Hi everybody. This is chapter 9. I hope you all enjoy it and if you don't, don't hesitate to let me know.

Disclaimer: A new year and I still don't own Harry. Pity on me.

Note: Corrections were made and I added some things, mainly explanations, as requested by some readers. I was about to write chapter 10 but it's half-past one and I'm really tired so I will start working on it tomorrow. I won't promise to finish it, though, some things I have to take care of and such. If there are still mistakes, please let me know, I really appreciate it since I don't have a beta reader (and I don't want to get one, I rather have you readers out there telling me your opinion, which I think it's much more reliable and I don't have to stand someone's criticism lol)

Chapter 9 - Unexpected Matters

"Where should we head next?", asked Ron, "Azkaban?"

"Azkaban is exactly where you're being taken", said a cold voice behind them.

Ron froze at the sound of the cold voice with his eyes wide open. The three of them turned around. A few meters away, stood a young man. He had long curly black hair and a Van Dyke styled beard. His eyes were dark and the smirk on his lips made his face look devilish. Nevertheless, his young features contrasted the darkness of his eyes making him less scary. It reminded Harry of a grown-up Draco Malfoy.

"Snatcher", panted Ron.

The young man smiled wider at this while walking slowly to them with his wand raised, "Very good, smart boy", he said, "now if you identify yourself, we might make this chat more interesting".

"Let's start with the young lady here", he walked closer to Hermione looking at her almost lustfully. Hermione looked away disgusted. Like before, on the Lovegood's property, she had the terrible feeling that something awful was about to happen. The snatcher didn't seem much of a challenge but she sensed that he was not quite the real surprise they were to encounter..

Harry, on the other hand, took out his wand almost instantly and pointed it to the man's face, "Don't even think about it".

"Easy. I just want to check if your name's on the list. After that you can have the girl for yourself", he said to Harry without taking his eyes off Hermione, "or maybe not".

"Expelliarmus!", the wand of the snatcher jumped through the air before being caught by Ron who had casted the spell taking the opportunity of his distraction. It surprised both Harry and Hermione how much Ron had improved lately, his reactions were fast but right as a result of having spent a considerable amount of time by himself, avoiding snatchers and other dangers.

The snatcher turned around to Ron after a hard growl, "You boy! Give me back my wand or I'll make sure you really go to Azkaban", he said with fire burning in his eyes.

Ron grinned and the three of them pointed their wands to the snatcher, "Are you sure about that? It seems to me that we have outnumbered you", Ron told him.

The snatcher looked to each of them and the arrogance of his face was replaced with absolute fear. He backed a few steps but was followed by the lifted wands of the three teenagers. Unexpectedly, a loud bang was heard a few yards away and the three of them turned around jumping towards the sound. The snatcher took his chance to run away on the opposite direction of the noise. Ron didn't stop to think twice and growling, he ran too, chasing him.

"Ron!", Hermione shouted surprised but he didn't stop and kept his hunt. She looked at Harry, who was just as surprised, before they too followed Ron.

Some yards away, Ron had almost reached the snatcher and they saw him as he jumped ferociously tackling the man. "Ahhh!". By the moment Harry and Hermione had caught up with Ron, he had taken the snatcher by the collarbone and had pinned him against a tree.

"Not so arrogant now, huh?", asked Ron furiously, "Now, I want you to tell us what you know about Luna Lovegood's whereabouts".

The snatcher looked frightened as ever, just like Malfoy had looked when Hermione punched him on their third year. "Wh-who?", he answered, "I don't know what you mean".

"Don't play on me!", shouted Ron and the snatcher closed his eyes in fear. Hermione looked horrified at Ron and Harry knew why. His aggressive manners resembled one of a death eater. The war had changed them. He could see it in both of his friend's eyes. Ron seemed so determined to find Luna that he didn't care if that meant to torture people. Were they really forced to reach that extreme?

"Ron", said Hermione again but more softly. Ron seemed to calm at the sound of her voice, he lowered the rhythm of his excited breathing gradually but he kept his wand on the snatcher's throat.

The snatcher looked at Hermione almost gratefully, "You mean the daughter of that maniac who ran the Quibbler, right?", he asked gasping. Ron said nothing to him, but Hermione nodded, for the snatcher was still looking at her.

"I-I don't know where she is. We didn't take her, it was the death eaters. But I can assure you she's not in Azkaban", he replied. Harry feared the worst, if Luna wasn't in control of the Ministry, it could only mean that the death eaters had taken her to Voldemort or his closest followers; he had suspected so but he didn't want to mention it to his friends. Ron was eager to find Luna and he had committed to that mission with zeal. Harry didn't want to tear his friend's faith apart, or his own.

Yet, despite of what the snatcher had said, Ron didn't seem to buy a word and he sunk his wand deeper onto his throat, "And why should I believe you?"

"Because I've been to Azkaban!", the snatcher cried, "She's – not – there". Ron took a long breathe and Harry watched as the disappointment started to fill his eyes.

Suddenly, another bang was heard nearby and the three jumped again. Scared, Hermione looked at Harry and then to Ron, "Ron, we should get out of here", she said softly, hiding the panic on her voice. Ron lowered his wand and let go of the snatcher.

"You should listen to her", the snatcher said. Harry looked at him, the smirk had returned to his lips. Ron pinned him against the tree again, somehow scared about what he had said.

"Duke!", a distant voice shouted and the blood of their veins, froze. Harry turned around, from a distance he could see several amount of figures walking towards them from different places, surrounding them. "Did you find anything?", the same voice called.

The snatcher held by Ron started laughing, "Here!", he shouted and then said to Ron, "Who's outnumbered now, boy?"

Ron let go of him and shouted at his friends, "Run!"

At his words, Harry reached for Hermione's hand and dragged her with him. The three of them started running as fast as they could away from the snatchers.

"Duke! What hap-", a voice asked.

"No time to lose! They went over there. Took my wand!", the young snatcher shouted.

