Abby Holloway Series

Dino Thunder: Abby Strikes Back

By xXxKaraBeckerCutterxXx

Author's Note: I am back! Didnt know how to take this first chapter but I hope this suffices.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OCs and anything unrecognizable.

Evil Never Rests

"Abby! Abby!"

16-year-old Kaydon Kaemon sprinted across the battlefield to the edge of the woods surrounding their Northen side of the Snow Academy, she had been called out of class by her father when he announced that he needed to see Abby Holloway immediately. Kaydon had automatically responded to her father, and told him that Abby was in fact teaching her own combats class today and that she had left Ninja History lesson half an hour earlier to prepare. Apologizing to the Ninja History tutor, Sensei Kaemon pulled his daughter out of class and sent her on a sole mission to find the previous Snow ranger and return to her his office at once. There was something very important they needed to discuss was urgent.

Why does she have to take her classes into the woods? Kaydon complained mentally, as she entered the trees and Ninja streaked the rest of the way to the make-shift battlefield that Abby used when she was training new students to the Academy. It had been several months since she had graduated but the young teen had returned to the Academy to finish her Ninja training so she could officially graduate and then move on with her life; she had already discussed her future with Sensei Kaemon to make sure that he understood that she wanted to go to Stanford University to study Pyschology and under the jurisdiction of the Fedral Bearu; of course Sensei Kaemon had told her that as long as she was comfortable with what she was doing he couldnt have been more proud, and the Snow Academy gates were always open to her. She could return at anytime and they would be waiting.

"Abby!" Kaydon shouted again, jumping at the sudden sound of rustling leaves. She glanced up into the trees above her to see a few birds take off into the sky possibly put off by her shouting "Sorry!" she apologized, before realizing she had just apologizied to a bird. She shook her head. "Im going crazy" she mumbled

"Going?" came a questionable voice, and seconds later Abby stepped out from behind a tree "Kaydon, you went crazy years ago!"

The Sensei's daughter laughed mockingly as she turned to her friend "Yeah, you sent me there"

"I think the correct term you're looking for is 'drove'," Abby corrected with a grin "as in I drove you there!"

"Whatever," the young Sensei waved her off

Abby chuckled "Any particular reason you are running through the woods, screaming my name?" she questioned "I do have a class you know"

"My dad is looking for you," Kaydon answered "said it was very important and he needs to see you in his office pronto. So I'd dismiss your class and get a move on, you know he doesnt like to be kept waiting"

Abby nodded and turned back to the clearing she had been using for combat training, they had only been training half an hour but if Sensei Kaemon needed her then...class had be to cut short. No one kept the Sensei waiting for long, not even top fighter at the academy. Calling for order of her students; Abby folded her arms and spoke "Your techniques improve by the day," she congratulated them "Train harder and you will be on top of your game. Remember, sometimes you have to fall from a mountain; to realize what you are climbing for!" she smiled "Class dismissed"

"But Sensei," one of the younger students protested "We have not had a full lesson yet"

"Business calls elsewhere," Abby told him "I have a meeting with Sensei Kaemon that I must attend. We will pick up where we left off next lesson. Now go, get ready for your next lesson" she bowed in respect to her students, who bowed back before dispersing. Abby then turned to Kaydon and the two returned to the school.

Kaydon smirked as she walked alongside her old friend, back to the Temple "You actually sounded like my dad, back there" she commented

"I guess being around you're dad all these years has rubbed off on me," Abby answered "That and I think my uncle's wisdom is getting too me. If it continues, promise me you will bury me in the snow until I come back to my senses?"

Kaydon laughed and seconds later Abby joined in.


Sensei Kaemon sat at his desk with two other people opposite him, one was a tall man with short spiky black hair, the other a young woman with shoulder length red hair. They were both sitting paitently waiting for the last person of the meeting to arrive, the one person they were there to see. Abigail Holloway. "May I ask, what it is you wish to see Abigail about?" Sensei asked "She is a good student. Are you family? Friends?"

"No," the woman shook her head "We are merely here, I guess you could say"

The man nodded "We would like to recruit you're Abigail," he explained "She has techniques we could use"

"Recruit?" Sensei responded

The man nodded again "Yes, recruit. Her combat skills are just what we need. I want her to come teach three students of mine"

Sensei frowned; something that was uncommon for him, for he was always smiling.

The door behind the three of them opened and Abby walked in, closely followed by Kaydon "Sensei," she greeted, putting her hands together in a sort of prayer, at her chest and bowing. She then turned to the two people who where there "Good afternoon," she smiled politely at them, before turning back to her Sensei "You requested to see me"

"Yes, Abigail," Sensei nodded, before turning to his daughter "Thank you Kaydon; you may return to your class now. Take Damon with you"

"Yes father," Kaydon nodded, bowing in respect to her dad, before smiling at Abby as she left. She quickly located her brother outside the Temple and the two hurried off to Power strengthing class. It was a new class that helped train Snow Ninja's to harness their control over the snow element so they could use it within their arsenal.

