For this chapter, I want you guys to listen to this song (when it's mentioned in the story) You'll notice dun worry.


If the link doesn't work, just search for it: Red – Pieces.

I keep saying it but again; thanks for the reviews! It keeps me motivated to keep working on this story.

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Chapter 6. Confession.

Some minutes flew by as they stood there. He didn't say anything. Too scared he was going to throw up again. He sighed as he lifted himself slightly from the railing, she was right. Some fresh air really did him some good, feeling the wind stroking his hair, caressing his face. Those re-insuring words she spoke to him, stroking his back. He felt much better.

"sorry you had to see that" he said, laughed softly. He was kind of embarrassed. He never intended her to see him throw up like that. Then again, he just couldn't restrain himself from doing so.

"you actually think that bothered me?" she said, standing beside him, she raised her hand, caressing his cheek with her thumb, with so much love. She just looked at him with a smile.

He almost felt like pulling back from her touch, since it made his feelings only worse. And as far as he know she didn't felt the same. Even when Vashyron told him something else, he couldn't think of a honest way she would like him back. It just seemed too good to be true.

"I'm going to drink some soda, I have a really bad taste right now.." he said about it. Since he felt a little better getting some of it out of his system. He could use something else. But he was at least able to walk inside the house without an escort.

"are you sure you're okay? Do you need me to follow you?" she asked, a little insecure since she didn't think he could make it on his own right away. Not after throwing up like that. Sure he feels fine now, but the feeling would come back for sure.

"I'm okay" he insured her. Walking inside for real now, getting some soda. He noticed she didn't follow him. He shrugged as he just drank a few soda's. Backing down from the party now since he didn't felt like socializing at the moment. Not with this feeling, which was starting to come back slightly, at least it wasn't half as bad as before. Only now a headache started to reach the surface.

He watched Leanne get in the house now too, she seemed kind of happy. Like she always was actually. What he didn't knew was she was just faking it. And he just realized id. Like she did more often when things bothered her. She just tried to act tough. A little like him, only that he did show when something was off, he still tried to look like everything's was okay. He mostly failed.

Leanne was talking to Jean-Paulet, who asked her for a dance. She politely refused since she was a little tired. But they kept talking for a while.

As for him he decided to get some fresh air once more. He walked up the stairs and just made himself comfortable on the railing on top of the roof. Even here he could still here the music quite clearly. A little muffled but it wasn't in any way annoying. He just enjoyed the cold breezes from outside. He stood there for a while, until he heard some footsteps.


He heard a cute voice say as he turned around, seeing Leanne walk up to him. He smiled lightly. She just couldn't leave him alone could she?

"enjoying the view?" she asked.


"mind of I join you?"

He didn't answer but only nodded as he took a glance at the city, once more. Ebel was so pretty at night. He could stare at it for hours, to him this really became, home.

He watched her taking place beside him, moving a little closer to him ofcourse. But not to be too obvious. He could hear the song changing in the background... His eyes widened. This song... No, it couldn't be. He slightly looked down as he indeed, heard the song he thought he heard. As if fate just knew.. Somehow.

"gosh I love this song" she said, she sounded a little sad.

"you do?" he asked, trying to ignore the choking feeling inside his throat. This song was just torture to him, it was the song he repeated over and over inside his mind to make him fall asleep. As he couldn't stop thinking about Leanne.

"what's the name again?" she asked when she couldn't quite recall, but did recognized it.

"Pieces, by... Red" he answered to it. This time he did choke, he felt like crying. Right now he was really frustrated, the alcohol was too much, Leanne was being just too nice this whole evening. And then.. This song.

"yeah, Pieces, it's beautiful" she said. Not knowing what else to say, as she could feel him taking his distance from her. It was also starting to dawn to her, there was indeed something wrong. She could feel it, and she just wanted to have the Zephyr back she knew. Or did she? That Zephyr who never took the effort to listen to her, or give her some attention. In the beginning she had so much trouble getting along with him. Now she was so close to him. So close she felt like closing the gap already.

"Zephyr..." she slowly said. Singing along the words in her head.

Stepping closer to him as she watched him, still with his head down. She swallowed hard as she slowly took a hold of his hand, stroking his skin with her thumb. Glancing down to his hand, his hand. It didn't take long before she slowly heard a sob coming from the boy.

