(A/N: Hey folks, how ya doin? School's over so that means more fanfiction time for me :D. And in honor of that here's a new chapter)
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or Gurren Lagann
Kamina's pov
It had been a few weeks since I had entered the academy. The people around her are s-t-r-i-c-t strict. It's like I can't do nothin' without breaking some form of code of conduct. On top of that could they pick any more of a tacky uniform? I had to specifically request I be given a uniform without sleeves. At least then I could show off my awesome muscles. I had to wear the shirt, and it was itchy sometimes. I wasn't allowed to not wear it, so I just walked around with my chest exposed. Right now I was in Kendo practice. This was my kind of class. How often do you get to beat people up with a sword for 'education'? I wish we had that in the village.
"Bow!" the teacher barked. I bowed to my opponent who was a small girl with black hair. I can't believe random selection had me fighting a chick. "Present names! Take stance!"
"Inzuri Kamina," I said. Inzuri had become my unofficial surname. I didn't have a surname when I came here so when I said I was Kamina from Inzuri, Inzuri just stuck as my surname. This place was all about things called honorifics. I still preferred to call people by whatever name they had…or how they looked. I think the only people whose names I still can remember are Hanataro and that Susanna chick. Other than that there's the bald guy I fought back in the slums, that really strong guy who kicked my ass, that really big guy on my first day here, and then there was also another chick I ran into the other day who had glasses and was carrying a book. Other than that everyone else was pretty generic.
The girl, my opponent, announced her name, "Sayuri Rukia." She took her stance.
"At the sound off the chime you may begin!" the instructor clacked the bell he was holding with a stick. I took charge at Rukia and attacked in one blow I sent her flying out of the ring even though she had defended herself. The instructor held up a flag. "Out of bounds. Victory to Inzuri Kamina!" I was a little concerned for the girl I had knocked away. I dropped my sword and went over to her where she was massaging her wrist.
"Hey, you ok?" I asked her.
"I'm fine," she snapped and brushed her sleeve, "Couldn't you have been a little gentler with me? You're a head taller than I am you know?"
"I didn't even come in that strong. If you went flying that far with me going easy on ya, you're way weak," I looked to the side.
"What did you just say?" she snapped.
"What?" I said cleaning my ears with my pinky, "I said you're weaker than I am, what's the big deal?"
She growled and glared at me. Suddenly the instructor called out, "Sayuri! Inzuri! Seats!"
"Ah, yes sir," Rukia went to her seat. I just sat down where I was and leaned against the wall. I took a nap for the rest of the class.
Later that day I had Kido practice. I absolutely suck at Kido. I'm also really bad at academic work. I have one of the lowest grades in the class. I've overheard teachers talking that if it wasn't for the fact that I was good at Hakuda, Kendo, had an abundance of spirit energy, I'd be kicked out of the academy.
I stood around at Kido practice, again, trying to get Hado 31 to work. It blew up in my face as usual. I then saw the person next to me make a perfect shot at the target. I turned next to them. "Hey nice shot," my gaze went down and noticed that it was Rukia standing there.
"Thanks," she said to look at me. "Ah, you!" she pointed.
"Yeah, me…what's it to ya?" I asked her.
"You're covered in soot," she giggled.
"So I can't do kido big whoop," I looked the other way.
"It's because you're a meat head like Renji," she said before saying that overly long incantation and hitting the target perfectly.
"Who are you calling a meat head?" I snapped.
"You now get out of my breathing space," she told me.
"Grr," I turned back towards the target, "Ye mask of blood and flesh and…er…"
After I got patched at the infirmary I was going to head back to my dorm and get some shut eye when I heard a fight going on. I rushed over to see it, but it wasn't a fight. It was more of a beat down and that Rukia girl was on the receiving end from some upper classmen. Normally I wouldn't be one to interfere with someone else's fight, but 3 on 1 isn't exactly fair and I wasn't exactly going to stand around and watch a girl get beat up. "Oi, oi, oi!" I shouted stepping into the area. "Do we have a problem here?"
"You her friend?" one of the punks asked.
"I wouldn't go that far, but I know who she is. What's goin on here?" I wanted to know.
"Kamina this isn't your fight, just go," Rukia stated.
"Oh look at this guys, she's concerned about him?" one of the punks said.
"You her boyfriend?" one of the numbskulls asked me.
"She's not my type really," I said. "Nevertheless unless you wanna face the wrath of my fighting spirit, I suggest you guys amscray."
"Pfft, you think you can take us on?" the third punk scoffed. "Get him!"
I gave you a fair warning, I then proceeded to punch-out the kids. I then breathed on my knuckles. "Next time, when I give a warning take it all right." I looked at Rukia, "You ok?"
