Evolution of Feeling
Part I - Jane
Going down to the morgue was something that Jane was used to and did quite frequently. She jumped at every chance to head down the elevator and into the stark hallways that lead to the pristine room. Case files were her main goal of going down to the room of death, but anyone could make a run down to pick them up. Jane insisted it be her. It wasn't the files she was running down there to see. The woman who would be handing over the files was what she was most interested in. Doctor Maura Isles had captivated Jane, specifically most recently. Their friendship had flourished over the past few weeks. Since the day Jane pulled the trigger that dislodged a bullet from a gun through her own body, things had changed.
The bullet was a through and through and had Jane out of commission for two weeks. In those weeks, Maura had all but moved into Jane's apartment. When she was there, she was at Jane's every beck-and-call. When she was at work, she was sure her phone was closer than usual. Maura tended to the dressing on the wound, being sure to take extra care to cause no extra pain. On more than one occasion, Jane caught the threat of tears spilling from her friend's eyes during this process. The wound served as a constant reminder of that day. Each time Jane saw the glisten of tears in Maura's eyes, she called no extra attention to it, not wanting to embarrass Maura. She would simply grasp gently at Maura's arm as she reapplied the dressing, gently caressing with her slender fingers.
Jane, being as stubborn and independent as she was, insisted that all the attention wasn't necessary. "Maura. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself," Jane had pressed, shifting herself to a propped up position in bed, wincing only slightly and hoping Maura had missed it.
"Of course you are," Maura had chided, sitting against the headboard beside her. She knew Jane needed someone, but didn't want to wound the tough woman's pride, "But you'd be awfully lonely if I left." Maura tried to reason with the brunette, appealing to her social side. "Besides," she playfully pressed her shoulder against Jane's, "your mother will come if I leave."
Jane had reached over and grabbed her friend's forearm, "Please. Stay." The serious expression over her face broke and she had tossed her head back in laughter. Maura had scrunched her nose up in a giggle and Jane had savored the sound that was enough to ease her pain.
Once those weeks had passed, Jane was allowed back to work, but strictly on paperwork duty, much to her chagrin. Maura was the strictest enforcer, being sure to rattle off a list of things that could possibly go wrong if she disobeyed. Jane had clucked her tongue and rolled her eyes, but she minded the doctor's orders and secretly relished in the extra attention from Maura.
Just a few days ago, Jane was permitted to return to the field. While sitting at her desk, Jane mulled things over. This particular work day was slow and she absentmindedly tapped a pen against her lips, mind coursing over these plaguing feelings. Korsak came through the doorway, finishing a phone call. Jane watched as he plopped down into his chair at his desk.
"Yeah," he nodded into the phone, as though the person on the other line could see him, "That sounds like a plan. I'll be there as soon as I get a look at the file again. I just need to go grab it from the ME. See you then." With those final words, he flipped his phone shut.
At the mere mention of the file and the medical examiner, Jane perked up, standing a little too quickly and shooting a dull ache through her still mending wounds. "I can go get the file for you," Jane said eagerly. Catching herself, she back-pedaled, "If you'd like."
Korsak fought the smirk that threatened to pop across his face, "Sure, Rizzoli. That is," he paused, "as long as you don't mind." His tone teased the female detective, one of his eyebrows arching upwards.
Jane sighed and shook her head, laughing inwardly, "I'll be back." Her back had turned before she could see Korsak shake his head and chuckle softly to himself.
She cursed herself for letting her emotions dictate her actions. As she passed through the office door to the hallway and pressed the button to beckon for the elevator, Jane shifted her weight from one foot to the other staring down at the floor. Something in her feelings for Maura had changed. She would rather spend time with Maura than anyone else. She would cancel other plans if Maura asked to go to dinner. Or for a jog, and Jane hated jogging.
She smirked to herself as the elevator beeped and opened. She stepped inside and leaned against the wall. Maura had been accepted at all the family get-togethers and the few times that Maura couldn't make it, the family seemed genuinely disappointed with her absence. Jane more than looked forward to the time they spent together. They could have a deep, meaningful, thought provoking conversation and in the same breath, end up doubled over in laughter.
The elevator chimed once again, alerting Jane to the arrival at the morgue's floor. She stepped out of the door way and strode down the hallway towards the doctor's haven. These new feelings she felt swirling in her stomach were not something new. She had felt these feelings before, but not for Maura, let alone another woman. She was used to incessant teasing from schoolmates and immature men about being a lesbian. Though she dismissed the comments, she never dismissed the idea. Jane never called herself a lesbian and was still hesitant to. She wasn't necessarily attracted to women; there was just one woman; there was just Maura. She paused at the door of the morgue, admiring the woman standing over a microscope, focused intently at the specimen that was on the plate.
From her perfectly quaffed hair down to her overly expensive shoes, there wasn't a single thing Jane could say negatively about Maura's appearance. Maura had chosen a deep green dress that flared at the swell of her hips and danced around her knees. Simple (though unquestionably expensive) black heels adorned her feet, accentuating her toned calves. The lab coat hid the rest of the surely beautiful outfit, but as Jane watched her move from the microscope to her computer, the rest of the dress was revealed. The neckline dipped to reveal the slightest hint of cleavage and the milky expanse of her neck and collarbone. Maura's hair was half-clipped up, a few stray strands of honey-colored locks had slipped free and hung over her forehead. Jane had the sudden urge to stride into the room and brush the rebel tresses to the side.
Standing outside the morgue, Jane realized that her platonic feelings towards Maura had evolved into romantic feelings. She wanted to be with Maura, protect her, comfort her, love her. Jane had always loved Maura as her best friend. Now, without hesitation, she told herself she was falling in love with her best friend. She smiled softly to herself as her hands gripped the cold metal of the door handle, pulling it towards herself to allow herself entry.
Maura lifted her gaze from the computer to the familiar woman coming through the door. "Jane," Maura nearly sighed her name, content grin spreading over her lips. Noting the slight flush gracing Jane's cheeks, Maura cocked her head, golden locks rolling over her shoulder, "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," Jane nodded, not breaking eye contact with the hazel-eyed woman in front of here. Jane returned the smile, "I'm more than fine."
A/N: Thank you for reading! This is my first venture into the world of Rizzoli & Isles, so I hope you enjoyed this. Please leave feedback. Comments and criticism are greatly appreciated!