A/N: Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to everyone who reviewed. You guys make my life, seriously. Enjoy the end!

"It really wasn't Mom's fault- she didn't tell anyone except Dad." Cody pointed out. "And how was London supposed to know that Great-Aunt Tabitha at the next table had ears like a bat?"

"Well that explained why so many old people kept coming up to me all teary-eyed and giving me congratulations." Maddie said. "I didn't understand why they were so worked up when we'd all known about the engagement for a month!"

"It also explained why my ultra-conservative grandma cornered me for a frank and uncomfortable discussion about wedlock." Zack complained, and the others laughed.

"At that point, probably half the people in the room thought you were just marrying her because she was pregnant!" Bailey said.

"Yeah, but what a way to find out your wife is pregnant!" Zack said. "To have your grandma tell you... like she disapproves!"

Zack slumped down in a chair, watching his grandmother leave in a state of total shock.

Maddie was pregnant?

It wasn't that he wasn't happy, he was. He wanted a family with Maddie more than anything. But... wasn't it a little soon? They hadn't talked about trying for a baby. They weren't even married yet. He ran a hand over his face, taking a deep breath.

Things would be fine. They were getting married this summer anyway. They could push the wedding back if she wanted. Hell, if she wanted, they could hunt down a priest and he'd marry her now! Having the baby a little earlier than they'd planned wouldn't-

He caught sight of her over at the drinks table, sipping slowly from a glass of champagne as she chatted with Mr. Moseby and Esteban, and jumped to his feet. "Maddie!"

Maddie smiled when she saw him coming, but the smile turned into a confused frown when he snatched the half-full champagne flute right out of her hand. "Zack-?"

"Hey Mr. Moseby, Esteban, thanks for coming, it's great to see you." Zack said quickly. "Do you mind if I borrow my lovely fiancée for a few minutes?" When the other men nodded, Zack took Maddie by the elbow and towed her out of the room. Together they ducked into a secluded coat room.

Maddie frowned anxiously. "Zack, what is it?"

Zack sighed, setting the champagne glass on the counter beside them. "Look, do you really think you should be drinking?"

"What?" Maddie was utterly confused. "That's just my second glass in two hours. It's not like you're going to have to carry me home..." She tugged playfully on his tie. "Loosen up a little! What's wrong with you?"

"That's not what I meant." Zack said. He took her hands in his own and sent her a meaningful look. "I know."

"Know what?" Maddie said, slightly frustrated at his cryptic attitude. "How much have you had to drink tonight?"

"Maddie..." Zack lifted her hands and brushed his lips over the knuckles. "I know about the baby."

"What?" Maddie was taken aback. "Oh. Ohh... you mean..." She pulled away, folding her arms. "How did you find out?"

Zack mirrored her position. "Grammy told me."

"What?" Maddie said. "How did... Ohh, London. I told that girl not to tell a soul."

"Hey..." Zack wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulders. "That doesn't matter now. I already know. I'm happy about it."

"Me too," Maddie grinned. "It's really exciting, isn't it? And Cody's going to be over the moon."

"Cody?" Zack repeated. "Uh, sure, I guess he will." he paused. "I guess we have to discuss what to do about it. Did you want to postpone the wedding?"

Maddie's jaw dropped open. "You want to postpone the wedding? Why? Why would we do something about it?"

"Calm down!" Zack urged hurriedly. "Don't get excited, I only meant-"

Maddie was on a perplexed roll now, talking over him. "And why would Bailey's being pregnant mean I have to stop drinking? She's not drinking, is she? Oh, lord-" She started to peek out the door to the coat room, but Zack stopped her with a hand on each shoulder.

"Bailey's pregnant?"

Maddie turned back to him, by now completely jumbled. "I thought you said your grandma told you-"

"No," Zack cut her off. "Grammy told me that you were pregnant."

They stared at each other in surprise for a minute. Then Maddie burst into laughter. "Oh, honey, no... It's Bailey, not me."

"Well in that case..." Zack said, still stunned. "Cody will be over the moon."

Maddie pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry, Zack, you must have had a real shock... You're not disappointed, are you? That I'm not...?"

Zack held her tightly against him. "Actually, I'm... relieved. Is that awful?"

She ran her fingers through his hair in a comforting fashion. "Sweetie, no. That's fine... We're not even married yet!"

Zack laughed. "That's what Grammy said."

They separated, still holding hands. "Do you mean to tell me that everyone out there thinks I'm pregnant?"Maddie asked, blushing.

"I think so." Zack shrugged.

"London..." Maddie murmured darkly. "Okay, follow up question: Do we have to go back out there?"

Zack wrapped his arms around her waist and planted a kiss on her neck. "Well, as tempting as it is to stay in here with you for the rest of the night... It's kind of our party."

The coat room door opened and Bailey poked her head in. "Oh! Sorry! I don't want to interrupt!"

"Speak of the devil." Zack commented.

Maddie tugged Bailey into the closet and shut the door. "You're not interrupting anything."

