{Author's Note: Be for warned the following chapter contains: Violence, suggestive themes and ideas and some strong and rather ahem colorful language. Some form of happy ending(s) in this the Final Chapter. It is a LONG chapter. Rating probably T. As always PLEASE be sure to view "Lucy" by xOxLxIxVxEx as that is the work that inspired this story. A huge massive ginormous THANK YOU to xOxLxIxVxEx for giving me permission to post this. :) Don't forget to Review after you read thank you thank you thank you and hope you enjoy! End Note}

Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Fairy Tail, if I did the Fairies would be ruling the world and whipping people with their totally awesome tails!

Chapter 10

In That One Moment...Again

Natsu grinned, that half crazed look in his eyes once more as he faced the mastermind they had come to stop. He was gonna enjoy beating this guy for kidnapping Lucy. He had planned to sacrifice her for her powers as a Stellar Spirit mage as part of some bizarre, ancient ritual to gain immortality. Natsu had managed to free Lucy. She was still fighting the second in command, while Gray and Erza were busy with the dozens of followers outside the temple.

They had given Natsu the opening to go save Lucy. Now that she had her keys, and her whip, his Nakama could take out one man. Natsu loved Lucy, but she was dating Loke, and had been for the last almost seven months now. It bugged him that Loke made his move while Lucy was on a date with Natsu. The jerk. He knew he was getting tired if he was thinking about that at a time like this. The master mountain mage was powerful, and Natsu was needing to use more of his magic than he had expected.

'Damn! No wonder this was an S class mission, but that fifty million jewels, and an all expenses paid cruise is soo gonna be worth it! Lucy and Erza in bikinis all day for a week!' Natsu shivered at the thought. There was a blinding flash of light, that the mage somehow didn't see. Natsu felted dazed. He blinked. Natsu swallowed hard.

"You can't stop me! I've won! I've won, and you have no idea that it's already too late! MWAHA ha ha ha ha!" The master mountain mage shouted at Natsu from across the massive room.

"What nonsense are you dreaming?! Just 'cause you finished your stupid chant ain't gonna save you from my fire! Besides, you forgot the sacrifice, you stupid, old fart!" Natsu heard himself shout. His eyes widen. It was almost time he realized. He swallow in anticipation. He could do this.

"There's still time, you fool! There's still time! So long as the sacrifice is in the temple, I have all the time I need! Soon! Soon, you shall tremble before me, you who is nothing but a mere mortal! I shall possess the immortality of the Stellar Spirits!" the old man crowed triumphantly.

He was trying to buy more time. He couldn't take much more from this fire flinging, half crazed, childish upstart. Fairy Tail had sent the one team that he and his master had needed them to, but they had not accounted for the dragon slayer actually still having so much power left when he reached the ceremonial rooms.

"Phht! Like I'd let you kill my friend just so your ugly, old wrinkles could creep along the Earth forever!" Natsu laughed, trying to blow off the disturbing idea that Lucy wasn't safe even though Natsu was right there.

He turned, and looked at her. He saw the real master mage fading in and out of view across from her, she looked shaky to him this time. She was faltering. She flashed him a relieved smile, and returned to her fight, looking around wildly. She had lost track of her opponent. Natsu didn't turned back to his own opponent.

"LUCY!" Natsu shouted, he started running for all he was worth. The hall was lined with braziers that were burning fiercely. The gift. Natsu grinned, but it faded. He wouldn't make it. He was too far.

"Loke!" Natsu's summons coming out as a blood curdling shriek. Nothing. No, poof ,magic Lion Spirit slash dashing, daring prince come to rescue the radiant princess. Nothing at all.

His voice high pitched in terror, Natsu tried again, "Loke! I need you! Loke PLEASE, Lucy needs you! PLEASE!"

Loke was there. Natsu was drawing the fire of each brazier as he passed. Loke grabbed the exhausted Lucy, and pulled her to safety as the dagger plunged into the air where she'd been standing a split second before.

"I'm all fired up and ready to rip you apart, you mother fucking son of a bitch!" Natsu shouted as he launched into the true master mage, "Don't you touch my Lucy ever again you bastard!"

Loke and Lucy were staring at Natsu like they had never seen him before. Lucy blushed. She had never ever heard Natsu talk like that. She didn't know he even knew words like that never mind what they meant. Either way she was thankful that the fire dragon slayer had come to help her. It was taking everything in her power just to keep that monster away from her.