The hunt began. Harry could hear the heavy sounds of the snatcher's feet hitting the ground, they were now chasing them. The charmed bag Hermione was carrying fell midway but they didn't look back. They couldn't take the risk of getting it back. Ron was a small distance away taking quick glances back to make sure his friends were still behind him. The woods felt like a maze of equally-looking trees and the dark figures of snatchers between them. Stunning spells hit the trees from time to time and the birds flew away distancing themselves from the hunt occurring below. Hermione held onto to Harry's hand as if her life depended on it and both of them managed to stun a few snatchers.

The snatcher they had encountered first showed up from behind a tree grabbing him by the shoulder. They struggled savagely and Harry ran to his friend to help him. But a green light passed in front of his face towards Ron. Harry stopped frozen with his eyes open like plates and witnessed the scene: Ron turned around right on time and saw terrified, the green light coming to him, he barely dodged it and instead ended up hitting the young snatcher on the chest. He fell backwards dead. Horrify, Ron jumped backwards avoiding the body of the dead snatcher.

"Greyback! You hit Duke, you son of a-", shouted a voice a few yards away.

Ron looked at Harry for a second before they both started running again, Harry still grasping Hermione's hand. She had apparently missed the scene, must likely because Harry's body hid it, and Harry was grateful she had. The snatchers were getting closer and they were forced to dodge and counter-spell their jinxes. Harry felt he could run no further, his lungs aching for the lack of air; yet, feeling Hermione's hand on his gave him strength to keep going.

He suddenly felt Hermione's fingers slipping away and he turned around to find her facing down the soil, she had stumbled on a tree-root stuck out from the earth but lightly covered by snow. With her hands bearing her weight, she lifted her head to meet Harry's scared features, she looked back, noticed the dangerous closeness of the snatchers and wasting no time, pulled her wand out and aimed at Harry's face. Confused, the boy got hit by the spell she had casted and fell backwards driven by its power. Hermione saw her raven-haired friend laying on the snow and she hoped her improvised plan would work.

Harry's face tickled, a funny feeling he had to admit. For a moment, he forgot what was happening around him, he was only aware of the odd but nice movements underneath the skin of his face. Harry brought a hand to his cheek and noticed that the original form of his face was changing dramatically. Then the tickle was replaced by pain as the new shape stabilized and Harry's eyes sunk making him unable to see clearly. The pain brought him back to reality and he got up from the ground. He saw a blurry figure in front of him and felt someone taking his glasses off, the figure had seemingly bushy hair and he concluded it was Hermione. Yet, he could not visualize the distant between them and he moved his arms to the front trying to reach her. But more blurry figures appeared and two of them dragged the one he had recognized as Hermione back.

He was about to shout her name when someone encircled him from behind and pulled him back with violent force. Next to him, a couple of snatchers were struggling with a red dot he knew was Ron. "Get – off - me!", he heard Ron gasping. Then he heard the sound of punching and Ron shouted in pain.

"Leave him alone!", shouted Hermione.

"As soon as he learns how to behave", said one of the snatchers holding Ron. He kicked Ron in the stomach and he stopped struggling. Harry tried to release himself but the snatcher was too strong and his own strength was visually reduced by his inability to see.

Hermione was having no better luck and she fought to escape as she watched blood coming out from Ron's mouth. She tried to release her arm to take her wand but one of the snatchers took it first and he kept it on the pocket of his worn-out jacket.

"Good boy", the same snatcher that had kicked Ron said, messing Ron's hair with his left hand. Ron glared at him and spit a small amount of blood on the snatcher's face, who dodged it.

"Woo", the snatcher exclaimed and the rest laughed, "keep your mouth's shut, the rest of you", he said to the gang. He was shorter than Ron and thin, but he was stronger nonetheless, his light bear and his hair worn tied, made him look different from the rest of the snatchers, somehow brighter and definitely cleaner. The rest of them were a mere bunch of fat, ugly, stupid-looking men who probably had a hard time telling the difference between a goat and a sheep.

Another snatcher, who was apparently closer to Harry, gave a loud snort and approached Ron, "So, the ginger here wants to play rough?". Harry froze, he knew that throaty voice: Fenrir Greyback, the werewolf who had bitten Lupin and Bill.

Hermione lifted her head at the sound of that raspy voice. Before her, a tall and corpulent man was staring at Ron with his back turned at her. Yet, she recognized the body full of thick black hair as the one belonging to the death eater Greyback. Her heart started pounding faster; this was what she had feared all day long.

"Not so fast, Greyback. Duke's death is still fresh in my mind so you better step back and let me handle this", said the first snatcher and Greyback did as he was told reluctantly.

"So, where were we?", asked the snatcher, who appeared to be leader of them.

"You were about to ask him his name and then check the list", said the snatcher that was holding Ron by the neck.

"Why bother, Scabior?", asked Greyback from a distance, "there's surely something suspicious about having a bunch of teenagers wandering around these woods. They're up to no good"

The leader addressed as Scabior, turned around annoyed at the new interruption, "For all we know, Greyback, they could be the minister's daughter lost cousins!", he took a breath and continued, "Now, I don't want to be send up to Azkaban for imprisoning the wrong people. We ask and check the list".

"Azkaban?", snorted Greyback, "like you couldn't escape from there". It was true, with the dementors no longer guarding the place but rather scaring people at Voldemort's orders, most people could escape from there at their wish.

Scabior ignored the death eater and turned to Ron, "What's your name, kid?", he asked. Ron didn't answer and just stared at the floor, "The mice ate your tongue?". Still, Ron refused to answer or even look at him. "Hmm, never mind".

"Let's see over here", Scabior walked around and spotted Harry, "Oh lord, you're repulsive!", he stepped back and called the gang, "Look at this one, fellows. I think we have found Fenrir's closest rival, almost as bad looking as him". The gang burst into laughter and Harry was pushed forward by the man holding him. Unable to balance himself due to the lack of visibility, he fell to the ground on his knees. Harry could only spot the circling figures of the snatchers around him, he tried to follow them trying to figure out where his friends were but he couldn't quite picture them, instead he could only guess judging by the sound of Ron's hard breathing. He knew the snatchers were laughing at his face and he guessed it was all part of a last-minute plan Hermione had set up, a rather painful one.

