Wow! Im such a lier! But whatever, I'm posting it! Here it is, you've all been waiting for…

The sequal to Life in the Eyes of a Chao…

Hugs, Kisses, and Missle-Crazed Chao! The epic sequal!

Sonic's POV

Well…I've never been in this position before. Sonic thought aloud in his head. Well, it was true. The colbat blue hedgehog thought that he would never ever have to go through something like this. First he was turned into a chao, somehow fell in love with Amy, and on top of that Eggman had turned into a chao! And he had picked him to be his owner!

And then he heard her perfect voice. Her beautiful musical voice that channeled him back into the real world.

"Sonic…Are you okay? Are you still thinking about this entire Eggman chao thing? I know that its hard to take in but…" Amy then looked down to the ground, worriedly. "We'll do this together. Eggman's not becoming normal any time soon, so we should just enjoy this now while it lasts." There she was doing it again. The reason why I seemed to loved her so much, she could just make him feel better, with the slightest of actions.

And I could too.

"Amy, I'm not that worried, I'm just wondering why he picked me to be his owner, why didn't he pick Shadow or something?"

Amy giggled, "He probably likes you the most." That comment however made me think of another throught that was haunting me for some time now. In fact it made me stop in my tracks. Amy's eyes grew wide in worry,

"Sonic are you okay-?"

"W-what if…he falls in love with me Amy?" I blurted out. Amy now, seeing from my point of view, was now starting to freak out,

"Oh no…what are we going to do? What should we do…Tails!" We both cried out as we raced over to our favorite kitsune's house, he would know what to do for sure.

~~~At Tails's Workshop~~~

Tails, their favorite two tailed Kitsune, was sitting in his lab in the Mystic ruins. Cosmo was there with him as well, and he seemed to be telling her a story,

"And then Jack threw the bean out of the window-"

"Oh no!" Cosmo cried out in worry, "Was the bean okay? Did he have any broken bones?" Tails chuckled inwardly at Cosmo's love for plants, she was even worried about them in a fairytale story.

Just as they were getting to the part when Jack started to climb the beanstalk Sonic and Amy, burst through their wall.

"Aiiie!" Cosmo shouted as she jumped behind Tails. Tails however was used to this thing, so he wasn't fazed a bit.

"What's wrong now guys?" Tails asked them.

"Tails, what does it mean if chao picks out an owner as soon as it comes out of its shell?" Amy asked him.

Tails sighed, why had they asked him such a dumb question. The answer was so obvious.

"Well, it probably feels like it has a good connection with you, and it probably thinks that your its parents. Why did you need to know that?" Tails asked them. My heart rate quickened. That only meant one thing…Me and Ames were going to be the parents of Eggman the chao.

"Well thanks Tails, I really needed to know that information!" I said shakily.

"Sonic are you okay?" Cosmo asked me worridly, I waved her off,

"Nah, never been better." However as soon as I put one step out of the door, my eyes rolled back into my head and I fainted once more.

"Sonic!" Tails and Cosmo shouted at the same time, as they picked me up and carried me into the house.

~~~Meanwhile with Shadow, Kitsune and Maria~~~

Storm, Shadow, Kitsune and Maria were all standing under a tree at the park. Why the park you ask? Well because Shadow didn't want to be seen with Storm anywhere else (and also that fan-girls everywhere were chasing him, and since the park was so big the fan girls would get lost)

"Shadow are you sure that you want her? She is quite a handful…" Storm said as she handed Kitsune and a very long list to Shadow. The ebony hedgehog sighed,

"I don't want her, she wants me. And ever since the chao incident she won't stop bothering me. I better just adopt her." Kitsune chaoed happily; she loved being held by Shadow, even if it was only for a few seconds.

Suddenly, another chao came up to Shadow and started to chew on his leg softly, Storm looked at the dark chao that was happily chewing on Shadow's leg. Shadow tried to ignore it.

"But won't Maria get jeloues?"

"They're probably going to kill each other in a matter of minuets since they both want my attention. Now, the next thing on your list says that I have to go and register them with the chao garden…why do I have to do that?"

Storm placed her hands on her hips,

"Don't you know anything about taking care of a chao?"

"No." Shadow said. Storm sweat dropped,

"Every chao owner knows that chao love going to a chao garden and that if a chao becomes too rowdy then you send them to the chao garden to calm down, and give youself some free time…" Storm muttered under her breath. Shadow nodded at her,

"Or I could just drop them off at your house for a giant chao sleep over, so that way I don't have to drop them off at a chao garden. They're stupid places anyway." And with that, Shadow pulled out a chao emerald and warped away.