Natsu was pounding the guys face in, each blow encased in the most intense flames she'd ever seen. Once the mage lay motionless, Natsu snatched up the dagger, and turned to face Lucy, who was still firmly in Loke's arms.

"We have to get her out of here now! She not safe as long as she's within these walls. Don't ask questions just move! NOW!" Natsu snapped. His face twisted in fear, relief, pain, anger, and determination. His throat hurt from the way he had screeched to try to reach Loke in the Spirit World.

Loke was moving. He carried Lucy. She didn't complain, which made Loke worry. They ran from the ceremonial room, raced down the winding stone stairs to the next floor. Natsu was looking for an exit. Any exit. He didn't care where it went as long as it was outside. They raced down the next staircase. He kept a solid grip on the dagger. As long as he held it, it couldn't be used to hurt his Lucy. He stopped Loke suddenly. There. Was that...? Yes! A window low enough and wide enough to get through.

"This way, hurry. Lucy, take the dagger. You have to get your magic back. Hold it in both hands, and say...and say...Shit! What were the words! Think Natsu!" Natsu struggled to remember as they hurried down the long hall.

"What the hell is going on Natsu?" Loke asked.

"I'll explain later, Kitten, I promise," Natsu replied.

"What did you just call me?!" Loke snarled.

"I. Will. Explain. LATER! We do not have time! You will help me save Lucy's life, or I will kill you! Release Thy Stolen Strength! That's what you need to say Luce!" Natsu finally remembered, he passed her the dagger as they reached the window.

Lucy didn't want to touch that thing. She could still feel the mage sliding the thing over her skin as he chanted in some ancient dead language. She shivered violently but took firm hold of the handle with both hands. She cringed.

"R-release thy s-stolen s-strength," she stuttered, trying not to throw up at the feel of the grip in her hand. The dagger flared. Vivid warm light flooded out swirling in the air, and curled around her slender body. Lucy gasped as her magic was blissfully restored. She smiled at Natsu with tears in her eyes.

Natsu grinned brightly as he took the dagger from her hands.

"Go! Now! Out the window. Loke don't you dare leave her side for even the briefest second. Lucy if you can, call another Spirit, like Taurus, or Cancer. A fighter. I don't want anyone getting near you until this is finished," Natsu ordered as he helped Loke, and then Lucy out the window. They passed Lucy between them.

"O-okay, I will," Lucy managed. There was something very, very, very different about Natsu. She didn't know what.

Natsu watched as Loke stood behind Lucy, holding her so that he was ready to pull her away from anything that threatened, while she called forth Cancer, and then Taurus. Natsu grinned as the three Spirits rushed Lucy off across the roof. They passed her down to each other moving down the outside of the building to reach the ground. Relief that she was safe at last, flooded Natsu. It was worth it after all. Tears fell freely from his eyes. He let himself cry. His tears fell onto the dagger he held in his hands.

"It was worth it. Thank you for everything. Thank you," Natsu said, and he snapped the dagger in two, shearing the blade off the hilt. It flashed dully as it broke. A moment later the dagger shattered into thousands of tiny pieces as fine as any dust.

Natsu would swear he heard the Gate of Time say, "You are welcome, Worthy One. Congratulations."

It took another hour to capture all of the mountain mages. Once they were all in custody, Fairy Tail's strongest team stood outside the temple huddled together. Loke refused to release Lucy. Something about Natsu's reaction scared him on a level that he felt he would never recover from. He had good reason to fear that something horrible was just waiting at this place. It was an ancient Stellar Temple, and Lucy was a Stellar Spirit mage, and this was the night of the Spring Equinox. A powerful yearly event that held great significance for Elementals, and Spirits. Lucy dismissed Taurus and Cancer, each of them demanding a hug before they left, Taurus without his usual perverseness for once. Lucy obliged. They were also disturbed by the timing, and the location. It was too many coincidences.

"Hey, Luce?" Natsu asked softly.

"Yeah, Natsu?" Lucy looked at him, he was hidden in the deep shadows of the night.

"Are you up to calling one more Spirit?" Natsu questioned gently.

"I-I think so, why?" Lucy said.

"Are you or not?" Natsu growled slightly.

"I don't know for sure, but I can try," Lucy huffed back. He was being so damn weird.