Scabior knelt besides Harry, "So ugly, what do they call you?"

"Dudley", answered Harry. First name that popped into his head, "Vernon Dudley".

Scabior shook his head, "Even your name is disgusting. Guess some of us are not born with luck", he grinned at this while standing up.

He then turned to Hermione and pointed at the snatchers to bring her closer, "And what about you, girly?", Hermione tried to avoid his look at all cost, "Oh don't be shy, we don't bite"

"You can say that again", said the gloating voice of Greyback. He was now next to Harry and it made Harry's insides wring in panic.

"Don't mind him, pretty. Tell us your name", said the snatcher.

"Penelope Clearwater. Half-blood", she said confidently but Harry sensed a trace of terror on her voice. She was playing along with Harry's idea and lied about her identity. The snatchers couldn't know who they had in their power and if they convinced them accurately, they would probably let them go with nothing further to say.

"And what exactly are you doing out here, Pen?", asked Greyback walking towards her.

"We're students at Hogwarts", she answered, "but we left because we rather be home with our families". Harry was surprised at how fast she could come up with these ideas. That was Hermione, fastest thinker ever.

"How sweet", Scabior exclaimed attempting to make a voice very much like Umbridge's. "And your red-haired boyfriend, what is his name? We need to check it out".

"Oliver Wood", she said, "and he's not my boyfriend", she added. Now was probably not the time to give unnecessary explanations but she felt obliged to clear the situation. Given the nature of the snatchers, they wouldn't hurt Ron or Harry if they thought the relation between them was vague.

"Don't tell me your boyfriend is that ugly lad over there!", another snatcher exclaimed. Hermione said nothing at this and Harry's heart flipped, "Girls nowadays have no sense of self esteem". Hermione couldn't help but blush and she was grateful that Harry couldn't quite see her.

"Stop chatting and check the list, Drusus", ordered Scabior.

The snatcher pulled a long parchment and ran through it reading the names written, "Nothing. They're not here", answered Drusus after coming to the end of the parchment.

Scabior sighed and then told Greyback, "See? I told you it was better to check they weren't on the list. And they aren't", he smirked.

Greyback, however, looked closer at Hermione, "I'm not so sure about that. I think I recognize the girl's face from somewhere". Harry's blood started pumping in his ears; he hoped they wouldn't be discovered. "Wolfe, hand me over the Prophet you always carry!".

The Prophet? Was the Ministry looking for her too? Hermione looked at where the snatchers were holding Ron and she tried to catch his eye in case he knew why Greyback wanted to see that particular newspaper. Ron looked up shaking his head and Hermione's heart sunk as she saw the terror on his eyes.

Another snatcher rumbled around a bag and finally pulled out the newspaper the werewolf wanted. Greyback flipped the pages and let out a shout of triumph, "Here! Hermione Granger, the mudblood who is known to be traveling with Harry Potter", he grinned and showed Scabior the photograph. That was it, they had been discovered, thought Harry, it wouldn't take a brilliant person to figure out who was him.

"No! That's not me! I told you I'm-", cried Hermione.

"Save it, girl. This picture looks a hell lot like you", said Scabior, "what about the others?", he asked addressing at Greyback.

Greyback pointed at Ron, "The ginger must be a Weasley"

"How can you tell?", asked another snatcher.

Greyback merely laughed at the question, "I bit one of them last year". Ron struggled harder under the snatcher's embrace. His emotions were full of anger as he remembered his brother, Bill, who would never be the same again because of the death eater. Greyback looked at him knowing exactly that he had hit a vein, Ron's visible anger had confirmed his suspicion.

Finally, Greyback turned to the last boy: Harry, "And this one has to be Potter".

"How can it be? Doesn't look at all like him", asked the Wolfe snatcher and the others agreed.

"He probably caught something on the chase. But I'm sure it's him", replied Greyback. He then moved the flip of dark hair that was covering Harry's deformed scar. At the touch, Harry felt agonizing pain but he forced himself not to show it, "Look at his scar".

Scabior took a step to the center to take a better look, "Yeah, it could be"

"Are we taking them to the Minister, then?", asked a new snatcher.

"No! We're taking them to the headquarters", shouted Greyback. The rest of the snatchers, including Scabior, didn't look quite pleased by the sudden change of plan, they were somehow reluctant to follow. What did it mean that they were being taken to the headquarters? Wherever it was, it was surely worse than Azkaban or the Minister.

"Alright, scum, blind the boys and tie them up", Scabior ordered the rest of the snatchers.

Harry, who was still laying with his knees on the ground, got punched in the ribs by one of the snatchers. The snatcher tied his hands and put a blindfold on his eyes, now he couldn't see anything at all. He heard the other snatchers tying up Ron and Hermione. She was screaming and struggling as well as Ron. Harry was about to shout her name but he suddenly felt a piece of rag being put on his mouth, making him unable to emit a sound. A pair of strong arms took him by the shoulders and dragged him a few metters, his ankles painfully hitting the ground repeatedly. Darkness was all he could see...

Harry felt a strong pull and his feet were lifted up from the ground; he knew they had disapparated. He felt the solid soil again below him and the snatcher carrying him took off the blindfold covering him. Although his eyes were still puffy, Harry could now see the place they had being taken to. They were by a pair of tall and black iron gates. On both sides, the gates were surrounded by elaborate garden-walls and the passage between the two walls was quite narrow. Harry tried to find Hermione but she was behind him and he couldn't turn around to attempt to see her. On the front, Scabior shook the gate and a second later, took a step back whipping his hands away, for the iron had twisted forming a long frightening face who spoke: "State your purpose!"

The whole gang backed away surprised by the voice, all except Greyback who in turn stated: "We've come to meet the masters of the house for an imminently important matter". The iron twisted again back into its original form but the gates did not move. After a couple of minutes, a dark blurry distant figure started moving from behind the gate, it was moving closely.

"What, may I ask, is the reason for your unwelcomed presence here, dear Fenrir?", asked the voice of a woman, who made Harry's heart and panic grow a hitch higher than it already was. The woman walked closer and stood right behind the iron surface examining the gang before her. Her figure was blurry but Harry could recognize the curly dark hair falling from her head to almost her waist.