"I just need to grab my jacket, I'm a little chill-" Bailey was cut off as Zack enfolded her in a big hug. "Zack? What's going on with you?"

Maddie grinned at her future sister-in-law. "We know. We think it's so great."

Bailey blushed. "Thanks, I'm happy about it. But how...? I haven't even told Cody yet."

"Uh, yeah, about that..." Zack said slowly.

"London and I saw the test in your trash can, and you know how London can't keep her mouth shut?" Maddie started.

Bailey covered her mouth with her hands. "Oh, don't tell me everyone knows before I had a chance to tell Cody! He'll be so upset!"

"Not exactly..." Zack said. "London somehow gave everyone the impression that Maddie is the one who's pregnant."

"We could make an announcement that I'm not pregnant," Maddie suggested. "But I think that might clue them in to the fact that you are."

Bailey twisted her fingers together. "I wasn't going to say anything tonight because I didn't want to steal your thunder. It's your engagement party, we're supposed to be celebrating you two!"

"Please, steal our thunder." Zack said. "Before Maddie's Irish Catholic uncles hear the story and beat me up."

Maddie snorted. "Zack, really... my uncles wouldn't- Oh wait, Uncle Pat is here. And Uncle Sean. Maybe you'd better spill the beans, Bailey."

"You've gotta give me time to tell Cody first." Bailey pleaded. "He can't find out with everyone else!"

"We understand." Maddie reached over and hugged Bailey as well. "We're so happy for you, Bailey. Congratulations!"

"And, of course, it's at this point that I learn the truth." Cody complained good-naturedly. "I'm so out of the loop."

Bailey reached over and took his hand. "Sorry sweetie. It wasn't my fault!" She grinned. "Being the last to know didn't seem to upset you then."

Cody squeezed her fingers gently. "Well there was nothing that could have upset me that night."

Bailey placed a gentle hand on her husband's sleeve. "Cody? Can I talk to you for a moment?" she asked quietly. "Outside?"

"Sure, Bails." Cody said, a concerned expression on his face as he excused himself from the family members he'd been talking to. He followed her to the front entrance of the reception hall and they walked out into the unseasonably-balmy night. "Everything all right?"

There was a lighted fountain in the courtyard, and Bailey took Cody's hand and walked him towards it. "You didn't... hear the news, did you?" she asked slowly, trying to figure out what, if anything, he knew.

Cody grinned. "You mean that Maddie and Zack are pregnant?" he said in a hushed tone. "Believe me, I heard. Grammy is so not happy about it. I think it's great, though. I can hardly believe it- I'm going to be an uncle!"

Nerves gripped Bailey's stomach as she listened to him. On one hand, the idea of a baby seemed to excite him... on the other, he thought it wasn't their baby. How would he react when she told him the truth? Would he be just as excited? Would he freak out? "Not an uncle." she said suddenly, deciding to rip the metaphorical band-aid off quickly. "You're going to be a father."

"What?" Cody didn't seem to understand, and she didn't really blame him. "But... what?"

"Maddie's not pregnant, Cody." Bailey said, tears beginning to well in her eyes. "I am."

"You..." Cody repeated. "But why did...?"

"London." Bailey explained, wiping at her eyes.

Cody nodded; that did explain the confusion. "And you're pregnant. You. Us." he clarified, a smile beginning to spread over his features.

"Yes." Bailey nodded, beginning to hiccup. "I just found out this afternoon." And with that she dissolved into tears.

"Sweetie..." Cody laughed, pulling her into his arms. "Why are you crying? This is fantastic!"

"Really?" Bailey sobbed into his shirt.

Cody kissed the top of her head repeatedly. "Of course! It's wonderful! This is what we wanted, isn't it? Don't cry, Bails!"

"It is what we wanted." Bailey sobbed. "I am happy! I'm sorry I'm getting so worked up, I don't even know why I'm crying! I'm just... so relieved!" Her tears turned to laughter as Cody rubbed her back, continuing to drop kisses into her hair. "So you're happy?"

Cody pulled back to look into her face. "Are you kidding? I'm ecstatic!" Cradling her cheek in one hand, he leaned in and kissed her deeply. "We are going to be the best parents."

"I know!" Bailey grinned. "Oh, I'm so happy. And I'm happy you're happy. Oh, Cody, I love you so much!"

"I love you more." Cody squeezed her waist lovingly. "Oh man, I can't wait for the rest of the family to hear this!"

Bailey stood on tiptoe and pecked him on the lips. "I'm so glad you feel that way." she said with a guilty smile. "Because Zack and Maddie are inside telling everyone right now."

They stared at each other for a long moment before bursting into laughter once more. Cody picked his wife up and swung her around a few times before setting her back on the ground and kissing her. "That's fine with me." he said. "Everything's perfect."

"It must have been the hormones kicking in already... I was a mess that night." Bailey remembered.