"Yeah, you could just do that…hey!" Storm shouted as she realized what she had just agreed to, "SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG YOU COME BACK HERE! I'M NOT FINSIHED WITH YOU YET!"

She then took a deep breath to calm down and turned to Starry her unicorn chao,

"Well I guess that its just you and me Starry." Starry chaoed softly, he was already missing Kitsune, even if she was a crazy paintball obsessed chao…

Storm, looked at Starry's sad expression and patted her on the head.

"Don't be sad Starrs…I know! Lets go to the chao garden to see if we can find another chao friend for you!" Starry smiled at her, before he flew up and sat on her shoulder,

"Alright, let's get a move on!" Storm said as they both marched out of the park, and towards the chao garden; in search of a new friend.

~~~At the New Chao Garden Center~~~

Knuckles and Cream were both at the New Chao Garden, looking at the cute chao.

"Mr. Knuckles, don't they look so cute?" Cream asked happily. Knuckles sighed, why was he even here in the first place?

"Cream, can we please just hurry up? I know that you needed me to come because you needed and adult supervision and everything but thought that you said that we were going to be here for five minutes. Its already been an hour! The Master Emerald is probably being stolen this minuete!" Cream then looked at Knuckles with a teary-eyed expression,

"So you don't want to look at the cute chao with me? I already told you that my mom is sick so she couldn't come with me and Mr. Sonic and Amy are busy and Mr. Shadow was being chased by fan girls and Miss. Rouge was sleeping and Miss. Storm was too busy…" Cheese also gave him the puppy dog look. Knuckles sighed in defeat,

"Alright, alright five more minutes," Knuckles chuckled to himself, "Hey, who knows? Maybe I'll adopt one of these little guys too!"

"That's the spirit Mr. Knuckles!" Cream cheered, Cheese chaoed in agreement.

Suddenly a scream was heard thought the building,

"Help! A rabid chao just attacked me!" Knuckles' eyes narrowed as Cream and Cheese huddled behind Knuckles in fear,

"A…rabid chao? Cheese I'm scared!" Cream cried out as she buried her face in the blue fariy's shoulder.

"Don't worry Cream, I'll get that chao. You just get out of here. Who knows what could happen if that chao bit you, or worse." Knuckles said, as he stormed off in the direction of the scream.

"Roger, Mr. Knuckles!" Cream said as she saluted to him. Cheese in tow.

Meanwhile the chao that was on the loose was in fact a baby hero chao. The only thing that was wrong with it was that it had blood red eyes and one red wing and one black wing instead of two blue wings. Said chao was now running through the hallways screaming and biting anything that came in its path. Suddenly it ran into something.

"Chao." It said as it rubbed its head. The chao then got angrey, whoever had just bumped into it would pay.

Unfortunatly the thing that had bumped into it was Cream. The bunny took one glance at the chao before she sceamed in fear. Then the chao closed in on her, and bit her on the arm, which made Cream scream louder.

Knuckles was tearing down the hallways of the chao center looking for the rabid chao when he saw Cream huddled in a corner. And she was…shrinking.

"Cream!" Knuckles shouted as he ran towards her. Standing next to her was the baby chao, with an evil grimace on its face, before it ran down the hallway and out the door.

"Cream, please say something!" Knuckles said as he turned her around, only to see that…she had turned into a chao egg. "Oh no…oh no oh no oh no…" Knuckles muttered to himself, as he picked up the chao egg and ran to Tails' house. What do I do now? Knuckles thought as he ran down the path to Tails' house, I can't believe that this is even possible but…Cream's been turned into a chao!

Storm and Starry had finally reached the chao garden when something bumped into her.

"Hey! What bumped into…aww it's a cute little chao!" Storm cooed as she picked up the chao that had ran into her, "Strange, it looks like a hero chao, but it has red eyes and red and black wings." Starry looked at it in confusion. Something seemed familiar about this chao but he couldn't place his paw on it.

"Hey, Starry, I like this little guy! He's cute! I think that I'm going to keep him! Who knows, maybe he's the new friend that we were talking about earlier!" Storm said as picked up the rabid chao who was squirming in her arms, and started to walk home. Starry gulped before flying after her, something big was up. He could just tell.

Heh, a lot of things going on in this chapter! Sonic faints, Shadow adopts Kitsune, Cream gets turned into a chao, and Storm adopts the rabid chao! AHH!

I'm think that this won't be updated a lot until I post my other stories but hey! I could be wrong. After all I said that about Life in the Eyes of a Chao and looked what happened.

Eh, enough talk! R&R please!

Chao for now!

-Galexia the chao