Okay, Harry and Ginny older…Hard. Very. XD I'll get accustomed to Harry, but I'm glad Ginny doesn't come in too much.
To all my readers who are waiting for an update from Creation of a Phantom, I promise I am working on it! =3 This one's taking a little while longer than expected, and I managed to write this prologue in a day, so...XD I will have chapter 7 up soon!
This is just a crossover idea I had…I've seen a lot of HP/DP things, but hopefully mine is slightly different. XD It pretty much explains itself.
At the sound of James crying - again - Harry closed his eyes for a moment, letting his head rest in his hands. There were papers strewn across the desk at which he sat, and though a good deal of them were completed it was a daunting task to finish the rest any time tonight. He remained like that for a few minutes, allowing his mind a decent rest until Ginny came downstairs with their son bawling on her hip. The boy's light brown hair, so different from both of his parent's extremes, was sticking up every which way as usual, and the constant flailing of his arms wasn't helping the matter much.
"Not sleeping again?" the young man inquired, setting down the quill that had remained in his hand. His wife shook her head wearily, setting the toddler down in his normal high chair at one end of the table.
"He's as bad as you sometimes," she accused, though her tone was light. "I can imagine this one out roaming the castle in the middle of the night…" Harry chuckled, leaning back in his chair to watch his son squirm. The crying had subdued slightly into a sniveling whine. For whatever reason, the little boy loved being in the dining room. He would sleep anywhere, really, but the dining room always seemed to get him to calm down.
"He'll keep Minerva on her toes at least." As his father stared him down, James began to lessen his twisting, light brown eyes watching green ones as if expecting some rebuke. "Let's just hope he inherits your brains rather than mine…or at least your willingness to actually do the homework." Ginny managed a grin, sinking into a chair at the long table. Everything in the house was big, really. Every set of furniture looked to be expecting a full party at any moment, and there were enough bedrooms to house an entire secret society. Granted, that had been its purpose at one point. Number 12 Grimmauld Place was still in use for various meetings, but any serious ones were few and far between these days. Its main use now was for dinner parties, reunions, and of course the living quarters of the Potter family. Though Harry had been a bit reluctant to move into the house of Black after leaving Hogwarts, insisting that it was far to big for two (soon to be three) people, Ginny's argument had won over.
"It's big enough for everyone to visit," she had told him. "And besides, this way you can save the trouble of finding a house and then setting up the usual enchantments around it. Face it Harry, with a bit of cleaning Sirius's old place is perfect. What else would you do with it anyway, use it for storage?"
"Harry?" Jerking himself slightly out of his thoughts, the young man looked up rather guiltily at his wife's exasperated face. At his expression, she laughed, glancing down at the papers in front of him. "I see work hasn't let up at all, huh?"
"Still too much to clean up." He shoved a few of the reports into one pile, warily eying the next set. "Even after all these years, Riddle's whole assault left far too much damage to fix in such a short time. The Muggles in Sweden are still raving about the terrible monsters that have been sent to plague them, even though we cleared the dementors out of there two years ago." He sighed, picking up the quill again and turning to a rather lengthy notice about some stray hoard of boggarts in Thailand. Just as Harry was bending over the parchment, frowning as he began to read, the dying fire in the grate suddenly flared with a puff of sparks. As this was a common occurrence, only James reacted to the sudden light. His crying renewed and Ginny stood, scooping the boy up again in an attempt to quiet him. Harry barely glanced up as a letter slipped out of the fireplace, the flames dying down once more into their previous smoldering state. He leaned out far enough to pluck it up, glancing at the writing on the envelope quickly.
"Something from the Ministry?" Ginny inquired, standing behind him in an attempt to read over his shoulder. The young man shook his head, pulling the seal apart and unfolding the letter.
"Well…not really. It's from Percy, but he usually talks to me at work or just sends an owl…what could be urgent enough to use Floo Powder?" The dining room fell silent, even James quieting down again as his parents read the hastily scrawled letter.
Harry (and Ginny, as I know she'll read this too),
I apologize for the sudden intrusion this letter will bring, but I needed to inform you before the Ministry became aware of the situation.
The two glanced up at each other with wide eyes. Percy was going behind the Minister's back? Apparently it was far more urgent than originally thought. They turned hurriedly back to the paper, reading faster now.
I also apologize in advance for what this may lead to, but I felt you may be the only one with a clear enough head to handle things. As you surely know, paranoia is running rampant after Riddle's escapade, and things that are simple enough for a few Obliterators are being handed to Aurors. It's simply nonsense.
