Disclaimer: I do not own 'High School Musical' or any related characrters.
A/N: I'm not sure what happened, but I have been meaning to put this up for a while. Basically, its just the ending to the story that I found quite amusing when I was thinking about it. I do hope you enjoy reading the final chapter of 'Locked In' mainly because it was such a fun story to write!
Thank you to all the reviewers, as always you guys are amazing and I love every single review I get! So thank you for taking the time to write one!
Now, enjoy the last chapter of LI and thank you for reading!
Locked In
Chapter Seven: Revenge
"I can't believe you talked me into this."
Troy glanced at Gabriella as she sat, her arms folded, her spine stiff and eyed the television in distaste.
"Aww, babe, don't be such a kill joy. Besides, it's the ultimate revenge, isn't it?"
Troy grinned charmingly at his girlfriend even as he reached over and pulled at one of the curls that had fallen out of the pony tail she'd pulled it in earlier.
She swatted his hand away with a warning look and Troy just grinned.
"I don't care if it's the ultimate revenge, I just can't believe you talked me into it."
"Are you kidding me? I talked you into strip poker, talking you into this was unbelievably easy."
She went red.
If there was one thing he was always going adore about his girlfriend, Troy thought, it was that she still blushed. It didn't matter what he said - whether it was sweet, sexy or said in a fit of irritation - she always blushed and he thought it was the cutest thing in the world.
He'd made a resolve to make her blush as much as he possibly could. Mainly because he thought it was cute, but partly because he wanted to see how red she could go.
So far, they'd reached tomato red.
He was aiming for fire engine red.
"I told you to never bring that up again." She hissed at him and Troy snorted in laughter.
"You're joking right? I'm never, ever going to not bring that up."
She glared at him and Troy smothered a chuckle.
He really couldn't help himself when it came to her, he thought even as he reached out and yanked her onto his lap.
She sat stiffly for a moment before relaxing into him.
"Yeah, yeah, I wish you wouldn't. Your ego inflates every time you think of it." She murmured, settling her head in the crook of his neck.
"Only in the right context, babe. Only in the right context."
They sat silently for a moment, Troy's hand slipping beneath her shirt to rest on the warm skin on her back as Gabriella's arm slid around him, her hand absently rubbing circles on his back.
Okay, this was nice. Maybe they weren't the worlds most perfect couple, but these moments more than made up for all their difficulties.
Four months, Troy mused, it had been four months since they'd escaped the basement and he'd taken her back to his house to fix him up.
Four months since he'd suggested that maybe they should start with a date and see where it went from there.
Four months since he'd flatly refused to let her belittle whatever the hell they'd discovered in Chad's basement into something childish and pedestrian.
Four months since he'd admitted that he really, really liked her and that that first date was going to turn into more dates which would eventually turn into a relationship he was happier in than he'd ever thought possible.
With a smile, Troy turned so he could nuzzle her hair adoringly.
"You know," he murmured as she tilted her face up to look at him. "I really, really, really like you."
The blush that spread over her cheeks and down her neck wasn't bright red, it was pink and Troy thought that it was the cutest blush of all. She looked the most beautiful when her cheeks were tinged with pink and the small, shy smile was pulling at her lips.
Sue him.
He noticed stuff like that.
"Well, that's good. 'Cause I really, really, really like you too."
He smirked at that and leaned down to catch her in a slow kiss that he'd only just discovered he really enjoyed.
The slow, gentle kiss was something he'd only experimented with a little while ago.
Mainly because in the past four months, kissing her had been about trying to take a years worth of sexual frustration - realized after being locking in a freaking basement - out on her.
She hadn't seemed to mind those kisses though, he thought hazily. In fact, she seemed to enjoy them just as much as he did.
It was just that these slower, gentler kisses were so much nicer to exchange because it showed that there was more than sexual frustration to their relationship.
Although, they were still trying to figure out what was beyond the sexual frustration.
So far, they'd come up with the same taste in music and films.
And they shared a very similar opinion on people in their school.
And, he'd discovered with pleasure, Gabriella could hold a hell of a grudge.
It was killing Sharpay that while she and Chad knew they were together, neither of them knew what had taken place in the basement while they'd been at the cinema.
It was, Gabriella had told him, the ultimate revenge because Sharpay was dying to know what had happened.
"Oh. Of course they're making out."
Think of the devil and it shall appear, Troy thought with a groan and pulled away from his girlfriend to look at Sharpay, who was standing in the doorway, her hands on her hips.
"Evening, Shar. How's it going?" Troy asked pleasantly, keeping Gabriella curled on his lap.
Partly because he loved her where she was and partly because Sharpay was way too astute and Gabriella sucked at keeping a secret.
