Title: As Long As You're Mine
Author: Perca alannalover
Feedback: Yes please
Summary: Sam and Kurt do a duet together (like they should have in Duets) and things kind of escalate. Not that either of them were complaining.
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee or the characters
Spoilers: Duets
Pairing: Kurt/Sam
Warnings: Slash
Beta'd: Not beta'd
Author's Note: I was really sad that Sam and Kurt didn't get to sing a duet in Duets, but they're singing one here. ENJOY!
"Kurt?" Sam Evans asked coming to stand next to me, "I know you said that we shouldn't do a duet together, but I don't care. I really want to do a duet with you. You're talented, Kurt, and I think our voices would sound good together."
I tried not to beam, "If you really want to, I guess we could. I was only thinking of you when I said that we shouldn't."
He smiled brightly, "Finn told me that you were into Wicked. I thought we could do a song from that."
This time I did beam, "You know Wicked?"
"Not very well, I've heard of it and a couple of the songs. Actually I was listening to one the other day, and I was kind of hoping we could do that one."
Here it was the deal breaker to see if he was gay, "Which one? I listen to all of them."
"As Long As You're Mine. Elphaba and Fiyero sang it."
Defiantly not straight, but just do be sure, "You do know that's a romantic song, right?"
"Yeah, don't they have sex or something after they sing it?"
"Not on stage, but it was meant to be implied." He's into it!
"We on?" He asked.
"My house after school? My dad will most likely be sleeping, but my basement's sound proof."
He nodded, "It's a date."
I know he probably didn't mean it as a date, but you never know. Probably shouldn't tell anybody before I'm sure, but maybe this after noon will make me sure.