So this is the first story I'm going to upload. Still kinda new to this. And even though I considder english my second language.
I'm still dutch. So yeah, my english isn't PERFECT at some times. But I try my best. And I'm writing stories as long as I can remember.
Anyway, I just love this pairing. Here's the first chapter, and I'd love to get some feedback on this.

It might contain some small spoilers about the game. But I work around those. Even though the prologue is about Chapter 2 the Blackout.

Prologue. Black out.

A soft sigh escaped the boys lips and he glanced through his room, feeling his cheek ache with the punch it endured just a little while ago. Raising his hand and rubbing it lightly. Even though he understand why she hit him, he would've done the same in her position. Probably.


He got snapped out of his thoughts and turned his head once he heard his name, looking to the entrance of his room. Noticed it was just Leanne, letting out another sigh before glancing away from her again.

"How's your face?" she asked shyly.

"I'm fine" he growled at her. Making clear to her he didn't really appreciated it in the first place.

"I- I'm sorry for hitting you, it's just..."

"I know" he stopped her. He tried to remember what it was he saw back then, just before her hand hit his face. Even though he should know better than to run into the bathroom like that. But it seemed like a reflex, hearing her scream just made him jump up to save her. Totally forgetting the part she was taking a bath. The blackout in the city must've scared more people then he thought.

"why did you scream in the first place" he asked eventually.

Leanne walked closer once she figured it was okay to walk into his room, even though she didn't ask any permission. Like she usually did.

"I got a little scared with the lights going out like that, I'm really sorry"

"don't apologize"

She relaxed slightly, hearing him sounding less angry as he was before. Or rather, she could almost smell his ego being torn to pieces once she slapped him. And ofcourse, Vashyron making fun of the boy. Which cheek was burning red.

"should I get you a cold compress or, something?" she offered, looking at his face. And moving a little closer to him.

He was staring just to the other side of the room when he suddenly noticed her face moving closer. He was a little startled at first, but once he noticed she was just checking out the mark on his face he eased again.

"don't be stupid!" he snarled at her. Turning his face away from her.

She pulled a rather disappointed face and sighed as well.

"I'm going to make some tea, would you like that? Or do you not want to be bothered?"

He shook his head. Not seeming rather interested in her at the moment. He was too stubborn now to receive any pity form her. Especially after breaking his precious ego like that. Which she didn't quite seem to understand. For now he just wanted to sleep.

She didn't continue bothering him, and without any discussion she left the room.

"Goodnight" she did say before actually going down again.

Zephyr only sighed and took comfort underneath his blankets. Only removing his pants and threw them across the room.

"this is going to be a long, night" He mumbled, before turning a little to find his place. Closing his eyes and after a while, fell asleep.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Leanne couldn't sleep, it was by far past midnight. And she wasn't able to close her eyes with all the weird noises around her. Normally she wasn't really bothered with it, or maybe it was all in her head. But this time it enabled her to fall asleep. She pulled the covers higher to her face, looking around like a scared little girl. The blackout scared her more than she thought it would. She turned on her side. Which repeated itself quite some times before she actually had enough. She was so tired, but she just couldn't fall asleep. Suddenly she thought of Zephyr, and immediately her expression changed to an awkward frown. Or concern.

"I didn't hurt him, right?" she thought out loud. Still didn't seem to figure out he wasn't hurt at all. It was just his damn proud she seemed to have broken.

But with the thought of Zephyr, she also forgot she was scared..

"huh?" she got a little confused and sat back up straight in her bed. Rubbing her eyes lightly because of the sleep she so desperately needed. And once the next thought crossed her mind, she widened her eyes. For a moment, she even considered asking Zephyr if it was okay if they could sleep together. 'Would he mind?' She bit her lip softly. Almost making the thought reality because she felt her legs forcing her to get up and ask him. But she also was a little afraid of his reaction, and even more... That he would most likely think of her as a little girl even more.

She growled and with that she fell back against the mattress. Knowing it was a bad idea and tried to go back to sleep again. Closing her eyes...

Several minutes passed and she still wasn't able to ignore the sounds and force herself to fall asleep. Even the seconds seemed like hours..

