Hey guys! So this chapter might be a bit confusing for most of you and that's because this whole chapter is through Shye's true point of view. She doesn't know whats happening and whats being done to her so some of the descriptions of whats going on will be weird. And also her thoughts are all in disarray so you might be really confused by the end of the chapter but everything will be cleared up pretty soon. I really hope you all enjoy the new chapter.

Shye's POV

I couldn't feel my hands. It was like my hands had given out on their own accord. I still thrashed and fought, or at least tried too.

I refused to give up even though my hands lay limp at my sides… but my fight hadnt lasted very long.

I felt the last ounce of energy slip away from my body as she sank her teeth deeper and deeper into my throat.

I heard in horror as she swallowed a mouth full of my blood and sighed in ecstasy. I felt her lick at my skin as my eyes closed in exhaustion and defeat.

My body felt as if I was made out of stone now, too heavy to do to anything but to lay still. I wasn't even holding myself up anymore. She was easily carrying my weight. She had an arm around my back and the other was placed over my mouth from preventing me from screaming again. But that was pointless, only small whimpers escaped me now.

"Katherine, you're killing her." A man's voice rang in my ears. "I could feel her power fading away."

She growled into my neck and her hold on me tightened as she drank hungrily. I gasped out in pain.

I tried to speak, to beg her to stop but I couldn't find my voice.

"If you kill her now, then we would have done this for nothing. She needs to remember in order to-"

She suddenly unhooked her teeth from my neck and hissed angrily.

My chest and back felt wet, sticky even. My body shook realizing that that wet stuff was my blood. I wanted to open my eyes, to see the damage but was too weak to actually open them.

"You're right." She sounded angry as she still held on to me. "I got carried away." I felt her hand on my forehead and then run her fingers through my hair, almost caressing me. " You have no idea how wonderful she tastes, Alec… its like… its like tasting the sun…so pure."

"We have 2 hours before sunrise. We have to do this now." He said quickly, completely ignoring what she had said, he sounded anxious.

"Fine, is everything ready?" She bit back.

"Of course."

"Bring the little witch in."

I was suddenly lifted up from the ground and placed onto a soft surface, a chair it seemed.

I slumped down into the chair involuntarily. I was too weak to hold myself up but a pair of arms sat me up and started to tie something around my chest... and wrists.

A new fear settled onto my stomach.

"Stop." I managed to croak out. "Please."

I heard her sigh.

"Really? You think that just because you say 'please' or 'stop', that im actually going to literally stop? Humans are stupid… but then again… you aren't human, are you?" Her hand was on my face now. "Let me see those beautiful eyes that Damon loves so much."

She tightened her grasp on my face when I didn't look at her.

"Open them." She growled, loudly. She actually psychically growled, it shook me to my core. Even though I couldn't see her I felt her anger vibrate off of her. It was like she was a predator, she IS a predator…

My ears wouldn't stop ringing. It was hard to concentrate on anything aside from my fear and pain.

"Open them." She hissed in my ear and felt her fingernails scrape my neck where she bit me.

I gasped and my eyes fluttered open.

She was too close. Her face was only a few inches away from mine. Her face was covered in shadows. It wasn't until the light from the fire pit hit her face that I stilled. What I discovered only lasted for a second but it was enough.

Her eye color had changed. They were crimson red and shining with fury and hunger. Dark veins surrounded her eyes sockets, and her teeth were barred.

It was like the wind had been knocked out of me.I was paralyzed by terror.

She was a monster.

A small noise escaped my mouth as I looked on.

The ringing in my ears suddenly became louder and my vision shifted as I felt something wet slither down my chest unto my stomach. I didn't have to look down to see what it was. It was blood. My blood. I was loosing a lot of it.

It was in this moment that I realized that I was truly going to die here.

"Katherine, we need to do this now." I had even noticed the man enter the room.

I couldn't tear my gaze from her.

She pulled her fingers away from neck and watched in horror as they were covered in my blood. She licked and sucked on them and moaned in pleasure. As if she were tasting something tasty.

My vision shifted again and became nauseous. I prayed that I would pass out. I didn't want to be here. I wanted to loose consciousness from this nightmare.

"Katherine now!" Alec said urgently. "If she becomes too weak-"

Why was he calling her Katherine? Had Elena lied about who she was to everyone? Why was she doing this to me?

She growled angrily and it made me shudder. She was suddenly gone and was across the room. How had she done that?

"Do it." She commanded.

I weakly turned to search for the man she was addressing. I was surprised when I finally saw him and Bonnie standing next to him. She looked horrible. She looked pale and weak. There were bruises forming on her neck and arms. She was holding an old tattered book in front of her. She looked scared and shaky on her legs.