"We've got Potter!", exclaimed Greyback with excitement and cruelty.

Bellatrix Lestrange stared dumbfounded at Greyback, opening and closing her mouth. Greyback made a sign to the snatcher next to Harry and the latter pushed him towards the gate. Greyback caught Harry by the collarbone and dragged him closer to allow Bellatrix to see him. She leant through the gap of the gate and Harry felt the werewolf's hideous hand removing a flock of hair of his forehead, Greyback's nails rasping the skin underneath. He felt sick at the werewolf's touch and his putrid scent reaching his nose.

"Let them through", he heard Bellatrix whisper. She took several agitated steps backwards and shouted, "Let them through!"

A black aura surrounded the gate and imploded seconds later. The gate remained still and the snatchers looked at it confused for it hadn't open. Greyback, on the contrary, walked calmly to the gate and went through, as if it was just a mere veil of darkness, transforming himself into smoke. The snatchers saw Greyback on the other side and now certain, followed him with Scabior leading them.

Hermione was being dragged by Scabior, who did not trust the other snatcher's intentions and decided to better keep an eye on her himself. In front of Hermione, behind the gate, was a handsome looking manor with tall towers on each extreme. It was perfectly symmetric and she supposed it would have been rather beautiful, had it not been for the dark aura that it emitted. Yet more than obscure, it seemed sad, like the years of magnificence had passed leaving a mere trace of splendor on the building. Hermione turned her head to the sides as much as she was able, for her hands were tightly tied up on her low back. She noticed two large gardens at the sides of the road leading to the manor's door. Like the manor, they had a shade of astonishing beauty and were carefully decorated with a fountain in the middle, but the flowers had withered and there was no water running on the fountain. She imagined it had once been the happy house of a rich and proud family that had now been reached by the war like the rest of the magic world.

Greyback had called the place 'the headquarters' and she supposed it was the house of one of the death eaters. When she saw the place, she suspected it was the manor of the Malfoy family; there seemed to be no other reason for Bellatrix to reside there, she was after all, Narcissa Malfoy's sister. And judging by the physical appearance of the manor, it was more than likely. A white shape interrupted her thoughts by passing on the upper-right side of the road, on the garden; it was a white peacock which stood on the hedge staring at the passing of the crowd before him. His majestic tail was laying fallen as though he could sense beforehand the unleashing of events that would happen next. He looked at Hermione and their eyes connected for a moment, the look of the peacock was warning but also assuring and she felt a strange relief on her heart.

Hermione's suspicions of the manor's owners were clarified when she saw Narcissa Malfoy opening the wooden door of the house. She looked surprised at the snatchers and swayed her way out of the manor leaving the door slightly open. She turned to face her sister and asked her, "What is the meaning of this?"

Bellatrix smiled at her and answered, "You'll see when we get inside".

Narcissa looked at her suspiciously but opened wide the door for the snatchers and their prisoners to enter, "Come on in". She guided them to a hall; it was large and white and on the walls hung a considerable amount of portraits, probably Malfoy's ancestors. The people on the portraits all look at the unexpected visitors with mistrust, particularly at Greyback, but said nothing. Narcissa led the way to a room on the left, which they all entered. It was a big drawing room but the table and chairs were laying on the extreme next to the windows, apparently moved by some reason. On the center of the drawing room, a large chandelier was hanging from the roof. The only light on the room was the one coming from the crescent moon outside but it was enough to allow Hermione take note of it.

Narcissa spoke to her sister, "Are you going to tell me what's going on, now?"

Greyback let go of Harry and pushed him for another snatcher to hold. "Narcissa, I hadn't seen you in a long time", he attempted to take her hand but she backed away disgusted. Greyback was obviously unpleased but made an effort not to make it evident, "I have just told your sister that we have captured Potter".

Narcissa's disgust at Greyback was replaced by a look of curiosity and could it be… hope?. "Are you sure?", she asked alarmed.

"We're not… yet", answered Scabior from behind Hermione.

"Then how come you just happen to show up to my house if you're not certain?"

"Cissy", whispered Bellatrix, "Draco knows the boy very well. They go to school together. Bring him here and he'll tell us if it's the right one".

Narcissa seemed reluctant at the mention of her son but had no other option. "Dobby!", she called.

Harry almost jumped when he heard Narcissa calling Dobby. He couldn't see him but he heard him answering, "Yes, miss?"

"Go to Draco's room and tell him to come downstairs. Quickly!", Narcissa ordered. The house-elf obeyed and disappeared.

Harry didn't understand. He had freed Dobby but he was still under the Malfoy's command. What was he doing there? He was supposed to be working on the kitchens of Hogwarts. But Hogwarts wasn't safe anymore, Snape was the headmaster now and maybe he had recognized Dobby and sent him back to the family he supposedly belonged with.

Greyback was looking at the place with curiosity and fun, it was probably the first time he had ever entered the manor. He may be a death eater but he was never as high on rank as his other partners; being a hybrid creature, the Dark Lord would never dream of pairing him up with the rest and he didn't trust his loyalty completely.

"I thought the Dark Lord would be receiving us himself", Greyback said questioningly.

Greyback's statement had taken Bellatrix by surprise and she took several seconds to reply, "The Dark Lord is taking care of some important matters. He will be absent for some time".

Greyback chuckled, "And what 'matters' might they be? Leaving the country on these days…"

"We mustn't question the Dark Lord's decisions!", shouted Bellatrix scandalized.

"Is that your way of saying you don't what these matters are?", Greyback replied grinning. Hermione couldn't help grinning herself at the perplexed face of Bellatrix. The dark witch said nothing but gave Greyback a look that could have pretty much killed him if it had been for her.

After a minute or two, the door of the drawing room opened and a white-blond haired middle-aged man appeared from behind it. His eyes wandered around the room registering the people filling it. Lately, he had got used to having visitors but none of them were vile snatchers.

"What are you doing in my house?", he asked commandingly.

