A/n here we go the last chapter. I want to thank all of you for your wonderful review especailly Starzinmieyez who I never get to thank b/c they are annoymous but Starzinmieyez thank you very much. Enjoy and remember it's all Disney's
Ch 20 Remembering the God
As Kovu and Nala got back to Priderock they gently placed Simba down on the ground of the cave. "Zazu get Rafiki," Nala ordered.
"Yes of course at once," the hornbill said flying off to fetch the mandrill.
"Kali honey you should sit down," Nala instructed her son who was swaying slightly.
"I'm fine Mom," Kali said but sat down anyways next to his father who had gone to sleep.
"Don't worry kiddo your Dad's strong. He'll pull through," Kovu reassured Kali putting his paw around the young lion.
"I know Kovu," Kali said softly. Just then Rafiki came into the cave to examine Simba and Kali shooing the rest of the pride out so he could do so.
Nala and Kovu sat outside waiting for what seemed like hours. Then Kali came out his face and backside bandaged. Nala ran up to her son and asked "How's your father doing?"
"Rafiki was still looking at him," Kali said. "He made me leave though I guess I was in the way. But he told me I'm going to be fine. But I'll have some cool looking scars on top of the ones I already have."
"You're quite the little fighter aren't you?" Kovu asked rubbing the reddish fluff on top of Kali's head.
"Dad is too," Kali said seriousily brushing Kovu's paw away gently.
"Of course," Kovu said also serious. Just then Tama came up to Kovu with Jasiri right next to her. "How's Simba doing?" the rusty-brown lioness asked.
"Rafiki's still examing him," Kovu replied, his green eyes filled with worry.
"Kovu don't worry. Simba's a fighter. He'll pull through," Tama said gently nuzzling Kovu.
"I know," Kovu said returning the nuzzle. "You're absolutly right Tama." Tama smiled back at him and was about to say more when Rafiki came out. "How's he doing?" Kovu asked, concerned.
"De King will be fine," the old monkey replied. "It was pretty close there but old Rafiki knows a ting or two about bringing people back from the face of death. But he must rest for at least 2 weeks. No movement at all."
"Thank you so much Rafiki," Nala said smiling. "Can we see him?"
"Of course," Rafiki replied. "And now I shall be on my way. I will return to check on de King and Prince in a couple of days." With that the old monkey took off for his home while Nala, Kali, and Kovu all went in to be with Simba.
At the end of the two weeks Rafiki gave permission for Simba to walk outside the cave. Simba had Zazu gather all the animals around for Kiara's memorial service. Simba was stronger now and was able to stand in front of his subjects, by himself, and his pride to remember his fallen daughter. Before he began he turned to Kovu and said, "Are you Ok?"
"I don't know," Kovu said with a sigh. "I still miss her I guess and I'll always love her. But I know she's gone and it was nessary. But it's still hard ya know?"
"Yeah I do know," Simba replied with sadness. "But we must go forward and try to move on with our lives." Kovu nodded in agreement. So Simba walked to the edge of Priderock where Nala was waiting and began the memorial service. "Kiara was a sweet, caring child who reminded me so much of myself when I was a cub," Simba was saying with a slight smile. "I was so proud of her and everything she did even as an adult." Simba's voice caught in his throat and he paused for a moment. Then once he regained his composure the King continued, "But she had a darkness inside her that nobody could have seen coming. And that was jealousy and hate. And jealousy and hate is what brought her down in the end. I just wish things could have been different. For all of us." Simba stopped unable to keep back the tears and so Nala took this opportunity to speak, "But that's not the Kiara we'll 'll remember the Kiara she was before. The kind, sweet, caring Kiara that we all love. Please remember her like that." With that Nala turned with tears in her eyes to Simba who said to his pride. "For Kiara." The he let out a roar that rang out over the Prideland which the others echoed. "We love you," Simba said looking to the sky the tears falling. "Wherever you are. I hope you know that." With that Simba turned and walked with his mate back into the cave.
The next few months seemed to fly by for Simba. He watched as his son grew from a cub into a full grown adult with a long flowing red mane and a healthy golden coat with some stripey scars running down it along with a few smal scars on his face as well. "I can't believe my son in truning a year old today," Simba thought with a sigh. "Where did the time go?" He looked over at Nala and he could tell his mate was thinking the same thing. This was a very special day for Jasiri as well. Not only was she too turning a year old but it was also the day of her first hunt. She had been successful bringing back a decent sized zebra which she proudly shared with her parents Tama and Kovu, who had taken Jasiri in as his own cub. He and Tama had also just welcomed their own cub into the world a week before, a son which they named Chaka. Simba was gald his former so-in-law was so happy. It made him happy as well. After all he still considered Kovu to be his son after all. What was even better was that Kali and Jasiri's friendship had blossomed and it was very clear that they were falling hard for each other if they wern't alread there. Kali came up to his Dad, as if reading his mind, "Dad can I talk to you?" the Prince asked.
"Of course son," Simba replied with a smile. "What's on your mind?"
"Well I've been thinking a lot lately," Kali began. "Ya know about Jasiri." He looked at his father who urged him to continue. "Well, Dad I think I love her."
"You think?" Simba asked rasing an eyebrow at his son.
"Ok I know I do," Kali admitted with a smile. "Anyways I want to make it official."
"Make what official?" Simba asked although he already had a feeling what it was.
"Well I decided that if it was Ok with you, Mom, and Tama that the next day after the hunt I would like to offically make Jasiri my mate."
"Kali don't you think you're a little young?" Simba asked
"I know but I already talked to Jasiri and she really wants to do it. We really love each other. Please Dad can we do it?" Kali pleaded.
"Well I have to talk to your mother and Tama about this," Simba said. So he went off to discuss this with his mate and Tama. Although they had the same concerns about how young the pair were Nala agreed along with Tama and Kovu although they would insit that Kali and Jasiri wait at least a year to have cubs to which Kali replied, "How about we make it two years." This delighted all parties invloved. So it was agreed and the next day Kali and Jasiri were offically decalred mates. All was well for the royal family. They were finally at peace.
The End
A/n so what'd you guys think? I know kind of sappy right? But I felt it was a fitting ending. Stayed tuned for my next story which is called Love Everlasting and will be up hopefully be up soon until the keep those reviews coming and thank you for reading. This is csinumb3rstlk lover signing off.