Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or Sky High. Only the idea.

Bella POV

They left me behind. I knew the reason. It was to keep me safe. But hello, I'm a danger magnet. I won't ever be safe. I'll be forever in danger.

One more thing, before they left I never had the chance to tell them who I really was. What I really was.

My real name is Isabella Marie Williams. I have a sister named Layla Williams. We have super powers. She can manipulate plant life. And I have electric manipulation. Charlie and Renee are friends of my mom. They took me in for a while. My mom can talk to animals.

Me and Layla have a friend, Will Stronghold. His parents are legendary. But strange enough, he has no powers. Weird, I know.

Anyway, I never told the Cullens because they would probably think I'm a freak or something. Then I thought that was ridiculous and that I should tell them. And I was the day Edward left me. I even tried to tell him before he left but it was too late. Now they would never know. But that wouldn't matter because they were never coming back. Sigh. It pains me a lot. But maybe I'll get better with the support of Will and Layla.

So at the moment I am standing outside my real home. Charlie and I decided that I should be here. Tomorrow, we would be starting school. Sky High. Layla was excited. Will was nervous that without powers, he would not do so well. Me, I was a little bit of both. Being in a school full of future super heroes? That would be great. Being a future super hero? Greater. But people will expect a lot of things from me and my powers are somewhat dangerous. What if someone got hurt?

I rang the door bell and stood there a minute.

The door opened and out came Layla. "Bella! It's so good to see you again."

We gave each other a nice and tight hug. Then mom came and did the same. "You're just in time. Dinner is ready."

"Great. I'm starving."

We ate our food and I told them about the Cullens.

Layla was so mad, half our garden in the backyard wilted. Mom of course tried to make me feel better. After that me and Layla went to bed. Mom made her promise to fix the yard on our way to Will's.

Layla and I share a bunk bed. Layla would always fall off the top. She continuously sleeps there over conquer it. Sigh. It's not that I have a problem sleeping at the bottom, it's just that I'm sick of hearing her fall off in the middle of the night. It wakes me up. It gets annoying, you know?

As I closed my eyes, I said in my head, Today may have been goodbye Cullens, but tomorrow is hello Sky High.

Hey, I hope you like my first chapter of my first crossover. You will see more involving Total Drama World Tour, The Spiderwick Chronicles, and Little Secrets, Please review. It motivates me to write more. Thank you.