Cody got up, perching on the arm of the couch and kissing her. "A beautiful, incredible mess." he agreed with a teasing smile.

"And Grammy was so happy when we made the announcement." Zack added. "You know, I'm glad it happened that way. It wasn't like your news detracted from ours, we just had more to celebrate. You know, as a family."

"Aww, Zack..." Bailey crooned, sniffling a bit.

He raised his hands innocently. "Sorry, didn't mean to set her off!"

"Zack!" Maddie kicked him in the shin again, and he bit back a grin. She smiled. "You know the funny thing? I don't think London ever realized what a mess she made of the whole thing."

"I wouldn't be surprised." Zack agreed. "That's London for you." The others agreed, grinning.

Maddie looked over and saw her brother and sister-in-law finally getting cozy. However antsy Bailey had been earlier, now she seemed perfectly content to rest against Cody's chest. Cody, in turn, looked more relaxed than he'd been since they arrived, softly strumming his fingers up and down his wife's arm. "Zack, we should really get going."

Zack checked his watch, although they really had nowhere important to be. "Yeah, you're right." he stood, offering Maddie a hand to help her up. Cody and Bailey started to rise, but he held up a hand. "Don't get up, we'll see ourselves out." He squeezed Bailey's shoulder as they passed.

Maddie leaned close to whisper in Bailey's ear. "Good luck, sweetie. You'll do great." Then she followed her husband to the door.

When the door shut and they were alone, Cody tilted his head to look at the woman nestled into his side. "You called them to distract me, didn't you?"

"Of course I did. Your freaking out was driving me nuts." Bailey answered cheekily, giggling as a mock-offended Cody raised a hand to his heart.


"You know I love you." Bailey placated him with a long, sweet kiss before snuggling back against him.

"Love you more." Cody promised.

"Ready, Bails?"

"Whenever you are, Cody."

"You know we're about to be stampeded by all our friends, plus every Martin relative mobile enough to make it up all these stairs." Cody pointed out, not removing his arm from her waist as they slowly ascended the stairs back to the reception hall.

Bailey held up her fists in an exaggerated fighting stance, pretending to bob and weave. "Bring it on."

"Whoa there!" Cody held up his hands jokingly. "I think we should make a rule: no bare-knuckle boxing for you until after the baby is born."

Seeing where her husband was heading, Bailey rolled her eyes. "Well... if that's the only rule, I guess I can handle that."

Cody's eyebrows shot up. "The only rule? Not even close! There's also: no alcohol, no caffeine, no hot baths, roller coasters, lifting heavy objects..." He counted them off on his fingers as he listed them. "No cleaning out the litter box-"

"We don't have a cat."

"No smoking..."

"I don't smoke!"

"No unauthorized over-the-counter medications..."

"You are going to be completely insufferable when it comes time for the baby to actually be born, aren't you?" Bailey demanded, folding her arms across her chest.

Ignoring her, Cody continued his list, "No eating hot dogs, or touching lizards-" He struggled to keep a straight face as Bailey, exasperated and grinning, reached over and gave his shoulder a hard push. "No shoving your husband."

Bailey burst into giggles. "I take it back, you're insufferable right now!"

Bailey laughed at the memory, finishing with a tiny gasp. "Cody-"

"I know..." Cody admitted. "I have been a little insufferable. I'm sorry, Bailey."

"No." Bailey said, turning to him with wide eyes. "I mean, yes, you have been, but that's not important now!"

Cody's eyes widened in realization. "It's time?"

"It's time." Bailey confirmed, gripping his hand, suddenly nervous. "Oh my gosh..." A sense of panic welled up in her as she realized this was really going to happen- she was going into labor!

And then Cody's arm was around her, helping her up, guiding her to the door. She nearly panicked again as he left her side, but returned momentarily with her suitcase, and a jacket to drape around her shoulders. Her hand was shaking as she reached out and gripped his shirt. "Cody..." She sounded as lost as she felt.

"Sweetheart." A warm hand cupped her face and she was suddenly looking into the soft blue depths of his eyes. "I'm right here."

He planted a loving kiss on her forehead and she felt her calm return, melting bonelessly into his arms. "I knew there was a reason I married you." She should have known; no matter how annoying he could be at times, it was so like Cody to surprise her, to come through when it really mattered.

He always did.

"Thanks." he chuckled, guiding her arms into the jacket sleeves. "Now, are you done freaking out or should I call and see if Zack and Maddie are still available?"

Bailey let herself lean on him for a moment longer before straightening up and reaching for the doorknob. "Ha ha." She said dryly, pinning him with a glare. "Call them if you want." She shrugged lightly. "I'll be in the hospital, having a baby."

Cody picked up her suitcase and followed her out the door. "Well, in that case, I'd better come with you."

He locked the door behind him and Bailey smiled as she felt his reassuring hand slip into hers. "Yeah," she said happily. "You'd better."

A/N: No, I'm not going to write the birth. Maybe I'll save that for a future story lol. All right, give it to me straight: what did you think?