A/N: It's hard to believe that my friend and I came up with the first chapter as a roleplay idea and I turned it into a real FanFic! Never thought it would turn out this way. I'm glad it did, though!
This final chapter is dedicated to everyone who gave their time to read this story and submit reviews! You guys all rock, and I thank you!
Please enjoy this final chapter :)
10 Years Later
Yamanaka Ino thought of the past ten years that had passed. So much had happened that it felt like it was taken right out of a daytime drama. It seemed suitable though, since she did think of herself as a drama queen.
In a good way.
After a solid year of being committed to eachother, Ino and Itachi broke up for a few months. Ino had made it clear that, to her, being in a relationship meant actually being together almost all the time. Itachi had spent almost two months away from Konoha and Ino due to his duties as a member of the Akatsuki. That was the last straw for Ino, and led to their break up. However, she realized that they needed eachother, no matter what they were going through and no matter where they were. Itachi was never gone for more than a week per month since they reunited as a couple.
Less than a year later, right after Ino turned twenty-two, Itachi proposed. His bouquet of flowers in his hand while down on one knee, in the special spot of the park they first met at, had made her laugh for a few moments before she threw her arms around him, screaming the word yes.
Another year later, Inoichi was seen with tears in his eyes as he walked down the aisle with his one and only beautifully grown daughter holding onto his arm. He kissed her on the cheek before giving her away to the groom.
After the heartfelt yet brief ceremony, everybody left for the reception centre as Inoichi sat alone in his seat, face in his hands. He was sobbing with no embarrassment, claiming he did not want to lose his princess. Itachi stood off to the side and rocked back and forth on his heels awkwardly as his bride comforted her father until he was calm enough to head for the reception, which took no less than forty-five minutes.
All of Ino's friends she had known since she was just a child was there too. It was very nice to see her best friends, Shikamaru and Chouji, suited up for once. After sharing her first dance as a married couple with Itachi, Ino danced with her father, who dashed away halfway through the song due to the waterworks starting up again, and then she danced with both Shikamaru and Chouji. When she reunited with Itachi on the dance floor, she noticed all her friends and teachers she had been close with in high school. Sakura was dancing with Naruto, next to Hinata, who was dancing, and not to mention blushing indescribably, with Shino. Kiba and Akamaru were causing a circus with Lee and Gai-sensei. Kurenai-sensei was dancing with her and Asuma-sensei's son. Tenten was dancing with Neji, and Kakashi-sensei seemed to be dancing by himself while reading a book, blushing and giggling like a little girl once in a while. Everyone else was scattered around either dancing in groups, getting something to eat, or taking advantage of the open bar.
Every member of the Akatsuki was there as well. They had their own table, which was avoided by most of the guests, mostly all the adults, who were not too comfortable and very surprised with such a criminal group being near them. The young female guests of the wedding, oblivious to the reputation of the group, were whispering to each other behind their hands, trying to figure out who was the best looking member in their crisp suits. Deidara and Sasori, were dancing with huge grins, completely oblivious to quite a number of girls taking pictures of them with their cellphones. Kisame and Hidan were flirting with a large number of guests, and Kisame seemed to be winning in popularity, resulting in Hidan swearing so much that a random child threw cake at his face, which only brought up more swearing. Kakuzu was estimating the total cost of the wedding, knowing Ino and Itachi had a budget, but even so the wedding had turned out so magnificently beautiful it was hard to believe they had a budget for cost. Zetsu spent about thirty minutes trying to decide on whether to have the slice of cake with chocolate icing or vanilla icing, since his two halves couldn't agree on one. Tobi was running around throwing flower petals everywhere, overjoyed by the atmosphere he was a part of at the moment. Konan was holding her two year old son, Yahiko, and sitting next to Nagato, smiles on their faces for many reasons.
The most surprising event that had occurred during the wedding was the dramatically and very fashionably late entrance of Uchiha Sasuke. The party basically stopped as everyone noticed him, including the groom and the bride. The whole area went numbly quiet as Itachi let go of Ino's hand and took several steps towards Sasuke, who did the same, and eventually the two met in the middle. After a few awkward moments of the two Uchihas standing there, Sasuke reached out a hand towards his older brother. When Itachi didn't give him his hand, Sasuke gave up and his hand dropped back down to his side. Right then, Itachi leaned forward and embraced his younger brother, no words necessary. Ino smiled, which turned into giggles, and the party was up and running again. She joined her husband and her brother-in-law, who apologized for missing the ceremony but assured her that he wouldn't miss anything else.
