Alright listen up bitches, you guys guilt me into it. HERES YOUR CHAPTER. Like it or get out of my house, because I really don't give a shit.

Here's for the stupid shits that think I may have ACTUALLY WRITTEN THE BOOK disclaimer: I do not own vampire academy.

And you guys should really thank for her review cause it's the only reason I finally got around to writing this chapter. I mean I didn't quit I was just lazy but she made me want to give you guys something to read again. So I suggest you thank her by reading her stories and reviewing.

Thanks for getting me to write this story again

He was still beautiful, even covered in the strigoi's blood. Or maybe it was his own blood. I couldn't tell. My legs felt shaky, knowing that in the past few moments I could have lost him. I knew I couldn't think like this, shouldn't think like this. We were both guardians. Dealing in death and danger were part of our job descriptions.

I stepped out of the tent, stake still grasped tightly in my hand. I switched from scared girlfriend into battle mode in half a second. More lives could be at stake here than just Dimitri and I's.

"You take the west side and I'll scout the east perimeter." He ordered, jumping into action immediately. I nodded, heading towards the tree line at the west end of the clearing.

Hunting like this was almost mindless for me, I scanned and searched the trees. I was focused completely on the task at hand and ready for anything that might come out of these woods.

Which probably explains why I nearly staked Dimitri when he surprised me where we met, half way around the circle.

"Sorry, I didn't know it was you." I said, resting my hand on his chest where I had almost staked him. He just nodded.

"There aren't any more, at least not know." I called Alberta to let her know, she's keeping an eye on the students with her." I didn't say anything. Thinking it through in my head.

"He was uncoordinated when you fought him, probably made from a human. He seemed more like a rogue than part of some strigoi-army." Dimitri nodded and my assessment, agreeing with me."

"I agree," he paused. "this attack may have been the work of one, but it means other's probably know we're here. We can't take the chance of this attack happening again. I think we'll return to the academy tonight, before the sun goes down. It's cloudy now anyway and dangerous enough." His phone rang then. "Belikov." He answered. I smiled a little bit at how is guardian mask was up, even if Alberta couldn't see him."

They talked on the phone and I remembered what we were doing before the strigoi showed up and so rudely interrupted.

Holy shit.

I was really about to have sex with Dimitri. He was about to have sex with me. My brain whirled at this sudden realization. I didn't regret it at all, or I guess I didn't regret what almost happened. I was just hit with the idea that I had no idea when we would get another chance like the one we had today. What if Dimitri reconsidered the odds and decided against it? What if he finally realized that out of all the girls in the world he could have, he didn't want me, what if—

"Rose?" he said loudly, "Are you ok?" I turned around to face him.

"What? Yeah, I'm fine." He looked at me again.

"Is your head hurting? You just seem out of it."

"No really, I'm alright." I said, giving him a reassuring smile that he saw through instantly. He didn't say anything to my relief but gave me a look that said we'd talk later.

"That was Alberta, she said that we need to get back to the academy. They have all the supplies we just need to pack up the tents and put them in the van. Alberta and they other novices are going to meet us back at St. Vladamirs after they finish hiking." He finished, slipping his phone back into his pocket. I nodded and turned to look at the 10 tents before us…..

"I don't think you're doing it right." I said from my spot on top of the picnic table. I had taken a well deserved donut-break. "Now you're definitely not doing it right." I said laughing. I'd thought Dimitri was good at everything, a god. Well. He had met his match.

And it was a tent.

He dropped all the pieces of fabric and metal he was holding on the ground and just glared at her. "Well maybe if you would get off your sweet, donut eating ass and help me, it would go a little faster." I snorted and took another bite of my donut, watching Dimitri watching me.

"My five tents are packed up and in the van, it's not my problem that you, Guardian Belikov, cannot master a simple fold-n-go shelter device." He glared again and mumbled something in Russian under his breath. I just laughed.

Once we finally had the van loaded I took one last glance at the campground. I guess to be a guardian I had to get used to leaving places behind.

I hoped in the van and Dimitri started it up. We got out on the highway and I rolled down the window, closing my eyes and snuggled back into the seat. The wind was ruffling me hair. I snapped my eyes back open after a moment, feeling Dimitri's eyes on me.

"What?" I said looking right back at him. He reached out and touched my cheek, driving with one hand on the wheel. He sighed before speaking.

"I love you."

When we got back to the academy, it was just after curfew, all the students were asleep in their dorms. The other novices arrived a few minutes ahead of us. (Guess Dimitri's tent skills had set us back a little) Being back inside the wards gave all of us a kind of relief. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Grabbing my bag I headed for my dorm, catching Dimitri's eye before turning down the hall away from the common area and towards my dorm.

I took a long needed shower, changing into a sports bra and shorts. I shut the door to my room and flopped down on the bed, my hair was still wet and spread out on the pillow behind my head. I'd only layed there a few seconds, maybe a minute when there was a tapping at my window that faced the forest behind the academy. I jumped at the sound immediately reaching for the stake Dimitri had given me. I inched towards the window, keeping my head low. I pulled back the small curtain that covered the glass. I dropped my stake on the ground, immediately opening the window and watching Dimitri climb into my room and shut the window behind him. He turned to face me, his hair was damp, curling behind his ears.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I whispered, I glanced at the window again, "Did you scale that wall?" He smiled smugly and nodded, he put his head down by mine,

"Why are you whispering?" he said quietly in my ear. I laughed out right, I guess it was kind of silly since we were alone…in my dorm room….

Maybe this was my second chance…

DUH DUH DUH heheheheh lemon in the next chappe my doves ;)

You guysies better get yo asses up and review or you can say good bye to that lemon…FOREVER.