AN: I am so sorry I have not updated in so long. I had this account linked with my aol acount but I no longer got Notifications to that. But after reading all those reviews again I will continue =] and ill try to make it as long as I can today.

~Haru prov~

I lifted my blonde wig off my head and put it on the maniquen head. I then walked over to my vanity and took out my contacts. I guess im lucky Tamaki made me get contacts. I sighed and turned around.

"Hello Tamaki" I stared at him trying to gage his reaction. He looked fine until he fell over. "Oh My God. Are you alright senpai?"

"Haruhi…. Blonde…. Sakura kiss?... Need to lie…. Down…" Tamaki wasn't making any sense.

"DAD! Hurry get in here quick." I yelled trying to get my dads attention. I quickly went to get Tamaki a glass of water. I propped him up against a the couch in my dressing room and tried to get him to drink something.

"Haru… I mean sak.." He saw me sitting on the floor with Tamaki, no wig, no contacts. "HARUHI WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

"Dad can you be anymore loud? At anytime the rest of them could come back in here to get him!" Dad could be so dense at times. And just as I said that the motley crew that is the host club was screaming down the halls looking for the King of the club. Who just so happenes to be passed out on the floor in the dressing room. Can this get any worse?

"Milord? Where are you?" Said the Hatchin twins at the same time, again. I quickly got up and ran to the closet. I hid myself among the clothes and shoes trying to be invisible.

Kyoya prov (bet you didn't see that coming =])

Why cant these days ever be normal? In the host club we dress up in crazy outfits, although mine are more conservative since I order them, we entertain young ladies for insane amounts of time, even though I hardly see the ladies, and we have to deal with the members who would never assoicate in there own free time. There is nothing to gain by doing this… and yet I do… I question this train of thought daily.

"Where is Haruhi!" yelled Tamaki. Hmmm her father contacted me this morning saying she wouldn't be in club today. No need to inform them.

"I don't know boss" lazily said the Hatchin twins in unison.

"It's like she disappeared off the face of the earth." Hikaru breathed.

"Yeah she doesn't even answer the cell phone we gave her" Kaoru sighed. I didn't know she had a cell phone I must obtain her number. A quick text to Ranka and that should all be sorted out.

"I wanted us all to go to the Sakura Kiss concert together. I even got us backstage passes to meet her" cried Tamaki. Oh Tamaki I don't know why you would want to go to a commaners concert when the sympohny or the orchestra can be mobilized with just a snap of my fingers.

"Oh well she will just have to miss it I guess" all the while typing away at my laptop. I must get the budget reports done otherwise no club next month.

"Doesn't Miss Kiss end her world tour today?" asked Hunny-Sempi.

"Yeah" said Mori-Sempi.

"Tamaki, if you want to go so bad go" Tamaki could be so childish sometimes. If he wants to go to a concert then he should just go.

"OHHHHH SAKURA KISS HAHAHAHAAHAHA" laughed Renge, spinning up from the floor. "Sakura is one of my favorite singers in the world. I mean she is only 17 and has only been on this scene for about 3 months but she already had a world tour and is nominated for many music awards including 'Best New Artist' and 'Best Music Video By A Female'" rushed Renge in one breath. "She also has her own style and flair that I just love. Can I go PLEASE TAMAKI?" pleaded Renge.

"If Renge's going I guess we'll go" announced the twins.

"I'm going to be forced by Tamaki anyway" That's always what happens. Tamaki gets some dumb idea then I get forced to tag along.

"I'm in Miss Kiss is pretty" said Hunny-Sempi.

"Hmmmm" grunted Mori-Sempi. That's Mori-sempi for you, where ever Hunny is Mori's not to far behind

"So that settles it. We're all going to see Sakura Kiss tonight." Exclaimed Tamaki.

After the conert

We were on our way to visit Sakura. Everyone was giving me a headache. When we reached her dressingroom she seemed very surprised to see us. Then I saw Ranka. I took a good look at Sakura and noticed some brown benieth the blonde. Also the face shape. It was a very good thing im the "cool" one of the group. I looked at Ranka with a "you'll tell me later" look and just tuned out the rest of the conversation. We left and after ten minutes noticed something missing.

"Oh boy, we have to go back." I announced with a sigh. Renge looked thrilled everyone else looked pretty happy too.

"May we ask why oh shadow king?" the hatchin twins needed to stop the talk-at-the-same-time thing.

"Cause we left the real king in Sakura's dressing room." We made our way back and when we finally got back to the dressing room Tamaki was fast asleep against the couch. I wonder what could have happened. The possibilites are endless.

Tama pov- (since its been a very long time im being good)

I opened my eyes and I was surrounded by the host club.

"Where am I?" I asked uncertainly. The last thing I remembered was seeing haruhi…. HARUHI IS SAKURA KISS! I thought in my head standing up ubruptly. Only to sink back down to the floor holding my mouth.

"Your In Sakura-chan's Dressing room Tama-chan." Hunny-sempi pointed out.

"Dude what happened?" Hikaru asked. I was not going to let them know about Haruhi's secret. I'd take it to the grave if I have to.

"Where's Sakura?" I asked her manager spoke up.

"Oh she left a couple of minutes ago. She tried to get out as quick as possible cause she has school tomorrow." Her manager said.

"Well thank you for taking care of me. But we must be off. Lets go men!"

I turned and walked out of Haruhi's… Sakura Kisses dressing room. Tommorow will be very interesting.

AN: Well What did you think? Again im very sorry I havent updated in a very long time. And Im probably going to switch this story to my other account since I cant get my notifications to my aol, =[ but let me know if this will be too much of a hassle for you guys cause I can switch