"I'm not gonna risk your health, Luce. You're too precious to me, to all of us. Can I see Virgo's key for a minute?" Natsu spoke gently as he walked up to her.

"Uh...okay, I guess," Lucy said pulling Virgo's key from her keyring, "Are you gonna tell me what this is all about?"

"Later, I promise. After we get back to the guild I'll explain everything, and I'll answer all the questions you have that I can answer safely," Natsu replied quietly, taking the key from her. He looked at it for a moment then handed it back to her.

"Try again, Luce. This is Aries, not Virgo. You're exhausted if you made that mistake," Natsu chided softly, with a smile.

"Oh! Sorry," Lucy took the key back blushing. It was dark ,and she was tired, but she felt bad about the mistake. She had the right one this time. She handed him the key without a word. Natsu glanced at it, nodded and turned away. He walked several dozen feet back towards the building without a word. Natsu raised the key over his head, and brought it down to in front of himself slowly, smoothly breathing, and focusing his magic as he did so. Just as Loke had taught him. He took his time. He still needed more practice.

"Gate of the Maiden! I command thee to open! Virgo!" Natsu shouted firmly. Every jaw dropped open, but their eyes just about popped out of their heads, when Virgo actually appeared in front of Natsu.

"Virgo, you're looking well, do me a favor. Please turn this building to rubble that's no bigger than my fist," Natsu spoke smoothly as though conversing about the weather with a long time friend.

"As you wish, Master," Virgo replied.

"I'm not your master, Virgo, I'm just summoning you for Lucy, but thank you, just the same," Natsu corrected her gently.

Virgo nodded, and smiled pleasantly without answering. It took her no more than fifteen minutes to fulfill the request. Natsu thanked her again, and dismissed her. He walked back to the still stunned group, and handed Lucy back her key.

"H-h-h-how?!" Lucy stammered in utter disbelief.

"Later, Luce, I'll explain everything later. I promise," Natsu leaned forward, and kissed her forehead lightly, "Right now, let's just finish this damn mission, and get the hell out of this fucking nightmare. I don't ever want to see this place again for as long as I live."

They couldn't agree more. Natsu was undeniably different. It frightened them.

When the sun rose the next morning they all had even more questions for the dragon slayer, but Natsu wouldn't answer them. They gave up trying to pry anything out of him. He had scars on his face, arms, and chest that hadn't been there before he went into the temple. His attitude was vastly different. So was his speech. And since when had Natsu Dragoneel learned how to summon Stellar Spirits, never mind a Zodiac Stellar Spirit?!

The train ride back to Magnolia was a long, silent three day trip. Loke sat cuddling Lucy. He still didn't want to let go of her. It was as if he was afraid that if he released her she would simply disappear into thin air. Natsu completely ignore him. He watched Lucy. His gaze steady, and undaunted even when he was told to stop staring at her by Loke. When Lucy told him, he would look away. At these times Erza became the object of his focus. Happy laid in Natsu's lap, muttering about fish in his sleep. Natsu smiled. He was going to buy Happy more fish than the little blue feline could eat in one sitting just as soon as they got home. Natsu didn't begin getting motion sick until half way through the second day of the ride. Oh, but when he finally got sick, it was the worst any of them had ever seen him. Erza knocked him unconscious for the remainder of the journey.

Natsu did buy Happy more fish than the cat could eat in one sitting, or even three sittings for that matter, just as soon as he recovered when they finally reached Magnolia. Happy was beside himself, he was so overjoyed. Natsu carried the load of fish into the guild hall. Without hesitating Natsu marched to the bar, and picked up Makarov, before continuing on to the stairs. The other members of his team following, quickly.

"We need to talk, right now, old man," Natsu said in way of both greeting, and explanation.

"Apparently this is something that you feel can neither wait, nor be discussed in public," Makarov observed stoically, as he remained in the same position he had been sitting in, even as he dangled from Natsu's hand, swinging slightly as the dragon slayer marched along.

"How ever did you guess?" Natsu replied drolly. He set Makarov on his desk after entering the old man's office. He dropped the large bag of fish, and Happy on the floor beside a chair. Natsu flipped over the chair he was claiming for himself, and then moved all the other seats to the opposite side of the room.