No one answered him but he received a glare from each snatcher and from Ron and Hermione as well. The door opened for a third time and a much younger copy of Lucius Malfoy showed up. Little was left of the arrogant boy Harry, Ron and Hermione had met on school. The smirk on his face was no longer there, instead he was looking at everyone in the room with fear. His once handsome face had grown a frown of worry and it seemed as if ten years had passed since the last time they had seen him. He was even more pale and skinny and his eyes were red; he had probably cried on the past days.

His eyes spotted Hermione and he shook his head in disbelieve. Then he saw Ron being held by a large man and another boy with a deformed face also held as prisoner. He connected the pieces almost immediately.

Lucius noticed the curiosity and astonish on his son's eyes and followed his gaze. He turned to see Ron and recognized him as he did so.

"But what do we have here?", he asked amused, "a Weasley in person", he smirked, "I thought that tale of the spattergroit was a pathetic lie. Arthur should have been cleverer when covering his son". For the second time that day, Ron struggled at the mention of his family trying to free himself but the snatchers were stronger and they gave him a punch on the ribs. Hermione stifled and it draw Lucius' attention on her.

"And this one here is that Granger girl", he looked to Draco questioningly and the latter nodded. "Interesting".

"They think the one over there is Potter", said Narcissa to his husband who turned at the spot she had pointed. Being held by the werewolf Fenrir Greyback, was a thin, raven-haired young man with his knees against the cold floor of the room; his face, though, was tremendously deformed, as if it had been swollen by some kind of allergic reaction. Had it not been for the companions he was carrying, Lucius would have never guessed his true identity, yet it was clear it was indeed Harry Potter.

Bellatrix motioned to Draco to come closer to her, "Draco, sweetie, come here", he followed his aunt confused. She gripped his hand and drove him to the place where Harry was standing. Greyback pulled his hair up to reveal the 'scar' on his forehead. "Is it him, Draco?"

Draco looked at Harry's eyes and Harry was sure he knew it was him. It was all doomed for them. But surprisingly enough, Draco answered, "I can't tell".

"I don't think you see the panorama here, Draco. If we are the ones to deliver Potter to the Dark Lord, he'll filled us with honors", she said excitedly and then calmed, "He'll forgive every mistake done in the past", she finished referring to his family failures at fulfilling Voldemort's requests.

"Now, we won't forget who actually caught him, would we?", asked Scabior warningly.

"How dare you!", yelled Bellatrix and Scabior backed letting go of Hermione as he did so.

Draco looked at Harry's scar again, "I don't see any reason to suspect that he is not the real Potter", said Lucius Malfoy, "The snatchers found Weasley and the Mudblood. They're hardly ever away from Potter. It is like Potter has grown a couple of bugs that follow him endlessly". The snatchers laughed hard at this.

"I-I don't know", said Draco again.

Bellatrix looked at him pityingly and then addressed to Greyback, "What happened to his face?"

"When we caught him, he was already on that state", he answered truthfully.

"Someone must have jinxed him", she said suspiciously and then looked at Ron and Hermione.

Draco looked down at Harry's eyes for a second and then got up, "I don't think it's him", he said.

"What?", asked Lucius astonished.

"Um, maybe it's a trap!", Draco exclaimed uncertain, "they left the boy here for you to capture while the real Potter is out there somewhere. That would explain why his face was jinxed". Harry was having a hard time believing Malfoy was actually lying and making up improvised excuses. What was he playing at? Did he really not recognize him or was he lying on purpose? And if he was, why was he doing it?

"More like his friends did it!", said Bellatrix, "did you do it, dear?", she asked Ron.

"Weasley's too stupid to plan something that requires intelligence", answered the older Malfoy, "it was probably the girl".

Bellatrix turned to Hermione and walked towards her, "Was it you, then, my dear?", she asked and Hermione closed her eyes in fright. "We will see once I spill out the last spell casted by her wand!", she brought her face mere inches away from Hermione's but suddenly, something else caught her attention. Hermione, noticing Bellatrix sudden change of interest, followed her gaze and turning around she saw what had driven the woman's attention: behind Scabior, the snatcher named Wolfe was holding a long bright silver sword while playing with it, Gryffindor's word. The walls of the room could have pretty much crumbled on top of her as she realized how doomed they would be if Bellatrix knew exactly what was right in front of her. But Hermione was wandless and she had no way of setting her friends and herself free, so she could only watch terrified as the evil woman stared at the sword shocked.

"What is that?", asked Bellatrix.

"A sword", Wolfe answered grinning.

"I know what it is!", she yelled furiously, "Where did you get it?"

"I found it. It is mine", he answered.

"Give it to me!", ordered Bellatrix.

"No", said Wolfe and took the sword in his arms protecting it.

"Stupefy!", she aimed at the snatcher and a red light hit him.

"What are you playing at, woman?", asked another snatcher.

More red lights were shot from Bellatrix's wand and the snatchers were forced to flee their way out of the house. All except Greyback. Bellatrix had taken the sword on her hands and was gripping it tightly, "Where did they get the sword?", she asked, "Snape sent it to my vault in Gringotts!"

Her vault? The sword had been originally in Bellatrix's vault? Hermione could not believe what she was hearing. From his place, Ron found her face and looked at her startled but she was clueless this time. She had been so happy when she saw Harry returning with the destroyed locket and they had been so busy with other matters, that she had never thought of questioning herself why the sword had appeared at the bottom of that precise lake. It was clearly not a coincidence, someone had to put it right there, maybe even for them to find. Then that someone must have stolen it from the vault! But it had to be a really powerful wizard or witch, breaking into Gringotts was almost an impossible mission and the odds of succeeding were infinitely low. She tried not to think of Dumbledore, he was dead, he couldn't possibly - Unless it was someone who could get it easily, someone with access to the vault. But who could that be? Hermione thought of all this possibilities in no more than a minute, and when she got back to the present, Bellatrix was still questioning the werewolf.

"It was among the things we took from the kids, I swear!", Greyback shouted back.

"You better be telling the truth!", she screamed warningly, "Wormtail!"

A short blonde man appeared from behind the door, "Drag this scum out of the manor!", she motioned to the unconscious snatchers who had got hit by the stunning spells. Pettigrew obeyed and forcefully got the men out.