"Zephyr?" she repeated herself. Leaning in to stroke away some hair, she could see a tear falling into the distance. She was shocked, he was crying? He was really crying?

"Zephyr what's wrong! Just tell me, please!" she almost begged, pulling at his arm. He slowly straightened his back. Looking slightly down on her, as he was used of him, this height. But not to see his face filled with sadness, tears.

He himself also, repeated those words inside his mind. Almost restraining himself from singing it to her, because it was how he felt. He wanted her to make him whole. He didn't want to feel so broken, to pieces anymore.

He stepped closer to her as he could feel her brushing away a tear from his cheek. He smiled lightly as he still sobbed he rested his forehead against hers.. He could hear her call his name once more. This time out of plead and he was sure he could hear she was sad also.

But right now, he didn't care anymore, he just wanted to make himself hers as he leaned in. Feeling his heart skip a beat once their lips met, brushing his against her soft ones. He held his breath, so scared she was going to pull back, slap him or anything else to reject him.

But when she didn't and felt a response he widened his eyes in response, feeling her wrap her arms around his neck. He could almost scream out how happy he was, Yes! Finally. He quickly closed his eyes as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Pulling her so close to him he made sure there wasn't any space left between the two. He parted his lips for this was going to be, his very first kiss, and it was with the girl he wanted it to share the most. She chuckled against his as she parted as well, feeling his tongue making it's entrance inside her mouth. Feeling his tongue, inexperienced dancing along with hers. She moaned lightly into the kiss as it got more passionate. Moving in further, making sure she didn't forget a single spot.

She pouted slightly as he pulled back to catch his breath, disappointed he did. Since she liked it so much. Watching him colored beautifully in red as a blush appeared on his face. She knew by now, this must be something he wanted to do, for so long.

"Leanne.." he whispered as he took her face in both hands, brushing his thumbs against her skin. She only smiled at him, he almost forgot everything around them. He felt so warm inside the cold breezes weren't even there anymore.

He leaned in once more, now he got it, he didn't want to stop. Placing his lips again carefully on hers. Where he had been lacking before, he was determined he would give her a kiss she wouldn't forgot for a really long time. And she was about to pull back as he just seemed too, convincing. She eased on his grip with a response of her own, again parting her lips, allowing the boy to deepen the kiss. And when he did, she made a soft sound once more as he she was sure of seeing sparks in front of her eyes. This warm feeling inside of her, making it's way up as she answered passionately.. Oh yeah, he succeeded.

But after another long, breathtaking kiss, she this time pulled back. Once she did he wrapped his arms around her, he felt like never letting go. He repeated her name once more as she in return could feel some tears behind her eyes. This time, more because she was relieved. This whole time she had worried so much about Zephyr, why he acted like that. Why he was so distant from her. Where she was so frightened, she was truly happy now. Not only she didn't had to worry about him anymore, but now, she was able to confess to him. Not scared like he was, to do so anymore after this.. But when she was about to, he already made that attempt, before she could even say anything.

"Leanne I love you" he said, his words echoing through her mind, through her heart. Hearing him being so sincere. So full of love, she couldn't do anything but hug him tighter. As he was about to make a joke. She just couldn't after hearing those words.

She pulled back from his grasp on her and smiled at him. Nodded... Now she felt like breaking the moment, Zephyr could still use some little teasing of hers. Since she had to get him back for that stupid girl he was dancing with.

"I know" she answered to him, grinning. Leaving him with an awkward expression.

"w-well, aren't you going to say it back, to me?" once he thought she felt the same, she had to do something like this. Right now he could really strangle her.

"we'll see" she teased him as he walked away from him, towards the stairs.

Leaving him standing there, she waited for him to understand she was joking. And when he finally did he let out a big sigh.

"oh ha-ha very funny" he said, growled at her as he walked up to her "you feel better now?"

Leanne started laughing hard as she took a few steps down the stairs.

"yeah a lot better" she kept teasing him, but took his hand to walk down.

He decided to give her that last bit of revenge, since he was indeed being a little mean before on the dance floor. But it also proved to him she was indeed in love with him as well. He could let out a thousands deep breaths of relieve when he got more sure of that fact. Even so, she did let go of his hand once they made it down.