Meanwhile, back in Sensei's office, Abby had taken a seat on the two seater sofa that stood against the wall on the right had side of the room "May I ask, why it is I have been called here?" she asked, looking between her Sensei and the two strangers in the room.

"Abigail," Sensei Kaemon started "This is Hayley Ziktor," he motioned to the red head "and Dr. Thomas Oliver"

Abby's eyes widened in response to the man's name as she turned to inspect him "Oh," she breathed "You're Tommy Oliver! Legendary Power Ranger!"

"Excuse me?" Tommy asked, surprised that this young teen knew of his Ranger past "Im sorry, you must have be confused -"

Abby shook her head "No, no confusion!" she stated "You're a Ranger legend! You started off as the very first evil Power Ranger. The Green ranger on the Mighty Morphin Team, you then worked your way up the ranger ladder and became the White ranger; in 1996 you went on to become the Red Zeo Ranger. You passed on your Ranger Powers to TJ Johnson after which you graduated High school, before returning in 2002 to help a series of other Red rangers defeat the Machine Empire before you hung up your morpher once and for all after the fall of them" she explained.

Hayley and Tommy looked stunned

"Oh im sorry," Abby smiled sheepishly "its just the Ranger archives has always been a fascinating interest for me," she explained "back last year, I looked up on most of the teams that have passed, and I must say, you're history is one of my favourites. Its a shame that they don't teach Ranger History here at the Academy. But I guess that's why Rangers had secret identities"

"But you managed to get through," Hayley pointed out

The former Snow Ninja shrugged "I have my ways," she smiled

Tommy cleared his throat "Well, there is no point in hiding who I really am now," he gave Abby a pointed look "or the real reason of why I am here. The truth is, Abigail"

"Abby," she corrected him

"Abby," he stated "I want you to come with me; to Reefside. I believe you have heard of the Dino Rangers?"

She nodded "Who hasnt? Their the biggest thing after the Ninja Storm Rangers. But I don't see how I fit into all this"

"We want you to come with us to Reefside," Hayley continued, where Tommy had left off "We want you to teach the Dino Rangers combat techniques, so they are ready for their fights with Mesogog's forces"

"Mesogog?" Abby frowned "What kind of name is that?"

"What kind of name was Lothor?" Tommy countered

Abby smirked "Nice comeback," she nodded. She then turned to her Sensei "If its alright with you Sensei, then I guess I accept"

Sensei Kaemon, who had been sitting back and watching the conversation take place, shook himself free of his trance like state he had slipped into and nodded "It is your choice Abigail, but are you sure it is something you wish to do? I believe you had dreams of your own to pursue. And what of your own training?"

"I don't think they will be needing 24 hour training sessions, Sensei," Abby spoke "Also, arent I completing my own training by training them? The only difference is; I will be the teacher?"

"If you choose to do this," Sensei Kaemon responded "I think I can put in a word for you over at the Thunder Academy. Maybe Sensei Omino will help you succeed in your training. I believe you're friend Hunter is head teacher there?"

Abby nodded "He'll be happy too see me on his training fields," she chuckled "But I will do my best Sensei. I will not fail you!"

"You can never fail me, child" Sensei Kaemon told her "Never!"

Tommy and Hayley exchanged looks as Abby turned to them and accepted her new role as teacher for the Dino Rangers "Brilliant," Tommy smiled, getting to his feet and turning to Abby "Be at this address..." he wrote down his address on a piece of paper and handed it over to the young teen "first thing in the morning. We'll go over training times"

"Look forward to it," Abby agreed, looking down at the address, before two Ninja Students were called to show them the way out. Once the two were free of the office, Abby turned to her Sensei "Do they know?" she asked "Do they know about me, being a Ranger?"

"I am very unaware," Sensei Kaemon answered "But keep your guard up, Abigail; remember..."

"Evil Never Rests!" Abby finished, nodding her head, before she left the office and returned to her next class. Once Ninja school was over, Abby returned home to Storm Charges to inform Kelly of the next day.

A/N: Just thought you should know, that yes, I am starting up on Abby again, but it doesnt mean she is going to be my number one priority this time. I am continuing updating Sabrina because I have neglected her enough in the past couple of weeks, due to computer problems and other reasons. But I refuse to give up on her. But I had nothing to do today and decided I would plan the first chapter of Abby Holloway and this just sorta flowed. So tell me what you think, the chapters will get longer as the story goes on, but until then enjoy what I give you. Thanks.

Reviews would be greatly appreciated


All OCs and anything unrecognizable is copyrighted (c) and belong to me xXxKaraBeckerCutterxXx

Chapter updated 12/10/10 at 02:16am