Me: Okay, I finished it! Yay! Cue the applause! (crickets chirpping) Oh, ha ha. Very funny. PM me for any ideas on the 'squeakquel' to this story.
"Okay, class. I'm going to pass out your tests, now." Mrs. Sherrer was handing out the science tests that her class took. "Simon, as usual, A+." She gave it to Simon. She then gave the next one to Jeanette, who sat next to Simon. "Jeanette, A+ yet again." She gave Alvin his test. She returned to her desk. The bell rang, but Mrs. Sherrer didn't dismiss the class yet, so no one moved.
"Alvin Seville and Jeanette Miller, I'd like to have a word with you both." Simon looked at Jeanette, who looked at him. They were both surprised, since she never, ever was asked to 'have a word with the teacher.' The rest of the class left.
"Alvin, since your test grade is an F, I'd like for Jeanette to tutor you. That is, if she doesn't mind."
Jeanette shook her head. "I'd be glad to help him, Mrs. Sherrer."
"Thank you, Ms. Miller. You guys may arrange the tutoring, is that alright?"
"Yes, ma'am." They both said.
"Thank you. That's all. Have a nice evening, both of you." And with that, they left her classroom. Simon was waiting outside the school for Jeanette.
"What was that all about?" He asked Jeanette as they walked to the chipmunks' house.
"Mrs. Sherrer gave me an F on my science test, and Jean here's gonna tutor me." Alvin said, answering his question.
"She didn't give you an F, Alvin. You simply earned it." Simon corrected him.
"But…I studied!"
"You studied?" Everyone stopped where they were. That everyone included Simon, Jeanette, and Alvin.
"Yeah, I studied."
Simon just raised his eyebrow. "How long did you study?" Jeanette asked.
"Um…" Alvin muttered something.
"We can't hear you." Simon said, putting his hand to his ear.
"Okay, okay! You got me! I didn't study! There! You happy?"
"I'm just fuzzy all over." Simon sarcastically said, and they continued walking.
When they got to the chipmunks' house, they were the only ones there. Theodore was with Eleanor at her friends' house cooking, and Dave was still at work.
Alvin immediately went to the couch and turned on the TV. Until Simon grabbed the remote from him, and turned it off.
"Ah, ah, ah. You have homework to do. And, don't forget, Jeanette has to tutor you."
"Yeah, yeah. Who are you? My father?"
Simon sighed, and went downstairs to his lab, leaving Jeanette standing in the living room, and Alvin lying on the couch. Alvin grabbed his iPod from his backpack, and turned up the volume.
"Um, Alvin? Don't you think I should be tutoring you?" Jeanette quietly asked.
Alvin didn't hear her. What he did hear was the Gorillaz singing and the banging of the drums. Jeanette knew she had to speak up and do something. She walked over to him.
She tapped his shoulder. Alvin looked up at her and took out his headphones. "Yeah?"
"Um…Alvin, we really need to get to work…" She shyly said.
Alvin sighed in defeat and said, "Okay." He got out his science book, notebook, and pencil, and Jeanette did the same.
"Okay, so Alvin, the monomers of proteins would be…?"
"Um…I'm gonna guess here, so don't start yelling at me. Uh, amino acids?"
"Very good, Alvin!" Jeanette clapped her hands together. Alvin smiled proudly.
"The monomers of nucleic acids are…?"
"Wow, Alvin. I'm impressed!"
"Well, maybe it's because I have a great tutor." Jeanette smiled at him. She then looked up at the clock. It chimed four times, and reminded Jeanette of Miss Miller.
She gasped. "Look, Alvin. I'd love to tutor you some more, but I've got to help Miss Miller with dinner." She grabbed all of her books and put them in her book bag. As she stood up to leave, she was unaware her bag was unzipped, and all her notebooks and books fell out. Jeanette kneeled down to pick them up.
"I'll help you." Alvin kneeled down and picked up a book, but Jeanette already had it. They looked at each other. I've never noticed this before, but…Jeanette has pretty eyes.
Is it me, or does Alvin look…cute? Jeanette stood back up, and was blushing. "Um, I better get going…"
Out of the kitchen, they heard Simon's voice. "Miss Miller just called, guys. She's going to be out of town for a few days, so the chipettes are staying here."
Me: So, the chipettes are staying at the chipmunks' house? Well, you'll find out another surprise in the next chapter…So, go ahead and click that button at the bottom of the screen. I know you want to…