Disclaimer: If you've read my previous chapters then put 2 and 2 together. TLK isn't mine but this story is.

AN Thanks to all my loyal readers the reviews were a really great confidence booster! Someone messaged me asking what "Aye" means, well dear readers Aye is an old Yorkshire term that's still in use, it means Yes. Any other terms baffle you ask away, I don't really notice what I'm saying or typing because it comes natural to me its part of my accent. Anyway on with the chappy eh? I'm going to wrap this one up so that I can bang out a one shot again and start work on my latest Simba/Nala story "Cupids Mistake" by the way thanks IanTheShaf for pointing out my lack of (") found it useful I thought it sounded a bit iffy. Be sure to point these things out guys so that I can alter the style of writing I use. On with the show and if you want a good read you gotta try LadyNala's "Solid Dreams" I actually reread the whole thing to keep on top of things and it made me cry again so well worth a read. REVIEWS at end of chapter please :D this is The Lone Wolf back on the prowl.

Throughout the Years

Chapter 6: Nala's Secret

Nala awoke early the morning after the fight, before her mother could stop her Nala shot across the den to be by Simba's side. Simba wasn't there. Nala almost choked from panic and settled with shaking Sarabi awake.

Queen Sarabi awoke with a start to the face of a worried cub. For once it wasn't her Simba waking her so he could go outside. Sarabi blinked and yawning she sat up.

"Whatever's the matter Nala?" Nala stood shaking as she explained that she couldn't find Simba.

"Nala calm down he's at the entrance watching the sun rise" Sarabi smiled gently, she was right Simba wouldn't do anything stupid.

Wait that wasn't right! Simba did nothing but stupid things!

Nala immediately began to worry worse than ever; she raced towards the entrance to Pride Rock. Sarabi sighed a smile hitched upon her face.

"Ahh young love"

Nala hurtled to the edge of Pride Rock almost toppling over to her death when a strong firm grip caught her stomach and hauled her back to safety.

"Hey are you ok?" a concerned voice she knew only too well reached her ears.

Nala nodded to the one cub she could tell anything to. Simba sat with his cuts fully healed, he gazed at her lovingly. Nala felt warmth spread throughout her body and desperately tried to tell him how she felt deep within. She couldn't even find the words to express herself. She stared into his deep brown eyes filled with emotion.

Simba couldn't tell her what was going on, after the dream he wanted her to say the three words he couldn't bring himself to say, what if she rejected him? What if she was scared of the commitment it would mean?

That kind of rejection would kill Simba emotionally, he cared for Nala deeply. But he wasn't sure how she'd react to this.

Nala opened her mouth again in an attempt to tell him her feelings but instead settled on asking him something she was burning to know the answer to.

"When did you start liking me?" Simba was taken aback; this was a bold move for Nala.

"Well I think it was when all the girls were talking about me like lovey dovey and stuff but you just seem to want to get to know me, it was really nice to have a friend I could trust with anything and I kinda realised we looked like a couple, I should have told you sooner I had a crush on you but I was scared" he finished proudly but still very red. Nala smiled blushing herself from this latest revelation. Simba never failed to blow her away with how sweet he could be, she wasn't even sure he realised how he came across to –

"So when did you start liking me?" Simba countered her question with the same question leaving Nala the one to be taken aback.

"Well, I liked you when you stuck up for me that day they formed that stupid club" Nala blushed deeper but continued regardless.

"I thought you were going to join them because you were the popular cub that everyone loved and I was the nerdy loser with no friends. Then you stood up and stuck up for me, then as if to emphasise the point you told me you were upset because they hurt my feelings. You didn't care about your own just mine." Nala paused to let the words sink in.

"You have no idea how much that means to a girl" Nala finished tears in her eyes. Simba was stunned, he hadn't realised what he was doing but he couldn't see her hurt. The next thing that happened almost had him falling off the edge of Pride Rock himself.

"Simba I… I love you" Nala mumbled, Simba didn't hear properly and cocked his head curiously. By this time a number of the lionesses had roused and sat in the mouth of the den listening to the conversation. It took all of their will power to not awe at the cuteness of the situation. Nala repeated herself a little more loudly but it came out too fast.

"SimbaIloveyou!" Nala blushed further remembering painfully had she had been when telling Simba she had a crush on him.

Once again Simba looked puzzled. It was as though a meteor struck Nala were she sat and she exploded with passion.

"SIMBA I LOVE YOU!" her words reverberated around the den, everyone heard it. Simba looked stunned; he had just seen his dream come true. But was it a dream he pondered. Well when in Rome he thought. Nala felt the tears spill he didn't love her, he only liked her. How could anyone love her the ugly loser. The nerd, the outcast. She felt her fragile heart breaking and wished with all her might to die right then and there.

Simba as usual came to the rescue.

"Nala I love you too!" Simba's words rang with the same amount of passion and Nala's joy was short lived because the lionesses had finally succumbed to their adoration releasing a loud AWWW to the awkward situation.

Nala turned fiery red fear written on her face, Simba stepped in front of her hiding her scarlet face though doing little for his. Nala stepped out to nuzzle Simba under his chin causing both to climb steadily redder.

The lionesses began to chatter about them as they came closer.

"Awww look at Nala she looks so embarrassed its adorable dear!" one of the lionesses exclaimed positively bursting with happiness. Another chipped in.

"Well look who's turned into quite the love birds eh?" Mufasa stepped forward proudly and bent his head low to his son.

"So what now Simba? Where do you go now?" Simba thought for a moment and the fiery glint in his eye shone on his ruby face. He turned to Nala and whispered something in her ear that nobody else could hear. Nala's jaw plummeted, she turned the colour of blood and her legs began to shake uncontrollably. She squeaked a quick yes before falling to the ground. Simba turned to his father and nodded a silent answer.

Mufasa brayed loudly turning to the crowd and announcing that the two were going to be mates. Simba still very pink kissed Simba happily coaxing whooping from the crowd. After so long they had been best friends, girlfriend and boyfriend and finally they had announced their love and become mates.

Simba glared at Phoebe and her cronies whom shrank into the shadows gracefully finally beaten. Nala shone with happiness and Simba looked truly ecstatic for the first time in months. He loved Nala and nobody on the planet would ever take that love away from him.

And so ends this tale of Simba and Nala how one twist in their lives forced love. How one caring heart and one tormented soul became a loving pair in the circle of life.

Well that's it another story complete! Shocked so am I! Keep and eye out for my one shot it's like the last one, and then the big story comes out remember "Cupids Mistake", well worth a read when I've done it! REVIEW PLEASE REVIEW! So till next time faithful readers, old or new your all welcome, a special thank you for my two main support Mr IanTheShaf and Ms LadyNala hope to hear from you guys soon on my next story ;) Anyone else wants mentioning then either write a story that's so kick ass I review it or review a large number of times on my stories hehe! This is The Lone Wolf finishing his hunt and devouring his prey good night readers till next time