*obviously the character's are not all mine and I borrowed Nicolette's last name from the movie EverAfter.*

"Nicolette Danielle, your father and I are waiting. We need to get moving if we're going to make it to King's Cross in time for your train."

Nicolette took one last look around her room before smiling and pulling out her wand and sending her trunk down the stairs as she followed.

"I'm coming mum."

Nicolette was glad that she was finally old enough to use magic outside of Hogwarts, it made life a little easier on her. She was starting her seventh year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and she was a little nostalgic. She knew seven years ago when she got her letter, that she was embarking on a life changing journey and now that journey was almost over.

Anne Smith and Rebecca Davies, her two best friends for the past seven years would be waiting for her at the train station. They always sat together on the train ride, even after Anne had been made prefect in their fifth year. She was going to miss them next year.

"Nicolette, dear," her mum said as she rounded the corner into the living room. "You can't do that here, you'll get in trouble."

"I told you mum, it's okay now. I am of age in the wizarding world," she reminded her mother as she set the trunk down next to the door. "Although, I suppose that I will have to carry it to the car so the neighbors don't see."

"That was what I meant dear," her mum said with a smile. "You have been using magic here for almost two months now; I remember how old you are. And I even remember how convenient some of that magic is, but we need to get going so you aren't late."

"Mum," she said as she reached for the handle on her trunk to pull it out of the house. "You do realize that I could just apparate there and save time, right?"

"Yes dear. I again remember, but this is important for me. My baby girl is starting her last year at school and even though I can't do the same things that you can, I love you and I want to see you off one last time." Katherine knew that her daughter really just wanted to see her friends and didn't realize what this day was for a parent.

"But mum," Nicolette said as she and her mother went outside to find her father clearing out the car trunk. "I'll be home for Christmas break."

"Nicolette Danielle, stop arguing with your mother," her father said as he extracted himself from within the trunk. "We have already told you that you don't have a choice in the matter, we are taking you to the train station just like we took you your first year. Now give me your trunk and get in the car."

Nicolette smiled at her father and kissed him on the cheek before doing as he said.

"Luc, how is it that she always does what you tell her, but she wants to argue with me," Katherine asked her husband.

"Daddy's girl dear," he said with a wink.

Katherine chuckled at her husband before getting into the front passenger seat of their car.

Luc finished shoving the trunk into the car and shut the lid before he took and deep breathe and went and got in the car to take his daughter to school for the last time.

"Okay," Luc said as they began their three hour drive into London. "Remind us what you have going on this year at school."

"Oh well," Nicolette started. "Most importantly I have NEWTS, my Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests, and if I can pass those then I can go into healer training next year."

"And you said a healer is like a doctor, right," Katherine asked.

"Yeah, I can't wait to find out who the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is either. And I am sure that Angie and Allie will make me, Anne and Beccs be at every Quidditch game, so we will have a lot to cheer about I am sure."

The three hour trip continued in much the same fashion as the three made their way into London.

"Come on mum," Nicolette said as she followed her father who was pushing the trolley with her trunk on it through the crowded train station.

"Look," her mother said. "There is Mary Ann Wood, and her son. I wonder where Derrick is."

Nicolette looked in the direction that her mother was pointing and tried not to stare at the very cute brunette who was walking with his mother in the same direction they themselves were heading in.


"Mum," Nicolette said to her mum. "Don't call them over, please," she pleaded with her mother.

"Why not," her mother asked. "I enjoy speaking with Mary Ann. She keeps me updated on your world when you're at school."

"I know but," Nicolette started but stopped as she saw that the woman her mother had beckoned was very close now. "Mrs. Wood, it's nice to see you."

"You too dear," Mary Ann said. "Katherine how are you, ready to send these two off for the last time?"

"I'm not so sure," Katherine responded. "I think that I would prefer Nic to be four again rather than 17, my baby is all grown up."

"I know," Mary Ann said. "Mine too."

