heard as it disappeared from sight. I had to admit I jumped a little at this is, still awes me to this day seeing ghost. "Very interesting." I didn't notice hands reaching around my body to get to the keyboard in front of me to stop the feed and save it with the time and date on it and a brief summary of what happened and who was there to see it. I had to say it even though to seemed obvious."So you think it's toying with us? That it doesn't want to leave and obviously knows we're here?" "Indeed it looks that way."

I noticed two things at once. First, that the typing stopped and something or someone was pressed against my back. Second, was that I had sat in Naru's chair with Naru in it. "Mai?" his voice sweet, ah oh! I gulped "yes?" I could feel his breathe on my ear now, arms starting to hug me from behind "Now tell me, where you going to leave me all alone after what you did earlier?" "Ah, maybe? Sorry?" He kissed side my neck and I shivered all the way down to my core. With an open mouth kiss he grazed his teeth back and forth against my neck, his teeth where silky smooth and sent small shivers up and down my spine. He chuckled once "Oh yes your defiantly going to be sorry for even thinking of doing that."

I was not laughing he meant business I had played with fire and I am now officially going to get burned! His right arm still in circled my waist his left came up the inside the back of my night shirt his soft and slender yet manly hand trailed up and down my spine with his fingertips. I gasped again arching myself forward so now there was a dip where my spinal column was half way up my back. I was now looking in the monitors which were now in sleep mode looking at Naru's reflection which was staring at my back like he could see my skin thought my shirt. Oh gosh I hope not. I closed my eyes so I wouldn't get caught looking at him and so I could focus on breathing right. He picked up my body like it weighted no more than a sack of potatoes and sat me back down on the front part of his legs so I wasn't sitting up against his chest in the chair. Now there was space between us. And before I knew it he had my pajama shirt off of me and crumbled up on the table in front of us and his hands snaked up the front of my body to cover my breast as he begin to kiss my back all over leaving trails of different types of kisses everywhere he could as I let out a moan because the feel of his soft lips on my back was unbelievable. Thank god he covered my breasts with his hands because if he hadn't the cold air hitting my skin while he was doing this to me would of made my nipple hard. It was amazing he was kissing my right shoulder blade and the top of that shoulder "MMM!" with my lips closed was all could say afraid of what would happen if I opened my mouth to moan.