Leanne, giving him a warning look telling him they shouldn't say a thing what happened upstairs. He was a little confused about it, but agreed with her in silence. He knew she had her reasons to it. For him it would be that the whole crowd wouldn't come congratulate them or something. But also because he didn't felt like getting a lot of glares from people, since she was older than him. And way out of his league. People would frown upon it.

But as he thought he could get some rest, he was truly wrong. Before he could even sit down, Jean-Paulet walked up to him. Giving him a big pet on his back.

"and how's it going with the ladies tonight" he said to him. Making Zephyr a little confused.

"I'm not sure what you mean" he answered to it.

"well I guess a fun party like this holds enough opportunities right?"

"I guess you can say that" Zephyr shrugged, he grinned as he looked at Leanne across the room "but no sorry, nothing happened for me. You?"

For once he even felt like having a conversation. He was still on that typical 'afterglow' he got from Leanne, just because of that damned kiss. What he didn't know was that he was basically screwed. Since women had their ways, just using that afterglow. And they could get them into doing the weirdest stuff, just because they do one silly thing that blows their mind.

"well no, but if you excuse me, a fine lady over there is waiting for some attention from moi" Jean-Paulet said. Making Zephyr laugh as he walked away. He really was a weird guy, but he kind of liked him.

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As the night progresses, it was almost 3 o'clock in the morning. And most people were already taking off. Leanne and Zephyr had shared some gazes with each other throughout the whole party. Which Vashyron obviously noticed. He was a guy, and he could spot a inexperienced 'after-glow' from miles away. And seeing it coming from Zephyr, he knew he scored.

But he intently didn't say anything about it. Letting those kids have their fun for a while as he on the other hand, pretend he never noticed a thing. Letting them have their precious secret.

After a short while, all the guests where practically gone. Leaving Zephyr and Leanne to clean the house a little so they didn't have too much work in the morning, or afternoon. Since Zephyr and Vashyron would definitely sleep in.

"how're you?" Leanne asked Zephyr, after they put away the last dishes. Zephyr glanced around to see Vashyron sleeping. Okay it was safe.

"I'm fine" he said, honestly he could say he really was fine for once. He felt great, even when he had a really bad head-ache because of the alcohol. Which he still felt a little dizzy off. Leanne on the other hand just hoped, no prayed he would still be able to remember everything in the morning.

"so..." he started, since he wanted to ask a really stupid question "mind sleeping together tonight...?"

Leanne's eyes widened, he didn't just asked, to have sex right? Either way, whatever he meant. She shook her head, she didn't think it was a wise thing to do. Zephyr was still a little drunk, and she didn't felt like rushing things, or get into stuff just because he was drunk. And she knew, the only reason why he asked. Was that he felt encouraged enough to do so.. And he wouldn't have dared to if it wasn't for the alcohol.

"no, maybe another time" she teased him. Making him pout at her.

"why not" he was so going into an argue with her, he just felt like hugging her in his sleep.

"I don't think sooo" she said, walking away from him. Towards her room.

"you do love me right?" he started again. Making her laugh but pointed at Vashyron.

"sshhh, remember?" and with that, she walked into her room.

Leaving him in the kitchen with a big smirk. But what both didn't knew Vashyron obviously heard. He was like ninja when it came to that stuff. He just pretended to be asleep. But once both really weren't in contact with each other anymore, he did fall asleep. Knowing he didn't miss anything.

Zephyr took a last glass of soda as he walked up to his own room. And once he reached it, closing the door behind him. It was a cold night, and he expected more of those the upcoming week. He sighed, he always hated those since he slept on the roof.

He lazily took off his clothes except for his shirt and underwear, as he crawled underneath his blankets. Getting comfortable. For once, it didn't took him long to fall asleep. With a huge smirk on his face he slowly doze off. For once not dreaming about silly thing, involving Leanne. Now he had her, he wasn't just chasing a mere dream anymore.

Finally he could honestly say she was his...

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Sorry guys, this was basically it for now.

(dun worry the story isn't over) but due to lack of inspiration and such.

I'm a little out of ideas. So I'm going to think some things over and work on a new chapter as soon as possible.