"Bonnie." I croaked.

"I'm sorry." There were tears in her eyes. "I was so wrong."

What? What was she talking about?

"It's time." The tall man next to her announced. "Bonnie." He held out his hand out to her and she reluctantly placed it onto his.

They started to chant and the fire inside the pit became wild.

I didn't understand what they were saying but something inside me started to crawl.

It was like a something was scratching at my brain, hard.

I screamed.

It was like something was cutting into me.

"Stop!" I choked out a scream.

I don't know how but I knew… they were doing this to me.

Every inch of my body was shaking and convulsing.

Bonnie and Alec's chant became louder and forceful.

My chest started to burn.

I screamed again.

I was suddenly jolted with a renewed energy. I was no longer weak. I started to thrash around in my chair. I was trying so hard to escape. I felt the thin rope dig into my skin and start to cut into my bond wrists. Drops of my blood landed on the floor. I felt the pain but I couldn't stop thrashing. I needed out.

"Oh my god." Bonnie gasped.

"DON'T STOP!" Alec screamed.

"We're killing her!"

"PLEASE! " I yelled as the burning in my chest and brain intensified.

It was like my body was fighting against whatever they were doing to me.

I watched through clouded vision as Katherine came towards Bonnie and bit her in the neck.

The pain abruptly stopped but then felt a pair of hand snake around the temples of my head.

I looked up and saw Alec. He started to chant and the pain resurfaced. He dug his fingers into the side of my head as I started to thrash.

"STOP!" I screeched.

The burning in my chest became too overwhelming. I thrashed one last time and felt the cord wrapped around my chest and chair, tear. I arched my back in pain and suddenly saw it.

There was light blossoming within my chest and hitting the ceiling.

"Im almost there." Alec chocked out.

"Do it! Do it now, Alec!" Katherine's voice pierced through my screams.

"She's too strong!" He screamed. "Katherine I cant reach her center. I-"

Alec's nails dug into my skin and tore at my flesh. It was if he were inside my skull and were psychically holding my brain.

The burning in my chest started to spread through out my arms and torso. The light was getting brighter and stronger.

"Please!" I screeched out in agony.

"Katherine, blood. Now!"

The pain suddenly tripled and metallic liquid was poured down my mouth. I gagged and swallowed. It was blood.

They were feeding me blood!

I gagged and yelled all in one.

Something inside me snapped. The fire was now cursing through out my whole body. I felt it in every cell in my body. Even in my fingernails and hair.

Something inside me was building up...

It was like I was being triggered…

Alec yelled out and Katherine dug her teeth into my wrist.

I snapped.

I screamed once last time and felt a current wash over me. A loud boom echoed in the room leaving me deaf. There was a flash. The light was too bright. It was blinding…

I don't know how long I stayed in the chair, unmoving. I watched in awe through hooded eyes as the light slowly seeped back into my chest.

I felt like my body and soul had been torn into a million pieces…

I couldn't scream. I closed my eyes and I prayed I would die…

When I finally opened my eyes Alec was no longer holding my head. He was laying 5 feet away from me, his hands were burnt, severely. He no longer had flesh on his hands. All I saw was bone. I tore my eyes away from him and found Katherine laying at the door way. There were scuff marks on her, and blood smeared on her chin and hands. They were unconscious.

I whimpered as I made a move to get up. I looked down at my body and I was covered in blood. My own and god knew who else's.

I cried out in disgust and horror.

My wrists were no longer bound but instead were sliced open and bitten. I was too weak and filled with pain to get up.

A whimper from across the room forced me to look away from my wrists and to the ground. It was Katherine. She was moving.


I took a deep breath and forced myself to move. I needed to get out of here. I needed to get help.

I don't know how I did it but I managed to stand up and that's when it happened.

A hot flashed cursed through my brain and I saw Damon.

I saw Damon and me at the beach… He was holding out his hand to me, smiling as the rain soaked us.

"Shye lets get inside. You'll catch a cold." He shouted over the rain.

I laughed. "I don't care. I love the rain."

"Well I care. You can watch the rain from inside. I don't you want you to get sick." He tugged at my hand.

"It's not the same from the inside. You cant feel or smell the rain from my bedroom." I said as I let the rain hit my face.

"You can stick your hand out the window." He tugged at my hand again. "Shye, I'll throw you over my shoulder. You know I'll do it."

I fell to the ground and gasped at the scene unfolded before me.

Concern was written all over his face. He was always so paranoid about me getting sick. Or anything bad happening to me for that matter.

