Witch Doctor

The Doctor was saying goodbye to Rose for the last time. Rose was trapped in a parallel universe. The Doctor could only say goodbye via hologram.

Rose on the verge of tears asked, "Where are you?"

The Doctor explained, "I'm in the Tardis. I'm communicating via hologram. I'm in orbit over a dwarf star going nova and using the energy to jump start the signal."

He chuckled, "I'm blowing up a star just to say goodbye."

Rose, succumbing to tears managed to tears managed to say, "I love you."

The Doctor, trying to stay strong, chuckled again and said "Rightly so. I suppose, if it's my last chance to say it. Rose Tyler….."

And then the communication ended. He would never see Rose again. The Doctor, with tears flowing down his face, put his hands on his face, pulled them across his face, and suddenly felt very old. He had lost yet another companion.

As The Doctor was lost in thought he didn't notice the big blinking light on the Tardis consol. It was only when it made a loud noise that the Doctor broke out of his daze. The Doctor ran to the consol shouting 'WHAT!"

On the computer screen was showing a SOS. It had a listed the coordinates. Earth, Mid Scottish area, some longitude and latitude, and the year 1998.

The Doctor, all thoughts of Rose temporarily gone from his mind, locked on to the signal and had the Tardis travel there. As the Tardis engines sounded The Doctor took one last look at the screen where it said the message was for someone called "The Sainted Physician" The Doctor blaintly recalled something with a demon and villagers calling him that in the 13th century. The Doctor let out another "WHAT!"

Hermione, Ron, and Harry were running out the back of Hagrid's hut. The execution of Buckbeak was about to begin. Hermione wanted nothing more but to not be here. As Dumbledore, Fudge, and the executioner knocked on the door, Hermione got Ron and Harry and they hid behind giant pumpkins. As Ron and Harry were waiting for the right moment to run, Hermione's head was turned to the forest. She could have sworn she heard something. Then this big roaring noise came from the woods. And then she saw a big blue box in the middle of a field. Before Ron could stop her, Hermione ran for the box. Then the doors opened and a skinny man slept out of the box and looked up.

The Doctor stepped out of the Tardis and looked up. Judging from the astral projection of the stars he could tell the date. The Doctor said, "93 not 98. I always mess up on 90's." He stepped back into the Tardis and closed the door. As the Tardis disappeared, in its place reviled a fourteen year old witch staring in amazement.

Chapter 1

The Doctor stepped out of the Tardis yet again to check if he was in the right time. As he walked for the door he muttered, "Ninth time is the charm."

He opened the door to find he was in the same woods yet again. But it had changed somewhat because there was a young women looking at him this time.

She stared at him in awe and said, "It's you."

The Doctor, puzzled, said, "Hello?"

The young women said, "It's you. The man in the blue box. The Sainted Psychian."

The Doctor said, "Well...only in the mid 13th century. Hello I'm the Doctor. And you are?"

"I'm Hermione Granger."

"Hello Hermione Granger. I don't mean to be rude but what are you?"

"Beg pardon?"

"Very few people know me by that name. And fewer still are still alive to this day. Even less than that would be here at the exact time I get a SOS. How do you know that name and how are you here?"

"I've seen your blue box before. I saw it when I was 14 years old."

"Really?" The Doctor said as he looked at the Tardis.

Hermione continued, "After I watched your box disappear I slowly forgot about it. Speaking of which how does your box disappear is it a Porkey?"

"A what? Never mind continue."

"Anyway I didn't think much of your box until I saw a picture of it in a cathedral in London and it told of the legend of the Sainted Psychian. I did some digging and you've cropped up all over history."

"Yea I do that" The Doctor said with a grin.

Hermione said," But how could you have been in the 13th century Mr.?"

"I told you its The Doctor."

"Doctor what?"

"Just the Doctor. Blimmey people and my name. I simply must have a last name. No one ever questioned Cher."

"I also read you helped Nicholas Flemmel invent a Sorcerer's Stone."

"I did what?"

"Anyway I had simply had so many questions I wanted answered and I had ironically had my wand in my hand when I whished you were here to ask you the questions and your box simply appeared here."

"You're what?"

She took her wand out of her pocket. The Doctor said," What's that?"

"My wand."

"What do you need that for?"

"Uh magic."


At that moment someone on a broom flew overhead.

The Doctor yelled, "What was that?"

"Quidditch tryouts"


The Doctor took out his sonic screwdriver and soniced Hermione up and down.

Hermione, her turn to ask the questions, asked," What's that?"

"Sonic screwdriver."

"And that does?"

"Uh it's a screwdriver that sonic stuff."

The Doctor read the readouts and looked at Hermione in disbelief. He said, "You're not human."