(Author's Note: I scribbled this down in Latin a while ago…let me know what you think please! I'm not really sure where I'm headed with this yet…we'll see)

Darkness. It swept him off his feet. Tossing, turning…He was floating alone, in the blinding haze of oblivion.

He was by himself. Alone, so alone…

He thought it wasn't going to happen anymore. The sudden realizations of loneliness, the pain they brought.

But it was happening now.

It was different before. It didn't happen when she was there. Kate.

But she was gone.



His Kate was dead.

And he was alone.

"Damn it!" An annoyed Peter Burke threw down a folder in his office. "What do you mean it's gone dead?"

Poor Jones, another FBI agent, was at the receiving end of the burst of anger. "I don't really know what's going on, Peter. Neal's tracker was just reported inactive."

Silently, Peter prayed that Neal hadn't run. Not now…not when he had a new life…

After working together for so long, Neal and Peter had begun to trust each other. It hadn't been easy, but now they were best friends. And Peter trusted that Neal wasn't running.

"There's no way he's taken off. Let's check our files and see if we can figure out what's going on." A certain determination was in Peter's voice, and Jones knew better than to argue.

So what did you think? Should I continue it? Review please, and thanks in advance! =)

Oh and by the way, guess whose birthday is tomorrow? Matt Bomer's! Haha