"Now we're going to find out who stole the sword out of my vault. And if the boy is really Potter", she said turning to Hermione again. "Wormtail!", she called again and the man returned, "take the two boys down to the cellar with the other prisoners. I want to have a nice chat with her, girl to girl!"

Harry panicked and tried to stand up, the rag on his mouth fell to his neck as he moved his head back violently. "No!", he shouted, "Leave her!"

Hermione had never been so scared in her entire life. She saw as Greyback approached Ron who tried to jump away from him with his hands tied and his mouth covered. From behind, Lucius cornered him and pushed him towards Greyback, the movement allowed his rag to fall just like Harry's. Bellatrix started walking closer to Hermione, each of her steps were marked by the sound of her heels hitting the tile of the floor, like the march of a clock ticking backwards. Hermione took steps away from her, trying to stay stood, but she fell to her knees, with her hands tied on her back. Bellatrix pointed her wand at her face and she grinned, making Hermione feel pathetically defenseless before her. She turned to where she had last seen Harry and she saw him crawling forcefully on the floor, looking for her with his eyes swollen. Her eyes started filling up with tears at the sight of him and it mixed with the fear pulsating on the veins of her entire body making the most horrifying feeling ever. Yet, Wormtail hadn't moved, he was standing still on the right corner of the room looking at Harry on the floor. His inactivity caused Bellatrix to look away from Hermione and at him.

"Now, Wormtail!", Bellatrix yelled and he took Harry by the collarbone, Greyback grabbed Ron who struggled and attempted to punch him. The young men were too tired to fight their release and Harry could only see the figure of the evil witch pointing her wand on Hermione's throat, "Hermione!". He felt asphyxiated, he couldn't struggle and he couldn't see where he was being taken, he could only listen to Hermione's screams.

They were being dragged down some stairs. At the bottom was a heavy door and Wormtail opened it with a key he'd pulled out from his pocket. Harry made an attempt to hit Wormtail but he failed and instead Greyback kicked him in the stomach and pushed him into the cellar along with Ron. Harry fell loudly to the concrete floor. Wormtail locked the door and returned with Greyback to the drawing room. A sudden sharp scream was heard and Harry's blood froze, it was Hermione.

"How did you steal the sword out of my vault?"

"Please, I didn't do anything!-"


"HERMIONE!", screamed Harry from the floor. He tried to stand up but he was unable, his hands still tied up behind his back. Ron didn't help him but he couldn't anyway for he was tied up too, he jumped towards the door and hit him with his body.

"Hermione!", shouted Ron with all his force desperately.

Harry could barely think. The loud screams of the girl filled up the entire place haunting him. They had to get out of there. But there seemed to be no way, if only there was someone there to help them.

"Ron?", they heard a voice whisper.

Ron turned around at the voice supporting his weight on the door. A blonde girl came out from the dept of the cellar staring at them. "Luna!", exclaimed Ron and he attempted to jump towards her. She got to him and hugged him briefly before noticing Harry on the floor, next to her.

"Harry! You're here too!"

Harry nodded and focused his sight on the blonde girl. He could now see her features clearly, the jinx's effect had worn out. Unlike most of the time, Luna was wearing perfectly normal clothes: a t-shirt and jeans, but they were dirty and ragged, evidence of the time she had probably spent locked in there, "Luna, can you help us release from these ropes?", Harry said showing her his tied wrists.

"Luna, come here", said Ron, "there's a wand in my pocket but I can't reach it. Take it, please". She did as he told her and took the wand out of the pocket of his pants.

"Told you the snatchers were stupid. This is the one I took from the snatcher who got killed. And I got your glasses too", Ron said to Harry before Luna broke his ropes with the wand. After she did, Ron put his arms around her while whispering, "I knew we were going to find you. I promised your dad we would".

"Oh Ron, you didn't need to do that", she answered, "I'm fine"

Luna broke the hug and knelt next to Harry, she released him and he stood up taking his glasses from her hand. Ron pulled the Deluminator out and used it to lighten up the room. Luna was not the only person already on the cellar, behind her Harry saw a goblin and the figure of an old tall man, Mr. Ollivander, the wandmaker. Before Harry could ask any question, steps were heard. Ron used the Deluminator again to remove the light. The door opened and Wormtail came in, "Goblin! Follow me!", he mumbled with his wand raised prepared to attack if the prisoners moved. Griphook, the goblin, followed him and they disappeared from sight.

On the main room,

After that, Hermione's screams could still be heard, "Bombarda! Reducto! Incendio", none of them worked no matter how much they tried. Harry was getting desperate, he couldn't take hearing her suffering any more. "Ahh!", he shouted loudly in despair.

A second later, Wormtail had returned, "Why are you making so much noise?", he asked. None of them answered, Harry waiting for his chance to attack.

But his plan was ruined when he heard another pair of steps walking down the stairs leading to the cellar, "Hey Wormtail", said the voice of Draco Malfoy, "my aunt is asking for you. If I were you, I'd go there immediately. You know perfectly how she gets"

Wormtail glared at Harry and turned around walking upstairs. However, before he could reach the top, he got hit by a stunning spell and fell down the stairs. The curious thing was that it hadn't been Harry who casted the spell, it had been Malfoy. He knelt next to Wormtail and rummaged between his clothes, Harry could only stare surprised. Finally, Malfoy found what he was looking for and opened the door of the cellar with the keys.

"Surprised, Potter? I figured as much", he said coldly, "Dobby!", he shouted.

The house elf appeared summoned by Draco, "I want you take Mr. Ollivander and the Lovegood girl to a safe place. Wherever Potter tells you to".

"Harry Potter, sir!", exclaimed Dobby happily, "and Mr. Weasley!". Harry smiled at the elf widely and turned to look at Malfoy mute by his actions.

Ron was as surprised as Harry but said to Dobby, "Take them to Shell Cottage, Bill and Fleur's home"

"Alright, do as Weasley said and then come back here. Be careful", Draco said.