I threw my arms around him and kissed him lightly on the lips. His mouth against mine sent tingles up my spine.

"You're always looking out for me." I whispered.

"Of course." He wrapped his arms around my waist and brought my body closer to his.

"Why?"I smiled.

He tilted his head to the side and bore his ocean blue eyes onto mine. So breath-taking. "I love you."

My smile broaden. "I know. I just wanted to hear you say it."

He smirked and kissed my neck. "You have exactly one minute to enjoy the rain before I drag you inside, Shye."He whispered in my ear.

I giggled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

"You have to catch me first." I took one giant step from him and ran.

I didn't get every far when he caught up to me and swept me off my feet.

I squealed and laughed.

"Caught you."He smirked as his wet hair clung to his face.

"As always." I leaned up and kissed him under the pouring rain. "I love you Damon Salvatore."

My eyes flung open as the scene abruptly ended, leaving with familiarity and heartache.

I remembered that day. Two years ago.

Another hot flash settled over me and multiple scenes flashed before my eyes. People, places, and things from the past made themselves known. It was like the flood gates had opened.

I whimpered. It was too much information sipping through.

I clutched my head. "Stop!STOP!" I hoarsely screamed.

And it did.

I lay on the ground trying to reign in my sanity. I was confused and scared but above all, I was tired. I knew in the back of my head that that wasn't a good sign.

I needed to get help.

I could still feel my body covered in blood.

I moved to my side and came face to face with Bonnie.

Her flesh from her throat was torn.

She had her eyes closed. She was too still.

She was dead.

I stifled a scream.

From the corner of my eye I saw Katherine stir.

I needed to move. Now!

I got up and ran.

Flashes of memories from years passed clouded by vision as I fought my way through the house and out the front the door. I don't know where I was, who I was, or what I was doing in certain moments.

Everything was flooding in. I felt like my head was going to explode.

I just ran. I knew I needed to keep running.

My family's faces kept popping into my head, my friends, Damon and Katherine.

It was all mixing into one. It was one big pot of confusion.

Had Damon done this to me?

I staggered onto a tree and leaned on it for support. I was so tired and out of breath.

Damon…He was a monster. He was like Katherine.

A pinch in the back of my head made me gasp out.

"Shye!" It was Damon. I recognized his voice.

"Shye!" He's growl vibrated the floor beneath me. I looked behind me but he was no where to be seen. His voiced had carried. He was no where near me.

I pushed off the tree and ran.

I ran through the forest trying to ignore the pain the broken branches and rocks were doing to my bare feet. The physical damage that my feet were experiencing was nothing compared to what my heart was going through. It felt like it was breaking into a millions pieces. Like everything I am, was, becoming undone and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

I pushed myself to run faster. The cold night air was starting to hurt my lungs but I kept going. I thanked my lucky stars that the moon was high up in the sky. It was bright enough to let me see where I was going but dark enough to still scare me. Every tree, every bush, every little thing looked sinister and threatening but it didn't compare to what I was running away from.

I didn't even know why I was bothering to run. He could easily catch and kill me in less than a second if he really wanted. It was like shooting fish in a barrel, it would be that easy. But he was letting me run, again.

I felt the pinch in the back of my head again.

" I did it for you." He's words replayed in my head over and over again as I watched him wipe the blood off his chin.

I hadn't fought the urge to vomit then but now it was different. I really didn't have time to stop and puke my guts out. I was running for my life.

I heard a scream. I was too busy looking around that I didn't notice the uplifted root. I fell, hard. I landed on damp soil and rocks. I was close to the river. I tried to get up but I couldn't. My right ankle hurt so bad that it was actually making me dizzy…wait no it was my forehead. He had slammed my head into the door too. It was a combination of both, of everything he had done to me early today.

I rolled over onto my back and gasped. Pain was shooting through out my whole body especially my stomach and neck. He had bit me. I had no idea how I managed to get out of there but I had. I had been lucky but she hadn't been. She was dead. I watched him drain her. God, he killed her. What was I going to do?

I turned my head to the side and started to throw up.

When I was finally done I tried crawling but I only made it 10 feet before I collapsed in exhaustion. I couldn't do it.

Maybe some hiker or some couple would be out walking and would see me…who was I kidding? That would be a fat chance. No one could help me. I was going to die here.

I stared up at the stars as memory after memory came stumbling back to me, each weighing me deeper and deeper into the ground. God, how can all of this be possible?

A dark cloud started to crawl to the moon. I closed my eyes and felt someone stand over me. Damon.

He was finishing me off.

I took a deep breath and let the pain take me.