Well, apart from the one about her thinking he was attractive but he let that one go because he figured it came out eventually.
"Wonderfully. Let me guess, my boyfriends going to walk through the door in a minute and you're going to make us talk."
Gabriella turned her face to her friend.
"Uh. No. Despite what you may think, Troy only invited you because I asked him too. He didn't invite Chad because he doesn't want to clean up blood." Gabriella said smoothly, rolling her eyes at her friends mutinous face.
"So, get over it Sharpie and sit down. I invited you and I will tolerate you, but that's about as far as it gets." Troy added helpfully, managing to not wince when Gabriella dug her elbow into his side.
Holy hell, she had bony elbows. He was pretty sure that was going to bruise.
"Yeah. Come on, we're even watching something that you'll want to watch."
Troy raised his eyebrows.
"We are?"
Gabriella shot him a look that clearly said 'shut up.'
"We are." She confirmed. "You like Grease, don't you Shar?"
"Oh, that I can deal with." Troy said, forgetting about his girlfriends look and wincing when she dug her elbow back in the exact same spot.
He was going to be freaking purple there tomorrow, if she kept it up.
"Babe, if you keep doing that, you're so not going to be able to cuddle up next to me tonight." He whispered in her ear and Gabriella flicked him a glance.
"I do believe that you enjoy the cuddling more than me, Mr Bolton." She snapped before turning to Sharpay. "Come on Shar, you need a break, we've only got one idiot to deal with."
"I am not an idiot. And you like it as much as I do. Don't deny it, Miss Montez. Especially when you're all sated and sleepy because I - "
"Troy, I do not need details about your sex life." Sharpay suddenly spoke up and he rolled his eyes, noting with pleasure that Gabriella had gone tomato red. "But I'll stay if you two can keep your lips to yourselves."
Troy opened his mouth, he had to touch that. He just had to.
"We can. Promise." Gabriella interjected before he could say anything with another well aimed jab into his ribs.
"If I'm purple there tomorrow, you are so going to regret elbowing me, Montez." He snapped irritably, watching Sharpay stalk over to the other end of the couch and drop down, like it was a chore.
"Uh-huh. I'm sure I am, press play will you?"
With a sigh that spoke of his suffering, Troy plucked up the remote and hit play.
Putting it down, he curled his arm back around his girlfriend and nuzzled her hair even as she stiffened slightly.
"Troy? This isn't Grease."
Glancing up, he raised an eyebrow at picture on the screen.
Nope, that definitely wasn't Grease.
"Duh. I may have not been paying attention when I was putting in the DVD." He shot a glance at Sharpay. "You okay with this? 'Cause I really don't want to move. I'm really comfortable."
For a moment, he seriously thought Sharpay was going to get up and stalk out - can you say dramatic much? - and wondered how he was going to pull of the plan and keep his other side from being turned purple by Gabriella's elbow.
He was, however, saved by Sharpay's exaggerated eye roll and loud sigh.
He really couldn't help himself when she did that.
"Dramatic much?" He inquired. "Oh, fuck me."
He jumped as Gabriella's elbow found the exact same place as it had before and he glared at his girlfriend.
"I think Gabriella would be willing to oblige." Sharpay sniped from her end.
"Jesus, Montez, watch that elbow. Your arms are freaking bony."
His girlfriend glared at him and he raised an eyebrow.
"...I have to know her."
"Oh, my God. What are we watching?" Sharpay moaned before Gabriella could snap at him.
"The Vampire Diaries." Troy said helpfully. "If it helps at all, Brie thinks Damon's really hot and I'm sure you will too."
They both stared at him.
Gabriella looked like she was torn between wanting to laugh at him and scold him, while Sharpay seemed to be staring in complete disbelief at what had just come out of his mouth.
He really wanted to know what the big deal was.
It wasn't like he'd suddenly decided to announce that a pig had flown past the window and that every single unrealistic thing anyone had ever said was about to come true and they should all go into hiding because he was sure that they would be called to cash in on their stupid promises that all ended with 'that'll happen when pigs fly.'
Troy looked at the two of them.
They could really stop staring now.
"Why? Why do you say things like that?" Gabriella inquired, as if she truly wanted to know.
"Are you serious? I called you a vampire in that basement. That comment was tame for me." He replied, pulling a 'you should have known that' face and causing her to roll her eyes.
She seemed to consider that thoroughly before shrugging and turning her attention to the television.
Troy waited for Sharpay to say something sarcastic to him.
He really couldn't wait to have a go at her.
Not because he didn't like her, oh no, that would be too easy.
Besides, he had Gabriella for that and he knew for a fact she was much more entertaining to argue with.