Dobby nodded, "Dobby would do anything to help his friend Harry Potter", he grabbed Luna and Mr. Ollivander by the hands and disapparated with them.

A silence filled up the air after Dobby was gone, before Malfoy spoke again, "I told the goblin to lie about the authenticity of the sword. I reckoned it suited Granger's story just fine", he ran to the stairs, "Don't just stay there! Come on, we've got a mudblood to save"

Ron and Harry looked to each other dumbfounded but followed Draco up the stairs. Thrilled, Harry put a hand on Draco's shoulder and he turned around, "Why are you doing this?"

Draco grinned and folded his hands, "Have you not heard, Potter? The enemy of my enemy, is my friend", he answered, "take Wormtail's wand, you'll need it" he gave the wand to Harry and continued walking. His words sunk deep into Harry and he understood everything he had meant. Of all the people Harry thought could come to his aid, never would have Malfoy occurred to him; yet, after all they had lived, his more than frequent insults and fights, he was there, helping them.

"I'll go first and both of you will stay here. After that, you can pretend you've escaped or something and you'll be free to rescue Granger", Draco told them and acquired a serious almost threatening manner, "But I warn you, leave my mother out of this. She can't be harmed, understood?"

"We won't harm her if she doesn't try to get us first", answered Ron.

Draco glared at him, "I'm asking you nicely", he said coldly.

Ron was about to answer and Harry stopped him, "He's helping us, Ron", he said softly.

Ron snorted but said nothing. Malfoy continued walking until he disappeared from sight. They waited leaning against the wall of the passage leading to the cellar. "I don't trust him", said Ron suddenly, "what if it's a trap and he's setting us up?"

Harry sighed, "He's not", he answered softly.

"How do you know?", asked Ron, his tone getting louder.

"I just do", said Harry and turned to look at him, "if he was planning a set up, how come he lied when Bellatrix asked him if it was really me?", he put a hand on Ron's left shoulder, "it wouldn't hurt to trust for once"

Ron calmed at his words, "I may not trust him, but I trust your judgment, mate. This is for Hermione, anyway", he said holding his wand up.

"Yes, for her", seconded Harry.

"You're lying goblin!"

"I already told you, the sword's fake. I've seen the original and it's not like this"

"Consider yourself lucky for now, goblin"

"Not like our little mudblood girl. She's not getting a nice treatment anymore"

"Now!", shouted Harry.

Ron and Harry came out from the stairs throwing stunning spells. Before them, Bellatrix had Hermione lying on the floor with her arms wide open on her sides. Harry stopped on his tracks at the sight of her. There were some marks on her left forearm, like small cuts, and she was bleeding. Harry felt as if he had been stabbed, her face illuminated by the moon's rays looked so defenseless, like Harry had never seen her before.

"What-?", Lucius' Malfoy voice brought him back to his senses.

"Stupefy!", cried Ron. The elder Malfoy was shut backwards pushed by the force of Ron's spell.

Soon, Greyback and Narcissa were throwing spells at them. The room was lit constantly by the rebounding of jinxes and hexes on the walls. "Sectumsempra!", shouted Harry aiming at Greyback. The werewolf merely dodged it but its ray brushed him and he leant back on the wall grabbing his bleeding right shoulder.

"Stop!", they heard Bellatrix shouting. Harry turned at her: on the corner of the room, the witch had Hermione seized by the hair with her head lifted up. She was holding a silver knife against Hermione's throat, "Drop your wands or we'll see exactly how filthy her blood is!"

Harry froze, he couldn't breathe properly. Ron dropped the snatcher's wand instantly but Harry didn't react, he stood there watching her friend's life at risk. Bellatrix pressed the blade into her throat and beads of blood appeared there. At this, Harry dropped Wormtail's wand too. Hermione was sobbing with her eyes fixed upon the ceiling and Bellatrix started whispering in her ear, "Look, dear, what do we have here?", Hermione jumped slightly at the sound of her voice, "it's Harry Potter, he's come to rescue you… or so, he thought", she grinned, "he's all bright and new, ready for the Dark Lord".

"Take their wands, Draco", Bellatrix ordered Malfoy. He reluctantly did so and stood next to his mother. Coward, Harry thought.

Upon the wall of the windows, Greyback straightened up supporting himself on the pillar and began laughing hysterically, "Now you won't deny me the girl, will you, Bella?".

She turned to him, "Of course not. The Dark Lord will be satisfied with your services tonight". Hermione writhed beneath her and Bellatrix seized her tighter. Harry clenched his fits, unable to do something to defend her. He felt impotent and fearful as to what could happen to her. It had all being in vain.

Greyback laughed again and flicked his wand aiming at Ron, "Incarcerous!". Black ropes appeared from the floor and surrounded Ron's body holding him still. Ron cried in pain and struggled pointlessly.

"Call him, Draco", Bellatrix whispered softly, "Summon the Dark Lord for us".

Harry turned to the blonde and glared at him. Draco looked at Bellatrix scared, then at his mother and finally at Harry. They gazed at each other for seconds and Harry made an effort to show all his hate on his eyes. But Draco didn't move, he stood there looking at Harry as if he was waiting for him to save him from obeying his wicked aunt.

"Draco", called his mother and he turned to her. He shook his head and looked at his aunt, "No", he softly said.

"What did you say?", questioned Bellatrix.

"No", he repeated. Both women stared at the young man confused. He turned to Harry and without taking his eyes from his, said, "Dobby, now!"

The elf appeared behind Narcissa and snapped his fingers. The chandelier that was precisely above Bellatrix and Hermione, broke from the ceiling and the woman let go of Hermione throwing herself aside to avoid the crash. Harry reacted and caught Hermione, barely taking her away. A stunning sound was heard when the chandelier fell to the floor breaking up in pieces.

"Stupid elf!", Bellatrix shouted, "you could have killed me!"

"Dobby never meant to kill. Only maim or seriously injure", Dobby answered smiling triumphant. (A/N: Thanks to MadamLestrange1990 and Namikaze-Naruto-the-Sage for the quote :D)

"How dare you?", yelled the witch.

But her sister wasn't paying attention to the elf. She was staring at her son with her mouth opened, "What was the meaning of that?", she asked.