"Come in, and park it, and not in the one that's upside down either, Gray. I don't feel like having a stupid, pointless fight with you over something so damn ridiculous," Natsu ordered flatly. Gray stared at the pink headed fire mage as if he had never seen him before as he passed him.

"You eat some spoiled charcoal starter or somethin' Flamebrain?" Gray asked as he found a seat. Natsu didn't respond.

After they had all finished shuffling through the door Natsu closed, and lock it firmly. He moved to the window, and closed the shutters, and the curtains. When he was satisfied, he righted his chair, and seated himself.

"Natsu, what happened to give you so many strange wounds? And how have they healed so quickly?" Makarov asked.

"What I am about to tell you is the absolute truth, and you must never speak of any of it with anyone, not even each other. You must never, ever, ever, write it, or in any way, shape, or form pass this information along to any other living being. It does not leave this room. Ever. Do you all understand?" Natsu began. He looked at each person in turn to see them nod their understanding, before he continued.

"Happy, I swear, if you breathe a word of this to anyone else, I will never buy you another fish again. It's that important that you keep this a complete, and total secret, okay?" Natsu said looking at the cat.

Happy had gasped in horror at Natsu's words, his eyes were twice their normal size, "Aye! Okay! I promise not to say anything about anything you say in here, Natsu! It's super secret if it's more important than Fish!" Happy announced.

Natsu grinned at the cat. He sighed heavily, and rubbed his face with his hands. After a long pause he placed his elbows on his knees laced his fingers together, and rested his bone weary body as best he could. Finally he began quietly, "I am not the same Natsu that you went on the mission with. That Natsu no longer exists, because I replaced him. He was me in the past. I am the future self of that Natsu. I came back through the Gate of Time, in order to change one decision. I am one full y-"

"How in the hell do you know about that?!" Loke hissed, sitting forward so suddenly that he startled everyone but Natsu, who looked at him without flinching.

"I found it, by accident. Now shut up, and let me tell my story," Natsu answered. Loke was staring at Natsu like he had three heads.

"Prove it!" Loke snapped.

Natsu held Loke's gaze, "No. You are an immortal. You are not bound by the laws of time. You prove it for yourself. You can learn for yourself what mortals can not remember, because it has been rewritten for every mortal, both including and excluding me. You know I'm telling the truth already, Loke. I can see it in your eyes, even through those stupid sunglasses."

"Holy shit, Natsu," Loke whispered, his eye wider than his sunglasses, "What the hell was so important that you would do that? What did you give up? L-Let me see?" Loke began to reach towards Natsu as he rose from his seat.

"I'm warning you Loke, this is not going to be easy for you. You might not want this knowledge, and once you have it, you can't just put it back. It will haunt you, just like it will forever haunt me," Natsu offered sadly. Loke froze.

"If you can handle it, then so can I," Loke answered, sounding more confident than he felt, but didn't advance towards Natsu any farther.

Natsu snorted, "Don't be too sure about that, Kitten. My secrets took me to the edge of insanity, and beyond, and back again. You sure you want this? This knowledge that I've battled with for a year solid, the truth that took me literally into the deepest pits of hell, and taught me the true meaning of fear, hatred, pain, and left me with soul deep agony? You really sure that you want this? You really think that you can handle what's locked in my head, without even having the slightest clue what nightmares are still playing before my eyes?"

Loke swallowed hard, staring at Natsu in horror. What could be so devastating to do that to the fire dragon slayer? Loke was afraid to find out, he backed away from Natsu, and pulled Lucy back into his arms as he returned to his seat on the small couch beside her. All eyes were shifting between the pair but finally settled back on Natsu.

"I didn't think so," Natsu stated, "As I was saying, I am a full year older than what I was when I entered the temple. This is the second time that I completed this mission. The first not everyone made it back alive. That is still something that I haven't figured out how to forgive myself for, and I don't know that I ever will." Natsu paused for a moment, his emotions threatening to choke him. He didn't fight the tears, as he stared at his tightly laced fingers. He breathed heavily, letting the water flow from his eyes.

Lucy's hands had fluttered to cover her mouth as she shook her head 'no' at what Natsu was telling them, "W-who? It wasn't you because you're here, but, but who?" She looked to each of her friends in turn. She couldn't imagine losing Gray, Erza or Happy either. It couldn't be Loke. It was hurting her heart just to think of it being possible. Tears stung her eyes at the fear that was quickly taking over her.

