It was 7:30 at night and Tommy and Dil had just finished their bath and now it was time for bed. Tommy was still getting used to his new big boy bed while Dil was still sleeping in a crib.

"Good night, my sweet baby boys. I love you more than anything else in the whole wide world. I'll never let anything bad happen to you ever. Well, good night." said Didi.

Didi tucked Tommy and Dil in. She walked out of their room, turned off the light, and shut the door.

"Why does she always say that too us at bedtime?" asked Tommy.

"Huh?" Dil said in confusion.

"She says it to us every night. She must not think we believe her or something." Tommy explained. "Well, good night Dil." he said to his brother.

"Night." Dil said.