"Why did you save me?" she snapped.
"Excuse me, don't tell me you enjoyed getting slapped around like that," I looked down at her. "Besides if you were out of commission whose butt am I supposed to kick in Kendo tomorrow? And who am I supposed to watch execute perfect Kido attacks?"
"Hmph," Rukia stood up and dusted herself off and walked past me.
"You're having problems fitting in too aren't you?" I asked her. She stopped short. "I knew it. You and I don't get much respect from anyone. People like you and me need to stick together you know what I'm saying."
"Oh please," Rukia turned around, "I wouldn't be caught dead in a crazy stunt like the one you pulled two days ago when you stood up in the middle of class and tried to 'fight the system'."
"Ah c'mon it was better than learning about boring old physics," I stated rubbing the back of my neck.
"I'm not like you Kamina. I'm not a loose cannon that plays by their own rules," Rukia shouted at me.
"Rukia that's a load of crap and you know it," I heard a voice I had never heard before as a guy with red hair, shaped like a pineapple, rounded the corner.
"Ah Renji," Rukia recognized him.
Renji ignored her and looked at me with his thumb and finger under his chin, "Let's see here, exposed chest, no sleeves, blue hair…Kamina right?"
"Oh my reputation precedes me," I folded my arms.
"Hard for anyone not to know the idiot who jumped on the desk in a physics classroom and gave a huge speech about why Physics was a waste of time to learn," Renji said to me.
"What, it's true, if our job is going to be fighting hollows what does physics have to do with combat?" I asked.
"Whether it has to do with combat or not, it's required material. You made a big deal over nothing you know," Renji told me.
"Says you," I responded.
"Renji can you kick this guy's ass. I've had it up to here with him today," Rukia told Renji.
"Oh please, no one can kick my ass. Just who the hell do you think I am?" I pointed to myself.
"Inzuri Kamina, the biggest idiot in all of Soul Society," Rukia told me.
"Oi, oi, don't be disrupting my flow," I grumbled.
"Your flow is of no concern to me," Rukia shot back.
"All right you two play nice," Renji stated, "Still, if you're as dumb as the rumors I've heard I actually wouldn't mind going a round with you. I hear the only reason you're still in the academy is because of your physical abilities and if not for that you'd be out on your ass."
"Fine by me, but," I looked around, "Where are we gonna fight?"
Rukia slid open the nearby door, "An empty dojo!" she announced with a smile.
"Oh that works," I acknowledged.
Renji and I stood on opposite ends of the dojo. We discarded our shoes and shirts to make the fight even. Rukia stood on a stool with two flags. "All right you meat heads here are the rules. You're only allowed to use your hands feet. The fight's over when one of you stays on the ground for a ten count. No pinning your opponent to the ground, no eye poking and no groin attacks. All right, begin!"
Renji and I started by charging forward and punching each other in the face. His blow felt like a light tap. My blow looked like it hurt. Renji rushed back in and I blocked with my open palm and then punched him in the chest. "Hey come on, put up a better fight than that," I said as Renji finished recoiling from the blow. Since Renji didn't charge back I ran forward and drove the front of my leg into his stomach sending him spiarling into the dojo wall. Renji banged against it and hit the ground. "Whoo, I actually damaged the wall there," I observed the broken planks and the small hole.
"Renji are you ok?" Rukia asked him.
"I'm fine," Renji grunted as he got up from the ground. He looked like he could barely stand. "I…I'm not gonna try again," he told me.
"What you're done?" I asked him. "Come on, did I really hit you that hard?" I asked.
"You put a hole in the damn wall! Yes you hit me hard!" Renji pointed at the wall. He let out a sigh and then said calmly, "I can see why the academy officials aren't kicking you out. With that kind of strength you could easily be a seated officer once you graduate."
"Thanks," I said, taking the compliment, "but you ain't walking out of this dojo yet. Just because you gave up doesn't mean we're done."
"You're insane. I've taken enough of a pounding thank you!" Renji shouted.
"Who's talking about you?" I asked and pointed at myself. "Hit me with all you got? If bit hit by rocks that were harder than you punch. Take a nice good swing at me. Come on, bring it pineapple head."
Renji ran forward and punched me as hard as he could in the chest. All I felt was a powerful thud like if I had pounded my own chest. Renji pulled his hand back and growled. "Damn it! I felt like I just punched a brick wall. Where the hell did you get that kind of strength?"
"I've just got a lot of fighting spirit," I told Renji.
"Willpower alone does not give you the type of strength to put holes in walls! Only the administrators should have that kind of strength. Where the hell did you come from?" Renji asked me.
"Inzuri," I responded.