"Aye! Who didn't come home, N-Natsu?" Happy asked, on the verge of tears himself. There was a long heavy silence as Natsu tried to make his voice work again.

"L-Lucy," Natsu choked, finally. Everyone but Lucy gasped. Silence blanketed the room only broken by soft sobs. Natsu was shaking from the force of his tears. No one rushed him to continue. No one asked any other questions. Lucy pried herself out of Loke's arms by force. She moved gently to Natsu. She unfolded his hands, and slipped into his arms to hug him. He instantly wrapped her in an embrace that she wasn't sure she would survive but she didn't struggle.

Oh, how he had longed for this. To hold her in his arms. To know that she was safe. For the last year all he had desired was for her to some how be alive again. He cried until he couldn't breathe, and then he cried until he could. Lucy whispered to him as she was racked by his sobbing. She reassured her closest friend that she was alright. That she would not leave him. He had saved her when she had needed him the most. She was alive. She was safe. Natsu nodded but that didn't make the river end, or even slow. He had spent the last year mourning her. That wasn't going away in a mere three or four days. They let the dragon slayer cry himself out. It gave them all the time to adjust to just how dire what else he might reveal could be.

Natsu finally released Lucy, when he could talk again. The feel of her in his arms was doing things to him. Things he didn't want her to know about. Things that would undoubtedly upset her boyfriend. He waved her back to her seat. He swallowed hard as he wiped at his face with the cloth that Makarov offered.

"Are you sure you're up to talking about this right now, Natsu?" Makarov asked gently, deep concern shining in his eyes. Of all of the scars he could see on the pink headed mage, the twin scars on Natsu's forearms disturbed Makarov the most. Those were enough to prove the truth of Natsu's words. Scars like that took weeks just to be healed enough for stitches to be removed. The level of healing of Natsu's scars suggested at least six months.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I've learned how to keep breathing. I can talk about it. I've had time to learn how to face it. It's been a really long year for me, old man," Natsu replied. His voice was still thick from how hard he had cried.

"Okay, Natsu. It can't get worse than that, right?" Loke asked hopefully.

"Depends on who you are, Kitten. For you, maybe. I'm not real sure," Natsu answered truthfully.

"I died, and so Lucy died because I wasn't there to get her out, right?" Loke asked.

"No, Kitten. You didn't die. You didn't even fight. You weren't there at all until after it was already too late. You didn't know anything was wrong, and Luce couldn't call you because her magic had been stolen. You got there just in time to watch her die in my arms. You took it pretty damn hard, Kitte-er Loke. Sorry that's a force of habit. I'll try to use your name. It's hard though," Natsu watched Loke as he spoke. Loke slowly turned white, and then green. His face crumpled, and he buried his head in Lucy's shoulder just as Natsu had, and cried.

"I know this is a lot to take in. Believe me, living it was a million times worse. Exponentially worse. I learned some damn hard lessons. Lessons I won't ever forget. I got through this last year only because of the people in this room. Loke. Erza. Gray. You three kept me from killing myself. You three and Happy, you taught me how deep love can go to heal a wound that runs right through the center of your soul. You guys held me, and you held me together. Loke, you brought me back from my insanity.

That's what the scars on my face are from. You gave me these scars. I wouldn't get rid of these scars without something truly worth loosing them over. It was a lesson I needed taught, and you are the only one that could have taught it to me. Gray, you saved me from myself once. You saved Happy from me too. Erza you saved me from myself, at a high cost. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you four. I love every last one of you, more than Happy loves fish," Natsu told them, hoping he could give them the strength to face the rest of what he had to tell them.

"Aye! More than fish! That's a lot of love, Natsu! I love you more than fish, too!" Happy shouted, suddenly excited.

"I know Happy, I know you do, you've told me, you just don't know it. You showed me too. You proved it," Natsu replied grinning at Happy. Everyone agreed that was a lot of love, especially for Happy.

Loke pulled away from Lucy, stood up and looked at Natsu.

"I have to know, Natsu. I have to know," Loke told him.

Natsu gave Loke a steady look, then nodding said, "Okay, Kitten. If you're sure, then I'm ready when you are."

"Don't be to sure about that, Dragon," Loke smirked, "You don't know what I have to do to get the knowledge back from you."

Natsu grinned, then laughed, "I doubt it's anything that hasn't happened to me, or you before, but I'm sure there are things that I don't know about."