Sharpay tended to shriek and had a habit of only making sense in the opening scenes of the argument.
No, he wanted to have a go at her because she was causing Chad some serious discomfort and while Troy thought of his best friend as a brother and nodded along sympathetically as he whined about his girlfriends sudden halt in all things sexual in their relationship, if he had to hear one more thing about it - or the intimate details about when she stopped just as it was getting good - he was likely to shoot Chad and dump black paint all over Sharpay just to exact his revenge in an ill thought out manner.
That reason alone had led him to his current situation.
And he wasn't going to lie, he was wishing he'd gone with the black paint plan after all.
Something about Sharpay was really beginning to irritate him right now and while he'd always seemed to get along quite well with the blonde, if she kept sitting there, shooting them dirty looks, she was going to find something gross in her hair and he was so not going to apologize for it.
"Are you even paying attention to this?"
His girlfriends whisper brought him out of his thoughts and he glanced at the screen before turning back to her.
"Not really. I watched it last night." He shifted her so she was settled a little more comfortably against him. "How long do you thinks it's going to take before - "
Sharpay cut him off quite effectively.
"I swear, if I have to watch this, I'm going to need alcohol."
"Oh, good, there's some in the spare room." Troy replied pleasantly and Sharpay shot him a curious look.
"Are you serious?"
"Why wouldn't I be? Do you want it or not? Because there's seriously some in there and it needs to be gone before Mom goes on one of her random spring cleans."
Sharpay seemed to consider him for a moment before she slowly nodded her head.
"Alright, wait there, I'll go and get it."
Kissing Gabriella quickly, Troy shifted her off his lap and stood up, stretching and winking at his girlfriend.
Gabriella smirked back at him before feigning interest in what was happening on screen.
Wandering out of the room, Troy took his time finding his way to the spare room.
When he was facing the shut door, he cleared his throat loudly before hitting it for effect.
"Brie? Can you come here a minute? There's something wrong with the door." He yelled out, knowing that Sharpay would follow her because the blonde would seriously despise being left alone to watch the show without alcohol.
He smirked at the door as he heard her shout and then the unmistakable sound of two sets of feet making their way towards him.
Sharpay looked irritated as they rounded the corner of his hallway and he shrugged at her expression.
"Look, I don't know what's going on but I think the doors stuck. It does this sometimes." He explained before Sharpay could open her mouth and argue.
For effect, he shoved his shoulder into the door - not hard, he'd learned a really hard lesson last time he'd tried to pound open a door using brute strength - and grunted slightly.
He tried really hard to not make it too obvious he wasn't touching the doorknob.
"Are you serious? It's not opening."
Okay, Gabriella sucked at acting concerned.
She was trying to contain her smile and he frantically shot her a look that told her to keep herself in check otherwise this was never going to work.
Out of Chad and Sharpay, Sharpay was the astute one.
"Are you turning the door handle, at all Bolton?" Sharpay suddenly snapped and Troy had to force away his grin.
With a smooth move, he flipped the lock on the door.
"Uh, yeah, maybe you should try it." He said, stepping back and knowing that she wouldn't be able to stop herself from making a fool of him.
With a huff, Sharpay stomped over to the door and Troy moved slightly to the side as Gabriella moved to stand directly behind her friend, the grin she'd been trying to hide beginning to spread as Sharpay jiggled the doorknob before turning it one way then the other and pushing it open.
Shooting him a look, the blonde snorted.
"No wonder you and Chad are - Chad?" She squeaked when she looked in the spare room and caught sight of her boyfriend tied to a chair and glaring mutinously at Troy, his mouth conveniently covered with masking tape.
Gabriella didn't give her another second to react before she gave Sharpay a solid push and sent her sprawling into the room.
Slamming the door shut, Troy flipped the lock again and burst out laughing when he heard Sharpay's horrified scream.
"Just discover that the only way to lock this door is from the outside, Shar?" He asked, reaching out for his girlfriend and pulling her into him.
Sharpay spluttered, banging on the door and letting loose a series of strangled sounds that weren't actually words.
"You know," he started, looking down at a shaking Gabriella. "I think we made more sense than that when she locked us in, don't you?"
Unable to contain the silent laughter that she'd been shaking from, Gabriella let it out and buried her face in his chest.
"Toodles Sharpay. We'll be back in six to eight hours."
The blonde fell totally silent at his words and Troy steered Gabriella way from the spare room and back into the living room.
As they both fell onto the couch - Gabriella still shaking from laughter and Troy very pleased with the way his plan had worked out - he looked over at her.
"So, do you reckon they're going to be as grateful as we were after we'd been locked in?"
The End