Rifiuto: Non Miriena
A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short.
Question: Wait what cracked?
Answer: Her neck
Question: did Elphaba really crack her neck like the lady you mentioned ordid she just randomly scream?
Answer: She didn't randomly scream, she cracked her neck as she turned her head and looked at Fiyero. Like, you could physically here the cracking of the vertebrae in her neck.
Thanks to Issa(dot)wicked17, Hedwig466 and lizziemagic for reviewing 11.
He didn't know what to do.
Get her to calm down? Beg her to be quiet? Run?
He took the third option.
Making way for the gate, he dropped his camera and recorder, intent on getting out of the park. Just as he reached the fence, he ventured a look back, only to stop and turn. She wasn't following him. Instead, she had vanished, leaving the camera and recorder in the grass where they had fallen. It took him a while to catch his breath, but when he did, he slowly and silently sidled back towards the spot where she had stood, and grabbed his camera and recorder.
A quick glance around the park revealed no sign of Elphaba.
Instead of staying, Fiyero rushed to the gate, and called for Mr. Diggs. It took a few minutes, but eventually, he did come out and unlock the fence. Once the fence was open, Fiyero darted out towards his car, and watched as Mr. Diggs locked the fence again.
"Th... thank you... M... Mr. Diggs." Fiyero called. The older man nodded, as the college student climbed back into his car and sped away, returning to Shiz.
Once he returned to his dorm, Fiyero uploaded everything to his laptop and began to examine it. At first, there was nothing on the footage, no sound on the recorder, and then, suddenly he heard,
"Come play with me."
He stopped the recording, calmed his racing heart, and hit Play again.
"Come play with me."
"No, not possible." He whispered, rewinding and starting it over again. Again, came the same three words, followed by a soft, lilting,
"Fi-yer-o." He heard a soft giggle, "Fi-yer-o." Silence. "Come play with me."
"Elphaba? I won't hurt you, I promise. Can you talk to me?"
Several seconds of silence passed, and after several minutes, he heard, "Come play with me."
He stopped the recording, turning to the footage. As he slowly moved through it, frame by frame, he temporarily lost interest in the search.
Until he caught sight of the little girl.