Loke raised an eyebrow at Natsu for a moment, but Natsu didn't elaborate further. Loke removed his sunglasses, and dropped them on his seat.

"The rest of you might not want to watch this. Just don't think less of either of us. I don't make the rules, I just have to follow them," Loke stood in front of Natsu, then without warning leaned down, grabbed Natsu's chin, and kissed him. Just like – BAM – Lip Lock! Everyone else gasped. Natsu inhaled sharply, closed his eyes, and surprised the crap out the Lion, when he threw his arms around Loke's neck, and returned that kiss without a second's hesitation. After a moment Natsu was on his feet. Hands in the hair, can't hold you close enough, TONGUE action.

Loke sobbed, without breaking the kiss. The knowledge that was passing between them was heart wrenching. Once all of the memories where fully restored he stopped crying. It was a few minutes longer before they separated. Gray was not sure if his stomach could handle watching, and had looked away when Natsu had wrapped his arms around Loke. Judging by Lucy's shocked and fairly horrified reaction at seeing her boyfriend kissing not only another person but a man she had known for so long, Gray was convinced he didn't want to see any part of whatever was going on. Loke stared at Natsu with a profoundly sad smile.

Natsu grabbed Loke's jacket front, and pulled him close, in order to whisper, "Don't you ever tell her the price I paid. You will let me love her enough, to let her be happy, even if it's with you, instead of me."

Natsu pulled away releasing Loke's jacket. Loke stared at him. The tears were brimming in his eyes. Loke nodded finally.

"I'm, I'm so, so sorry, Puff," Loke choked.

"It was worth it, Kitten. I didn't give up anything that I hadn't already lost. Either way, it was worth it," Natsu replied. Natsu took his seat once more. Loke went back to his own spot. Lucy picked up his sunglasses only just in time. Loke buried his face in his hands, and sobbed broken heartedly.

"I told you it was bad," Natsu teased with a knowing, but sad grin.

Loke nodded, but he didn't regret having the knowledge, because it made everything now seem so much more important and special than it had been just a few moments before. Natsu and Loke explained everything that had happened in the course of the past year. Taking turns while the other cried. It was devastating for everyone in the room. They softened the blows where they could. They left out things that the others hadn't known in the other time line.

Lucy was horrified at what her friends had suffered, all because she had been unable to protect herself. She listened quietly not looking at anyone. She couldn't comfort everyone all at once, there just wasn't enough of her for that. Natsu and Loke took turns sitting beside her on the couch. She was truly surprised that Loke didn't have a fit when Natsu dragged her into his lap as he cried at one point. What ever had happened in that 'kiss of knowledge', it had changed the Dragon Slayer's and Lion's relationship, maybe for the better.

Gray laughed as Natsu and Loke explained their pet names for each other. Everyone else glared at him.

"What?! It's funny! I wish I'd thought of calling him Puff," Gray grumbled.

"No, point, snowflake. I don't understand the reference. I ain't offend by it. Though, Kitten didn't like his nick name too much," Natsu told Gray breezily.

"It's, It's a really sad story, Natsu. It's about this little boy, and his dragon. They're best friends and go everywhere together and do everything together. Then one day, the little boy grows up, and leaves the dragon behind. The dragon is so sad, so heartbroken that he looses his roar, and his scales and just sort of falls apart, he goes off alone into his cave, and he never comes back out," Lucy explained slowly, quietly, "It's such a sad story, but it's a really good sad story. I used to always cry at the end. There is even a song about Puff the Magic Dragon."

"I think it's actually a very fitting name, considering what you suffered through, Natsu," Makarov offered thoughtfully, "You and Lucy have been side by side much like the two main characters of that story, from the day you dragged her into Fairy Tail. If for some reason, Lucy was suddenly no longer at your side, I imagine you would loose your roar, scales, and will to fight, slink off into a dark hole somewhere, and just not come back. Very much like Puff the Magic Dragon, however, it sounds like that would be a suitable description of Loke as well. Kitten may have been a far more fitting title for you than you realized, Loke."

They all thought about it for a long time, Loke finally nodded in understanding. He wasn't a dragon like Natsu or Puff. A Lion that lost it's roar, it's claws and teeth, it's will to fight, was not much more than an over grown kitten. Without knowing it, Natsu had given Loke the same nick name, he'd just translated it into terms that fit the Lion Spirit. Loke suddenly was no longer offended by the title. Natsu could really be a deeply intelligent man when he bothered to be.