"Dear," Luc said. "I know you are glad to see Mary Ann," he nodded a greeting at her before looking back at his wife. "But in order for these two to actually make their train we need to get moving."

"Yes, dear."

The group started moving through the train station again before anyone said anything again. Nicolette glanced at the young man who had been pushing his trolley and walking beside her father. 'He looks even better than I thought he would,' she thought.

"Mary Ann, where is Derrick today?"

"Oh, well he's at work," she responded with a slight look of concern on her face. "I will tell you about it when we get onto the platform."

Katherine just nodded her head. The group was finally approaching the barrier to the platform and needed to be cautious as the station was crowded today.

"Oliver son," her dad said. "You lead the way, we will follow."

"Yes sir," Oliver went through the barrier and the others followed him onto platform 9 3/4.

As Nicolette crossed through the barrier she looked up and met Oliver's blue eyes before quickly looking for her parents.

"Mum," she said as she approached her mother. "I'm going to put my trunk on the train."

"Okay dear, but make sure you come back to say goodbye."

Nicolette nodded her head before she turned to find that Oliver had taken her trunk from the trolley her father was pushing and had put it on his.

"I can do that Oliver," she said.

"It's okay, Stewart owled this morning and said that we were all going to sit together for our last ride anyways, so they're going to the same place," Oliver didn't even glance back at her as he left her standing with their parents while he pushed their trunks onto the Howgarts Express.

"Thanks," she mumbled.


Nicolette turned around to see her two best friends running down the platform to her; she smiled and ran toward them. The three crashed into each other hugging and giggling.

"How long have you been here?"

"How was your summer?"

"Was that Oliver I just saw you with?"

The three giggled some more before Anne responded for her and Rebecca.

"I got here about 10 minutes ago and Becs got here, maybe five."

"Good," Nicolette said as she looked at her friends.

"Your turn," Rebecca said.

"Oh," Nicolette said. "My summer was good, to long. I've missed you lot."

"Mmmhmmm," Anne responded. "And what about Oliver?"

"Oh," Nicolette said with a blush. "Yeah that was him. He said Stewart told him we were all going to sit together on the train."

"Yeah," Anne said. "I think that it was Suzanne's idea." Anne smirked at the other two. "I think that it's the only way she can make sure she gets to be in the same compartment as Oliver. Why you two like him is beyond me, I mean there is such thing as too much Quidditich you know."

"What," a voice said from behind Nicolette.

She turned around to see Oliver behind her.

"Oh," Rebecca said. "Um, Anne was just saying that she hopes you boys don't talk too much about Quidditch on the ride to school, we may have to find another compartment if you do."

Nicolette mentally thanked Rebecca's save.

"Nicolette," her mother called. "Your father and I need to leave."

Nicolette walked over to her parents, who were still with Oliver's mum.

"I need to go too Oliver," she said. "Come give me a hug."

Nicolette reached her mum and hugged her.

"Mary Ann has told us about some things that are going on," Katherine pulled back to look in her daughters eyes. "Please be careful this year, make sure you write to us. Study hard and…" she trailed off as the goodbye began to get to her. "I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too mum," Nicolette said as she hugged her mother again before letting go to hug her father. "Daddy," she said quietly.

Luc smiled into his daughters honey colored hair.

"I love you baby," he said holding her tight. "Write to your mother, she worries less when she gets a letter from you." He pulled back and held her face in his hands. "Enjoy this last year at school because, next year you will no longer be a kid. Send Tut if you forgot anything and we will send it back," he hugged her one more time before letting her go.

Katherine took her daughter's hand and squeezed it.

"You should go dear, your friends are waiting for you, and be good."

"Bye mum, dad," Nicolette said as she turned and found that Oliver was waiting a step ahead of her. "Let's go get on the train," she said loud enough for Anne and Rebecca to hear.

The four headed for the train for the last time. As they stepped on the train a shaggy haired blonde teen jumped on behind them.