"okay that's it!" she pouted. Throwing the covers from her body. Got up from the bed and walked towards her door. And before she knew it, she was standing in front of Zephyr's room. Totally ignoring Vashyron who was as always, sleeping on the couch. She was no way in hell, going to sleep with him. He was even worse than Zephyr.

She took a deep breath before taking the doorknob in her fragile hand, opened it slowly. She hold her breath as she entered the room. Letting her ears catch the soft sound of Zephyr while asleep. She closed the door as slow as she could. Not making any sounds as she stepped closer to Zephyr's bed. Still holding her breath, afraid he might yell at her because of her stupid question. But once she noticed him move slightly -probably in his sleep- it still made her pause for a moment. But once he stopped she moved closer again.

She leaned in, slowly pushing against his shoulder...

"Zephyr?" she called out to him softly "Zephyr, wake up"

He mumbled softly as he slowly opened his eyes. Taking in the sight of Leanne as she stood before his bed. Wearing nothing more than a simple tight shirt and some underwear. He growled lightly as he sat up in his bed.

"what is it?" he asked, sounding a little more annoyed and sleepy than concerned.

"Ehm..." she still was embarrassed to ask him. But it was to late to back down now "I- my room, there are all this weird noises"

He sighed, turning towards her.

"do you want me to check them out?" he asked, almost ready to get up.

"n- no, I mean... Is it okay if we sleep together?" she asked. Didn't look down towards him, too afraid of his reaction "It's the black out... I can't sleep"

He looked at her in surprise, he never thought she would ask him something like that. Then again, he was even more surprised at the fact nothing in his mind made him protest to this. Not even when she asked him. Not even did he even refuse her in reflex. But once he came to his senses he let out another sigh. But, he didn't felt like arguing either. He was too tired for that. And he figured he couldn't let her stand like that any longer, after all. He slept on the roof, it was way colder then downstairs. And with what she was wearing, he figured she must be freezing.


She pouted lightly, knowing he wasn't going to agree to it. She almost felt like turning around.

"well don't stand there like that, you'll catch a cold" he finally said, not bothering to look at her as he pulled up the covers for her to join him.

"R-really?" her eyes widened in surprise and it took her quite some time to realize he actually agreed to her. But once he figured he would get impatient too if she would take too long. So with a small breath she took the offer and moved closer. Taking the covers from him as she joined him underneath. With a rather satisfied smile on her face she laid down and got comfortable.

Zephyr laid down again as well, facing her as he watched her trying to search her place in the bed. She was so far away from him, he was almost afraid she might fell out of the bed. He shook his head with a sigh, it amused him slightly.

"what?" she asked, looking at him with big curiosity on her face. Which always kind of endeared him in a way, she always had this cute look in her eyes. But he never dared mentioning it to her.

"You'll fall out like that" he said, as he pointed out the big distance between them "I won't bite"

She widened her eyes again a little more once he said that. She didn't expect him to open up like that. But nodded immediately after and came a little closer. Still, as shy as she was, she kept enough space between them. Which made Zephyr chuckle. And once he watched her closing her eyes he eased. Took a deep breath before closing his eyes as well. Feeling his body doze off again. Letting him slowly fall into his slumber. But before he even could, he felt some movement in the bed. And once he thought it was going to stop, he opened his eyes once he felt the girl in his bed coming closer again. This time snuggling up against his chest. He swallowed with the sudden feeling, of warmth, running through his body. At first he didn't know what to do. But when he figured he was falling asleep just as he was. She just moved in out of reflex. Seeking out his protection and comfort. And once again, he couldn't help but being endeared with her. It turned a small smile on his face, dared him to slowly wrap an arm around her and closing his eyes again. Once both found their place against each other, and he got more comfortable he could already fell him dozing off again. This time with the soft sounds she made in her sleep. Her breathing, he never took a moment to listen to it. Or even take in her smell. But once he did he got a little confused, not because she smelled so nice, but, because she smelled so. Familiar. And once he did, he realized he always kind off did that from a distance. It wasn't really new to him, but being so close to her, was new. And he didn't mind it one bit. He smiled again, for once.. Making him fall asleep peacefully, as for the girl in his arms.

* * * * * End of Prologue.