It was almost dark out when they finally left Makarov's office. Loke scooped up Lucy, and marched out of the guild. He carried her home, and spent the rest of the night putting the memories of the year that never happened behind him. It was an intensely passionate night for them. Or at least after Lucy was satisfied that Loke had scrubbed his mouth clean enough. She was more than a little disturbed by that kiss Loke had shared with Natsu.

The others went down stairs. Natsu was still somber, but he seemed like a weight had finally fallen off. She was alive. She was happy. And one day she would be written into the stars, and spend forever with Loke. It was enough. He grinned brightly, almost completely hiding the sorrow in his eyes that still haunted him in the dark corners of his mind.

Natsu caught up with Gray. He clapped a firm hand on Gray's shoulder, and leaned over to talk almost in the other man's ear, as he turned Gray to face a different direction.

"See Juvia over there?" Natsu asked.

Gray blinked, and looked at the water mage, "Uh, yeah, what about her?"

"I dare you to take her to dinner and a movie, right now," Natsu said grinning.

"What?! No way!" Gray snapped.

"What's wrong? You afraid?" Natsu taunted.

"Course not! I just don't want to," Gray shot back glaring at his pink headed Nakama.

"You coward. Too bad, poor girl totally digs you, too," Natsu retorted, with a sniff.

"Sh-she does?" Gray asked surprised.

"And people think that I'm dense?! Wow, you're so lame, you coward. I dare you. I know you're gonna chicken out, Looser. Dinner and a movie, before midnight, with Juvia. Just the two of you, alone. You fail; you have to wear a full chicken costume for a week straight, and cluck every time someone says your name," Natsu challenged. An almost evil gleam twinkled in his bright eyes as he stared, grinning at Gray.

"Your on, droopy eyes!" Gray accepted. There was no way he was gonna let Natsu win now. Chicken costumes and clucking?! Gray Fullbuster was not a coward. He could take one girl out to dinner and a movie. He marched over to Juvia determined to beat the dragon slayer at all costs.

"Hey, Juvia. Can I ask you something?" Gray interrupted the conversation she was having with Mirajane.

"Oh! Y-yes, of course! What questions does Gray-sama have for Juvia?" Juvia asked, blushing as she faced her super massive crush.

"I was just wondering if you'd like to go to dinner with me right now? We could catch a movie afterwards, too. Just the two of us, alone," Gray spoke with a cool confidence. His honor was on the line. He knew Natsu was watching.

Juvia squealed and jumped up and down as she answered excitedly, "Yes! Yes! Juvia would love to accompany Gray-sama on a date!"

'Date?! Who said anything about a da...Natsu! You just totally set me up! I'm so gonna kill him tomorrow!' Gray thought, turning red from head to toe in both anger and embarrassment.

Mira beamed brightly at them, "Oh how lovely! Have fun!"

"Greeeeaaaaatt," Gray intoned. He couldn't back out now. With a heavy sigh he walked arm in arm with the excited Juvia, out of the guild hall. Natsu's laughter fallowed them out of the double doors.

"Hook, line and sinker! You'll thank me someday Gray," Natsu laughed as he turned to the bar.

Mira was grinning just as bright as the sun.

"Did you do that, Natsu?"

"Sure the hell did. I dared him to take her to dinner and a movie right now, or wear a chicken costume for a week and cluck every time someone said his name. Gray just walked right into it too," Natsu told her grinning.

"Oh that's so underhanded, Natsu! I love it!" Mira gushed.

"A real man does not stoop to trickery!" Elfman said, staring at Natsu.

"A real man doesn't need tricked into asking out a woman, that he's got a crush on," Natsu replied, "because a real man, is man enough to be honest with her, even at the risk of being turned down."

Elfman's jaw dropped open. He couldn't agree more, but that Natsu had been the one to say it, shocked him into speechlessness.

Everyone that heard Natsu turned to stare at him, like they had never seen him before. Natsu picked up the mug of beer in front of him, and drained it in one pull. He set it down, and picked up another. He sniffed trying to blatantly ignore the stares, then drained that mug too.

"Thanks, Mira. I really needed a good drink," Natsu told her, then turned, and looked around. Erza was walking towards the double doors that led outside.

