Is This Goodbye?

Annabeth's POV

This was a big decision for me. Either I became a huntress or I didn't. The sky looked lifeless and sad. Just the way I felt. The cloud forming shapes trying to mock me. Percy looked at me with a terrified expression.

The words were stuck in my chest. I, daughter of Athena Godess of Wisdom, didn't know what to do for once. "Well?", asked Artemis. Thalia gave me the thumbs up and Grover gave me a sad smile.

I sighed. " Yes", I said. Artemis smiled and made me say the pledge. As soon as I was done Percy looked down. My heart broke and I couldn't breath. Everything felt wrong and right at the same time. " Oh my Gods Annabeth this is going be great!", exclaimed Thalia. "

"Yeah I hope so", I whispered. After everyone left and I was alone with Percy, he decided to break the silence.

"Is this goodbye then?", he asked. His eyes were red and it was unusual because he never cries. I sighed.

" Y-yea." He looked at me and said " No matter what you decision was I'll always cheer you on Wise Girl". He gave me a fake grin and walked off.

I cried silently to myself as I walked to Thalia's Tree. I saw all the huntresses waiting for me and I gave them a fake smile. I looked at my camp one last time and smiled- a real smile. I grabbed my knife and ran with the huntresses to get ready for my new life.