"That's where we came from?" Rukia asked jumping down off the stool.
"For real?" I scratched my head.
Rukia nodded and then slapped Renji on the back. "Tell him Renji."
"Aah, still sore," Renji groaned and then told me, "Yeah we're from Inzuri too. We travelled here to the Seireitai on foot."
"Oh, I got here from a little guy named Hanataro after I got my but handed to me from this guy with monstrous strength," I told them.
"You got your butt handed to you? Was the guy a Soul Reaper?" Renji asked.
I looked to the side, "No, but apparently he shares a name with the big giant dude who's in charge of one of the squads."
"If you got beat in a one sided fight the guy who beat you must be a monster," Renji said.
"Yeah no kidding and he owes me a pair of sunglasses and a new cape," I remembered losing both.
"Say Kamina, how'd you like to join our group?" Renji asked out of the blue.
"What group?" I wanted to know.
"Renji what are you saying?" Rukia got indignant.
"I'm saying you should be a part of mine and Rukia's nakama. It's the two of us and this girl Hinamori Momo and Kira Izuru from my classes," Renji told me.
"A group of friends eh? Sure," I said, and went to get my shirt and put it back on, "But if I do, from this moment on you can't call me Kamina anymore. From now on you will refer to me as Aniki or Kamina-anikisan, bro, Kamina-sama, boss, or Kamina-senpai."
"Oh hell no!" Rukia shouted. "If I'm going to call you anything it'll be Mega-baka."
"Rukia," Renji sighed.
"What?" She snapped at him.
"Nothing," Renji put a hand on my shoulder, "Come on bro."
"Right behind ya Renji," I told him.
Renji, Rukia and I went to the mess hall and Renji introduced me to Momo and Izuru. Izuru was studying when I sat down. "Oi, oi," I sat putting my hand on the book, "Who studies while they eat?"
"Um, this a poetry book, Inzuri-san," Izuru stated, I glared, "Er I mean…Kamina-senpai."
I leaned back and sat down, "What's so great about poetry anyway?"
"I find it to be rather enjoyable. 'Please do not forget. The time we spent together. Underneath the tree.'" Momo clapped in fascination.
"What was that?" I asked.
"It's called a haiku. It's a type of poem of, which…" he started to explain what it was, but I stopped listening after haiku and started thinking that if I was going to be the leader of this group that we needed a name. I started thinking of names that would be suitable for our group and started making all different thinking poses as I tried to come up with one. "…I want to be able to write my own someday."
"I got it!" I sprang to my feet.
"Got what?" Momo asked.
"The name for our group," I said.
"Oh wonderful," Rukia said sarcastically, "Let's hear it!"
"We are," I pounded a hand on my chest, "The Sei-Gurren gang!" Momo clapped her hands in fascination. "Ha! That's a lot more interesting than you poetry ain't it Izuru?"
"So just what type of gang are we?" Renji asked.
I put a foot on my chair and pointed to the ceiling, "We're the gang that's gonna become the best Soul Reapers Soul Society has ever seen. We're gonna become so strong that all hollows will tremble when they hear our names. When people tell us what we can and cannot do we will tell them that we are the group that kicks reason to the curb and doesn't afraid of anything. We will tell them that they should look in awe at our fighting spirit and unrivaled awesomeness. Just who the hell do you think we are?"
"It's official," Rukia said, "You are the biggest idiot I have ever met."
"I like it," Momo said, "I wonder if we might be able to become more famous than Captain Aizen."
"It's good to have high standards Kamina-senpai," Izuru told me, "but you should try to be a little more realistic don't you think?"
I went over to Izuru and put my arm around his neck, "Izuru you need to get your head out of those books." I pointed to the ceiling again. "Picture it. Picture hollows dropping to the ground like flies and in the center is an immobile stone carrying a sword. He is battle worn and hardened with resolve. That is the man you could become if you stick with me Izuru."
"Well…I would like to become…like that…"
"That's the spirit," I gave Izuru a hearty pat on the back. "Now then, Sei-Gurren gang," I returned to my seat, "Ikadimasu!"
"Ikadimasu," Momo smiled.
"Mega-baka," I heard Rukia say.
To be continued…
(A/N: So Kamina has now made a group of friends and the Sei-Gurren gang has been founded. Rukia's right though Kamina you are an IDIOT! Bonus points to anyone who understands the fridge brilliance of Kamina interrupting a physics class. And yes Kamina is that monstrously tough that he does not know his own strength. Poor Renji. I need to stop picking on him in my fanfics XD. Anyway what will happen now that the Sei-Gurren gang has been formed? You'll just have to find out in the next chapter of Standing at the Top)