
For the last time in this story, I do NOT own Pokemon!

The warm sun tickled through the clouds into the courtyard of the private school. The cobble stone yard made a spiraling circle with a set of stairs leading up to large building with statures on either side of the stairs. A boy, about fourteen, with the most unusual green hair and sharp green eyes, sat on the base of one of these great lion statue. The fierce beast's mouth open in a roar with his mane flowing. The boy leaned back on the grand figure's leg. His eyes watched as the sunlight sleeked across the yard to him.

He leaned back, exposing his neck to the warm rays with a sigh. The boy chuckled. "How times have changed."

Another boy, a year younger than the green haired teen walked over slowly. A bag was slung careless over his shoulder and a map in his hand. The younger boy's hair was black with a tint of dark green. "Excuse me." He tapped the elder boy's shoe. The boy opened an eye and looked at him. "Can you tell me where room 4-A is." The older boy shut his eye and leaned back, pointing left.

"Oh, thanks. I'm Timble, by the way." He smiled, walking left. The boy didn't response—for he all ready knew. Running a hang through his hair he shrugged off his jacket and threw it over the lion's mane, pulling one leg up and perpendicular to the other.

"Is that allowed—sitting there?" A girl, about fourteen with brown hair and sapphire eyes, walked over and leaned against the base of the statue.

"Probably not." He shrugged, readjusting his position she he was on his stomach, head resting on his arms. "But when have I listened to rules?"

The girl shrugged. "You have a point." She rolled onto her heels once. "So, did you see him?"

The boy nodded, pulling at his bangs casually. "He walked right pasted. Still a wonder he didn't move on to Paradise."

"Yeah." The girl smirked and reached over the boy. Her hand clasped his jacket, and she pulled it to herself.

"What are you doing? Give it back." The boy sighed, sitting up and swinging his legs over the base of the statue.

"I don't think so." She stuck her tongue out, skipping away. "You have to get me!"

"You evil demoness!" The boy jumped off, laughing. Every time the boy came within range of grabbing the coat back, the girl would dance out of the way, waving the coat as if it were a victory flag.

"Pride is a sin, you know." The boy chuckled. The girl paused to consider this. As she did, the boy darted forwards and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Gotcha."

"No fair—you made me think!" The girl huffed. The boy smirked and buried his nose in her hair.

"Must have been a riveting experience for you." He chortled. Blushing, the girl leaned her head on his shoulder.

"I've had better." She muttered.

Chuckling, he asked, "Did it involve sweat and nudity?"

Blushing fiercely, she snapped, "You sound like them."

The boy laughed, squeezing the girl tighter. "They were my best fiends—sadly." The girl giggled at him. "

Meanwhile, in the shadows of the building, a group of other stood. One, a girl with orange hair smiled, a hand stuck in her pocket. Another, beside her, a boy with raven colored hair, wrapped an arm around her waist.

Another, a boy with spiny brown hair let out a sigh. "Damn you, sweetheart." The boy hissed the final word as thought it were a curse. He reached into his pocket and pulled out five dollar bill. He held out the bill to a girl with long brown hair a few hues lighter.

"Thank you, sweetheart." The girl slipped her hand into the boy. A ring on corresponding finger touched lightly.

"You cheated to win the bet." The brunette boy muttered, his face getting closer to the girls. "And that is so freakin' hot."

"Get a room, please." The other two chorus, laughing.

As the girl and boy hugged, the group in the shadows spoke about how it would be better if they happily married couple really should get a room, another couple stood on the top of the building bathed in sunlight.

"It's so pretty up here." A girl with long navy hair smiled.

A boy with medium length purple hair shrugged. "I suppose." The girl giggled and watch the green haired boy lead the girl towards the building.

"I suppose. I think it adorable. Only Death may bind them. It's almost poetic." the blunette smiled.

"Eh." The boy leaned on his hands. The girl smiled and giggled, putting an arm around him. A small grin on his lips, the boy placed an arm around her waist. The blunette leaned against his chest with a sigh.

As the happy couples stood, snuggling, a broke soul watched from a place that no one could find—no one could see. His eyes were hallow and his heart was an empty shell as he watched the green boy and the brunette walk past him. The girl laughed at something the boy said. And, for the first time, a small spark flared up in the man. He'd rejected his life, his family, his friends to punish himself. He'd deserved it. He was not fit to be in such a divine place after what he had done. He let his rage and hatred for those beasts control his actions.

He deserved to die himself. But Death was to easy of escape. He sighed, running his hand through his once black hair which was no streaked with white. "I'm…glad your happy, May."

Another boy with a fragmented soul hid and watched the couple walk down the crowd halls. Unlike the rest, he hid in plan sight. As they past, he knew they saw him and chose to ignore him. Mostly, the girl paused and sent a smile in his direction.

This he chose to ignore. She was just a human girl know, nothing to him. Seeing this, the girl leaned back into the green-haired boy's arm. This was what the fragmented soul wanted. She knew know, that her deceit to her people hadn't effect him—not in the least.

For, he knew something was going to happen to them. Two like them couldn't have a happily ever after, not there.

The turned, watching against the flow of students. "They say the bow boy is blind…" The boy shook his head, his white hair hitting the sides of his face. "There are not Angels in Greek mythology…"

The girl with brown hair and sapphire eyes sighed as the boy with white hair ignored her. The boy with green paused and pulled the girl away from the door that led to their next class. "What are you do—"

The boy spun her around. "Now, listen to me? That guy is a bastard. Just pretend he's not there…pretend none of them are there, okay?" The girl nodding; the floor suddenly becoming very interesting. With a sigh, the boy grabbed her chin and made her look him in the eyes. "Beside, that bastard couldn't kiss you and have you kiss back…like this." He leaned down and met her lips.

The girl blushed and looked down at her feet—was one shoelace longer than the other? The boy chuckled, shaking his head. "I love you." He touched her cheek and once again led her eyes to his.

Her hand reached up and touched his. "I love you, too."

Corniest, most trite, clichéd ending ever. But, it is better than them dead, right? Anyway, this story was fun to write and I thank everyone for the reviews and favs. This story actually got 55 favs, 53 alerts, 6,348 hits and is in 1 C2. That's great for me. Thank you!

Okay, after a suggestion by a fan, I have written a final one. Go to my profile to read it!

Anyway, one last, final thank you to you all.

~Waveripple of Team Sunrise =3