"When did he start drinking like that?" Natsu heard Cana ask Mira, but he ignored her.

"Hold it right there, Erza. I'm not done with you just yet," Natsu ordered. Mira's eyes widened, and her eyebrows shot up in surprise. The rumors were right, Natsu was behaving very strangely.

Erza stopped, and turned back. Natsu marched straight up to her, and stared down into her eyes for a moment.

"What do you want, Natsu?" Erza demanded, returning his gaze as best she could without blushing in the face of her secret crush.

"You. I want you. You are so damn beautiful it hurts," Natsu murmured to her, cupping her face in his hand as he spoke. Then without another word, he seized her by the waist, and pulled her into a firm kiss. Erza gasped in shock, and Natsu pressed the advantage, flooding her mouth with both his demanding tongue, and his fire magic to literally turn up the heat.

Erza blushed and struggled for a moment. With a soft moan, and a deep sigh, she gave into him. The on lookers began to cheer. The cat calls, hooting, and shouting reached fever pitch, when Natsu swept Erza up in his arms, and carried her back through the guild to her room in the dormitory. This time, Natsu saw Erza, and only Erza when he made love to her. They didn't wait to announce their relationship, but everyone already knew by morning anyway.

Mira decided that she liked the strange way Natsu was behaving. She didn't like the scars very much, or that no one would tell her everything that happened on the last mission. Over all, they were all back and safe, and much closer to each other in more ways than one. Wasn't that all that really mattered?

The next morning, Gray and Juvia came into the guild together, hand in hand blushing brightly. The strongest team was gathered at their usual table. Juvia remained with them, and Gray kept his arm firmly around his new girlfriend. Juvia couldn't stop smiling, she couldn't believe she had finally won his heart. Gray wouldn't say anything to Natsu about setting him up. He didn't want to have to thank Natsu for doing it.

Natsu grinned knowingly at the new pair, "I see you figured out the rest on your own."

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Gray shot back.

"Nothing. You two look good together. I know that you two will be very happy together, for a long, long time," Natsu replied pointedly.

Gray's eyes went wide in understanding. By the time Natsu and Loke had finished telling them all about what would never happen now, Gray had forgotten that according to Natsu, Gray and Juvia had been dating, had been very much in love. Gray smiled at Natsu like he did at any of his true good friends. For all their fighting, even with all the ugly things that they said, they really did want to see each other happy. Natsu was trying to keep the good, and erase the bad. He was on a pretty good roll too.

"Thanks, Natsu. It, that really means a lot, man," Gray said honestly. It was a very rare moment. No one at the table missed it.

They spent the next two hours planning for the week long cruise. Happy was excited to spend so much time fishing. Natsu was going to talk to Wendy about if she could cure his motion sickness for a week. They laid out their plans. This was gonna be great. The first time they had completed the mission none of them had gone on the cruise. This time, they were all going together.

After lunch they talked about when they might take another mission, but decided to let that wait until they got back from a much needed week long, all expenses paid vacation.

It didn't take long before, Gray was smarting off about Natsu not being as good as him, because fire was lame.

"I caught most of those mages myself. Ice prison, is way better than just spitting fire every where," Gray told the nodding, smiling, still blushing Juvia.

"Okay, that's enough out of you, Blizzard Boy! I can so melt your ice any day, you sorry snowflake!" Natsu shouted at Gray heatedly.

"Oh yeah?! You want a piece of me, Ash-hole?!" Gray shouted.

"Let's go, Glacier Geek!" Natsu yelled.

Within a few minutes they were at each other like old times. Loke cried into Lucy's shoulder, overjoyed by it.

"Loke?" Lucy asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay. Everything is okay now, Princess. This is the first time he's gotten in a fight with Gray in over a year. He's getting back to normal. It's- I'm just so happy to see him like this again. It's, it's beautiful," Loke whispered to her, so that no one else would hear him.

Lucy nodded in understanding. Erza stood up about to go end it but both Lucy and Loke stopped her.

"Erza, please just this once, let them fight. Natsu needs this. Just trust me. Enjoy it. It's special," Loke pleaded with her.

"Oh, um, okay, I guess. But just this once," She replied, after seeing the look in Loke's eyes.

They watched the grinning, happy Natsu as he finally learned how to live again, even though he had lost his Lucy.

Natsu never stopped believing that the price was completely worth it.