I just received word from my father who was on a quick trip to America about a strange little town there. It's called Amity Park, and if the Ministry got wind of this place there would be an uproar. Father was wise enough to leave it off of his report, and though we both feel the Ministry needs to be kept out of it, I think the place ought to be investigated. Neither of us are able to take that much time off without looking odd, but as you're known for unexplained trips abroad, I assume there won't be too many questions if you were to go.
I realize that this is extremely short-notice and a little more than strange, but if you do decide to make the journey, I will explain things more fully. Unfortunately, Father and I require an answer in either direction as soon as possible; if you cannot go, we will have to find someone else to take your place.
This is now directed at Ginny, whom I can imagine craning to read over your shoulder as she is so fond of doing. I realize you would be more than capable staying at Grimmauld Place alone, but Father says he will be happy to arrange a visit for you and James while Harry is 'vacationing.' We think the less that is known of this ordeal, the better. If it can be taken care of quickly, there won't be much need for the Ministry to hear of it. Knowing Harry's skill at this sort of thing, it shouldn't take more than a few weeks.
Let me know as soon as you can, Harry. The sooner it's done with, the sooner we won't have to worry about a bunch of Aurors swarming all over the town.
Give my love to James. I look forward to seeing you all for Christmas, regardless.
A silence stretched on even after they had both finished reading. Ginny, who had always been a faster reader than her husband, was now staring into the grate at the dying embers. She was started out of her thoughts as Harry suddenly sighed, putting the letter down and reaching for a new parchment and his quill.
"You're answering it already?" Ginny demanded, her voice low as James had since fallen asleep. "What are you telling him? I mean, maybe Dean could look at it, but…"
"I'm going," he stated bluntly, dipping the quill point in ink and beginning to write. "If this is serious enough that Percy of all people decides to keep it hidden from the Ministry, I don't think there's really anyone else who could go."
"But if it is that serious, why would you go?" the young woman asked, setting her son gently into his high-chair again. She leaned over the table, brown eyes meeting green as Harry looked up. "Harry, you don't even know what this is about. Shouldn't you at least ask for more information before plowing off like this?" He sighed slightly, glancing back down at the ink that still glistened on the parchment.
"Apparently Percy knows I can handle it," he murmured. "If he's going so far as to sneaking around his superiors, that has to count for something. It can't be too bad, can it? Some little town in America…that entire country has seen less activity than London in a year. And after all," He grinned, half shrugging. "Haven't I handled worse?" His wife chuckled rather wearily, shaking her head.
"Well, there's that," she conceded. "I can understand Perce's reasoning, at least. If it's something simple like an extra couple of dementors, sending a whole troop of Ministry professionals in there would risk things getting out even more than the creatures themselves. The Muggles can explain away dementors, but not a bunch of Aurors storming in with their wands blazing." Ginny frowned, glancing down at her older brother's writing again. "I know you'll go whether I say you can or not, and I guess it is reasonable…Just promise me you won't go looking for trouble out there." Harry laughed at the age-old joke, laying his free hand over hers.
"As I told your father so many years ago, I never go looking for trouble. Trouble usually just finds me." The young woman smiled, shaking her head.
"So you say, but if I hear that you're over there causing some mischief for whatever reason, woe be to you when you return, Harry Potter," she warned, poking him in the arm. With another laugh, Harry turned back to his letter, finishing the last line with a flourish and folding it quickly. Not even bothering to seal the parchment, he stood and strode to the grate. Grabbing a pinch of powder from a flowerpot on the mantle, he tossed it onto the smoldering embers, leaning back slightly as the flames erupted again suddenly. They were dark green this time, however, and the young man wasted no time in tossing the letter in with a call of "Apartment 107, London" before they whisked it away with a slightly warm breeze. It surprised him that Percy's was currently the only apartment 107 connected to the Floo Network, but it worked out well; if there were another, the address would take much longer to say. Harry stood for another moment, staring into the glowing coals before the sound of Jame's crying stirred him again. As Ginny carried the small boy back to his room, the wizard returned to his chair at the table. The reports seemed to glare up at him, daring his tired mind to even attempt any further work. He pushed them aside with a sigh, letting his head fall onto his arms. There was a few minutes of silence before Ginny returned, standing behind him with her hands on his shoulders and her chin resting on his head.
"Amity Park then, huh?" she murmured quietly. "Sounds so…American." Harry chuckled, his hands going over hers.
"I'm sure I'll be bombarded by all of their weird culture. I'll bring you back some of those things they call chips…as long as I don't eat them all on the way." The young woman grinned.
"I'll hold you to that. Now come on, you can finish this later. Percy can't expect you to stay up all night waiting for a reply." She turned, pulling her husband to his feet as he gave a stifled sigh. "You'll have to find out where this place is tomorrow. It might take a while to apparate all over the country."