Draco looked at the elf and nodded, then turned to her mother, "I'm not going to do this, anymore"

"Do what?", his mother asked back confused.

"Help them", he motioned to Bellatrix and Greyback, "Don't you understand?", he asked desperately.

Narcissa shook her head violently and continued to look disturbed at her blonde son. Draco sighed and flipped his wand releasing Ron, "Relashio!", the black ropes around Ron disappeared and he straightened up.

"Draco, boy, let's calm down for a moment", called Bellatrix from her place next to the broken chandelier.

"Shut up!", he yelled pointing his wand at her.

Bellatrix stepped back afraid. "I do understand: The boy's a traitor. I knew he didn't have it in him since he failed to do Dumbledore", rasped Greyback.

"Don't you talk of my son like that ever again!", shouted Narcissa furiously.

Bellatrix moved elusively to grasp her knife, which had fell to the floor after the crash; but Draco was faster, "Accio knife!", he said summoning the blade and catching it.

"Stop, Draco! What are you doing?", cried his mother.

In all his life, Draco Malfoy had never shown a trace of bravery in him. Like most Slytherins, he praised shrewdness before courage. His father had taught him that those were the values that only the vulgar Gryffindors displayed; so he learned to look for himself before anything else. He had believed so for many years. One could say that Draco's life had been easy on his early years, he'd had everything: money, rank, an important position on society and an ability to earn worthy friends instantly. But deep inside him, the hatred he had grown towards Harry Potter was the result of nothing more than jealousy. Draco soon realized that rank and purity were meaningless compared to the things that Potter had: respect, admiration and friendship. Potter's friends looked at him with high admiration, whereas Draco's only followed him for interest and even fear; it was nowhere near the friendship and loyalty he had seen on his friends. Weasley and Granger had risked their lives for Potter's uncountable times and they kept by his side no matter what. In his case, Draco had only sensed that kind of devotion coming from his mother. And with the turn of the tide, he had realized that she was all that mattered to him in the world, his family was. So, Draco decided that it was time to show that he was no selfish arrogant boy, time to show that he cared for people. And he would do it despite the gigantic fear he felt.

He turned back and saw Potter and Weasley holding the brunette girl tightly now that she was seemingly safe. The red-haired lifted his face and saw him looking at them. Draco gestured at him and pulling Ron's real wand, Hermione's and Wormtail's out of his pocket, he threw them at Ron and he caught them. Dobby, the elf, was standing behind the three boys and he was looking at Draco with admiration, something Draco had never seen on anyone else's eyes directed at him. It gave him courage to turn to his mother.

"I'm doing what's right, mother", he said softly. His hands were trembling but he swallowed hard to calm himself and continued, "Do you not see? Even if we give Potter to him, he's going to kill us", he cried, "he'll never forgive us, mom", he motioned to Lucius laying unconsciously on the floor. "I don't want him to rule the world we live in, he'll destroy it", he took a deep breath, "For the first time, I want to be brave for what is worth". Tears were filling up his eyes and he let them fall without embarrassment.

Narcissa nodded in understanding, she was crying too. The moment broke when they heard Bellatrix and Greyback moving. Harry aimed at Bellatrix and stunned her before she could take out her wand. Ron threw a spell at Greyback but he dodged it by hiding behind a pillar. A second later, Greyback pulled out and flipped his wand.

"Intereo!", a purple ray was shot from his wand directed at a spot between Ron and Hermione. Harry saw as Draco ran and pushed both of his friends aside with force. The ray could have hit either Ron or Hermione but instead ended up hitting the blonde boy right on his chest.

Time slowed as the body of Draco Malfoy was pushed backwards. His arms were opened graciously and his grey eyes were fixed above, a spark coming out from them. Before his body touched the ground, Harry managed to hear a small "Run" coming out of his lips. His body finally fell and his eyes closed peacefully.

"Draco!", came the roar of his mother and she threw herself next to the body of her now dead son.

A light was seen and it hit Greyback. Harry felt the hand of Ron grasping him and his vision went blurred as he was being dragged through the darkness, he heard the desperate calls of Narcissa before the room disappeared replaced by the sight of sand and water. Draco Malfoy was dead.

Harry smelled the salty air and he moved his eyes around the place. He saw Luna, Mr. Ollivander and Griphook gathered together on a spot, a small figure was standing next to Ron and Harry ran towards them. Ron was holding Hermione against his chest. She was unable to stand and her weakness had brought her to the ground. Harry knelt beside her and Ron and he put a hand on her face, "Hermione, you're safe now", he whispered. She didn't answer but she looked at him for a moment before her eyes closed as she fainted.

Alright, how was it? :D

Some things to mention: the snatcher Duke is my own invention xD along with the name of two other snatchers. I was reading "I, Claudius" and I took the name of one of them from Claudius, the roman emperor, father: Drusus. The other one just occurred to me. Oh, if you can, you should read this book, it's brilliant how it's narrated and it really is quality material.

As you can see, I mixed both book and movie. There are some things that I liked from the movie more and other that I was forced to take from the book to make sense. But of course, I changed many things.

You will wonder why I decided to kill Malfoy. Actually, it's the first time I kill a character and it was quite difficult to decide it this way. But I wanted Dobby to live! Haha, nah, not the only reason... I wanted to give Draco a proper death and I felt the need to write it like that. I like his character and sometimes I think that Rowling's hate towards him influenced greatly on how he ended up. So, I made him braver. People can change, Dumbledore said so and I agree with him. Oh, and you'll probably wonder what I'm going to do with the whole Elder wand issue; we'll see when we get to that, no need to rush up (suggestions are well received btw).

The spell that Greyback used is the same that Dolohov casted on Hermione in the Department of Mysteries but since the name is never mentioned on the books, I made it up too. Intereo is a latin word that means "to perish", so I thought it was right for the spell, you'll judge if it is. Took it from my Latin classes at school :) But I'm no expert so if it is wrong, please tell.

With nothing more to add, I want to wish all a Happy New Year and thank you for supporting me last 2010. May this year be full of joy, love and quality fanfiction!