One morning, a couple months after their one year wedding anniversary, Ino and Itachi awoke in eachother's arms. They shared a kiss and smiled at eachother, savouring the moment before they had to get out of the warm bed and make breakfast. The moment was soon over as Ino jumped out of her husbands arms and darted for the washroom, her hand covering her mouth. Itachi followed her into the bathroom to find Ino down on her knees, kneeling over the toilet. After releasing all evidence of her sickness, Ino looked up to find her so-called-husband laughing at her.
"What the hell is funny about me throwing up? Does it amuse you that I could be dying?"
"Ino. We both know you are definitely not dying."
At twenty-five, Ino gave birth to her first child, a baby girl. They gave her the name Harumi, meaning "spring beauty". Her hair was the mixture of both her parents' hair; a nice chestnut colour. Her eyes were coloured in a very light shade of purple, which Ino adored and envied greatly. If a stranger had come across Harumi, they would not be able to name who her parents were. However, those who knew who her parents were could say that she was a beautiful child who was an even mix of her father and her mother.
At the age of three, Harumi was graced with a younger brother. Unlike his older sister and much like his mother, Tomoko, which means "child of wisdom", had golden hair. His eyes however were from his father, red with black designs. He, like his sister, was born as a mix of his parents, just in a different way.
Right before their first child was born, Ino and Itachi had moved out of Ino's modern apartment to a modest house in a more suburban area. It was right outside the city, so it was a closer distance to Ino's parents and they could also visit the city often, which was important because Ino could not bear to live without visiting her favourite park at least three times a week. They still kept the apartment, as it held too many memories of the beginning of their relationship. Sometimes, when the kids were off playing around at their grandparents' house, Ino and Itachi went back to the apartment for some alone time.
They still had their fun.
It was a beautiful, hot day in the middle of July.
Ino and Konan were sitting on a blanket under a large tree in the park with their kids. Tomoko was playing with a toy while sitting on Konan's lap and Yahiko was lying on his stomach playing on his Nintendo DS. Harumi was poking Yahiko, trying to divert his attention from his game to her.
"Looks like someone has a crush on Yahiko." Konan smiled at Ino.
"Mommy?" Harumi stopped poking Yahiko and glanced at her mother. "What's a crush?"
"It's nothing, sweetie." Ino reached over and gently brushed Harumi's hair with her fingers and turned back to Konan. "Developing a crush on a guy almost double her age at just five years old. She really is my daughter, isn't she?"
Konan laughed, just as Nagato and Itachi returned from their trip to a nearby ice cream cart.
After snacking on the delicious ice cream, and a shy kiss on Yahiko's cheek by Harumi, the two families said goodbye for the day and parted ways. Ino and Itachi decided to walk through the park before heading back home. Itachi was pushing the stroller carrying a sleeping Tomoko as Harumi ran around the grass, picking up flowers along the way. She handed her small bunch of flowers to her mother and Itachi lifted her up, carrying her on his shoulders as Ino took over the stroller. Harumi began talking non-stop about how she was planning to marry Yahiko the next time they saw each other, causing her parents to look at each other with grins on their faces.
Not wanting her daughter to think he was ignoring her by talking, Itachi mouthed, "I love you." to Ino, and she did the same back.
They started their way home as Harumi continued rambling on about her wedding with her future husband.
"There has to be lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of pretty flowers everywhere!"
It had been ten years since Yamanaka Ino opened herself up to love. She still had her whole life ahead of her. Everything was so unpredictable, just like the events that occurred after meeting a certain red-eyed Akatsuki member in the park one day. She wasn't afraid of what the future held. She knew everything would be great. She knew everything that came across her would be full of love. Nothing but love.
And lots of it.
- END -
A/N: Ah, it's over now! T_T
Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who supported me throughout the whole story!
I hope I Don't Need Love has provided you with entertainment, full of humour, drama, and of course, love. :)
LOVE LOVE LOVE for all of you! :D
See you later!