"I can ask at work," Harry told her, capping the ink bottle carefully and laying it back on the table. "They don't really care what we ask as long as it's not about the Department of Mysteries. That can get you some glares." The two exited the dining room, the door swinging shut behind them. The only sound that broke the silence was the very quiet crackling of the wood in the grate, still persistently burning even though all the flames had died away. It was only a few minutes before the fire suddenly flared again, another letter drifting out onto the cold floor. It wasn't sealed as the first had been, and seemed hastily written. As it settled, the folds proved too loose to hold and the parchment opened, the writing facing the ceiling as if waiting for someone to find it.
I'm writing this directly after the first letter was sent so it may be sent straight away if you answer in the affirmative.
Hopefully you plan on departing as soon as possible; I won't say there's a crisis in the town, but it would be best to deal with it before the Ministry gets wind of any oddities. From what Father said, Amity Park certainly is a strange place. He was only there briefly, putting to rest a case involving some mailboxes that were running rampant, but it was apparently long enough to feel the overbearing sense of paranoia that covered the place. The citizens there are accustomed to it, oddly enough. Any tourists that arrive are promptly told of the town's…problems. Though I remain slightly skeptical of their reasons, I still think it deserves to be investigated.
Apparently, Amity Park is overrun by ghosts. Lots of them. I don't know how it's possible, considering only those of magic origin are able to leave an imprint of themselves and the wizarding population is low in that area…but they are adamant that there are ghosts everywhere. Anyone that lives there is of the same opinion, and they look down on skeptics. They say none of the ghosts are there just to haunt the place; apparently, they somehow manage to do some considerable property damage. Again I'm of the opinion that these Americans have managed to produce a mass delusion of some sort. Any knowledgeable person knows that ghosts are completely intangible, and therefore aren't able to do any harm to the living. They are willing to swear, however, that all of the craters in streets and holes in the buildings are the aftermath of battles between the various ghosts. Perhaps they are trying to hide from fees for poor maintenance , but whatever it is, it seems to be working.
There is one particular spirit that the citizens are all in an uproar about; he's the only one that has questionable motives, as some insist he helps the town while others will tell you he is responsible for most of the damage. He calls himself Danny Phantom, though there are some that insist his name is 'Inviso-Bill'. Though Father was told that he's seen more frequently than any other ghost there, there was no sighting while he was there. One person he asked about it insisted that Phantom was almost never seen without another ghost present, and that they were always fighting for one reason or another. There are hundreds of ideas about Phantom, some of which just seem absurd, but he seems to be the one that most know about.
Please realize, Harry, that my father got all of this information after a few hours in the town. There is certainly much more to be discovered, and that can only happen if someone is to stay a while and attempt to blend in with the population. They are a suspicious lot, and though willing to share all of their paranoias with random strangers, I'm sure there is much more to be found out with a little investigation. We do not want the Ministry finding out about this unless it's proven to be a real Ministry-level issue. For all we know, it could be some Confundus charm gone wrong or the aftereffects of a dementor attack. Hopefully there will not be very much to fix, and if anyone is capable of doing it quickly and quietly, it would be you. We simply want you to go into the town and find out exactly what it is that's causing these delusions and, if possible, put an end to them. There is a chance there are a few ghosts and the Muggles' imaginations have multiplied them; if that is the case, you may have to negotiate with them about revealing themselves to the town.
I'll send you any other information Father has if you need it. I'm afraid most of it will have to be discovered on your own. Tell Ginny that she and James can come to the Burrow at anytime and to send Father an owl if she prefers to stay at Grimmauld Place.
Best regards, and best of luck,
Soo…to be honest, I'm not sure I'll finish this. I hardly know where it'll go. X3 I thought I'd post it and see if there was enough of a response to continue.
If anyone wonders, Danny will not be as old as Harry. I put Harry at about…23 here now. Danny would be 17, at the oldest. I must admit, I'm behind on my DP knowledge (trying to watch the series again. It goes slowly) so I'm not exactly sure what happens in Phantom Planet…but from what I hear, Danny's secret gets out. I'll just say now that in this, no one except Sam, Tucker, and Jazz know about it. (No humans, at least. X3) So apologies for inconsistencies that may cause, but…-shrug-
Let me know if you like it, give me ideas as to what the wizarding community of America might be like, (It'll be a short little part in the next chapter) give me any ideas for the rest of the plotline if you'd like it to continue. Read my other stories, as well! The main reason I don't want to continue this now is the fact that I'd almost certainly drop Creation of a Phantom, which I do NOT want to do. ^^ I'll finish that first and then consider this one here. If there's a good deal of response, I might work on this between chapters of the other one.
This is a long note…XD So, kudos to the readers! Reviews are loved!