I'm sorry it took me so awfully long to update! I have been very busy the past few months, but I promise, I will update more frequently from now one!
Chapter 2
'Oh hell yeah Alex, I know you have done that!', Elliot laughed, shaking his head. 'Fine,' Alex shot back, drinking her shot. 'Your turn big guy, you have only one left. Only one shot, and we have a lot of whipped cream,' she added, a devilish grin on her face.
Elliot chuckled. She really didn't have to remind him of that. Looking around the table, he said: 'I have never.. used my handcuffs for anything but work.' He smirked, when he felt Olivia stiffen next to him, and saw Munch turning red. 'Busted, guys.' Olivia laughed, taking her shot, and so did Munch.
Alex looked at her, widened eyes, obviously longing for an explanation. Olivia saw it too and, smirking, said: 'Hey, what can I say? I was an early bird. Curious teenager. You know what I mean. Besides, college for me meant partying all night. You can do some.. slightly unusual things when you are drunk.' Alex burst out in laughter.
'Girl, you mean trouble. But eh, haven't you noticed something?' Olivia looked at her, slightly confused. Then down. At her shots. Which were all empty.
Now they all laughed. 'Okay El, it's your time to give her something to do, since you said it', Fin said, winking. 'Do something good.'
Elliot looked at Olivia, taking in the bold look in her eyes, and smirked. 'I dare you.. to kiss that guy over there.' He pointed at a kid who couldn't be older than twenty, and who obviously wasn't very.. experienced.
Olivia smacked his arm, laughing, shaking her head. 'No way Stabler! That is very low.' Elliot shrugged, and nodded at the whipped cream. 'Well, you know the alternative. Or being covered in cream, or a little kiss.' He tried to stop himself from laughing, but couldn't.
At this sight Olivia stood up, straightening her back, winking, and walked over to the kid. She tapped his shoulder. 'Excuse me?'
The boy turned around, and at the sight of Olivia nearly collapsed. He roamed his eyes over her body, taking her in, not being able to look away. Olivia smiled seductively. 'You wanna dance?' The boy swallowed, and nodded eagerly.
He didn't seem to be able to form coherent thoughts, so she just took his hand and led him to the dance floor. They started dancing, and Olivia seductively swayed with her hips, mocking Elliot. She knew he was watching and she knew he couldn't stand this.
She stepped a little closer to the boy, who wasn't much of a dancer, until they were nearly touching. Then she pulled him closer, and kissed him. She could have pulled away of course, especially since the kid was a terrible kisser, but where was the fun in that?
She deepened the kiss, licking her lips, slipping her tongue in. Actually, this kiss made her sick, but when she turned them over she saw Elliot looking, eyes wide-popped, and knew it was worth it.
Elliot looked at her, feeling the urge to kick himself, punch the kid, and get Olivia back here as hell. He saw her looking, and knew she was doing this on purpose. Damn, that woman really was going to kill him. He smirked when he saw the slightly disgusted look on her face, as well as on the rest of their friends' faces.
When Olivia sat back at the table, they were all slightly stunned. When Olivia laughed, and coughed, they got the control of their body back. Munch shook his head slightly, a mischievous glim in his eyes. That girl was going to be the dead of Elliot, no doubt.
'Hey, Liv, it's your turn!', he said, smiling. Olivia grinned. 'Okay.. I have never, ever, done a threesome. Or a foursome, for that matter. Never, ever.' She shivered slightly. She was, cough, open-minded, but she had never understood the fun of that.
When she looked around she saw Fin shifting nervously. 'Oh my.. Fin, no, please!', she shot out in a horrified gasp. 'You're gross, buddy. Well, drink it!'
When the others saw Fin, they couldn't control their laughter. Alex was bending over, grasping her stomach, Munch was crying and Elliot nearly fell on Olivia's lap, so loud was he laughing.
My, they really were drunk. Almost time to go home, if they wanted to make it without an arrest.
The irony.
While Fin, refusing to dome something, was covered in whipped cream, which was being eaten of by Alex, the slut, Elliot scooped a little closer to Olivia. The alcohol made them act like idiots, but it also made that his control wasn't what it usually was.
Olivia looked at him, seeing the hunger in his eyes, and smirked. He wasn't getting what he wanted that easily. But she didn't mind the contact, of course. While Elliot was still looking a little hesitant and nervous, like she was going to shoot him or something, she drew him closer to her. Obviously relieved, he draped an arm around her waist, and they remained seated that way.
Next, it was Fin's turn. 'Okay guys, prepare. I'll make you pay for that.' Like he cared. 'I have never watched porn with my girlfriend and imitated it afterwards! Now, eat that, pussy's.' While Elliot didn't even have to think (after all, he had been married for a long, long time), he saw Munch and Alex hesitate.
Elliot gasped out loud. 'No, guys, please say you didn't!' Alex, even in her drunken state, had the decency to turn a shade of red, but Munch merely shrugged. 'Hey, I've had a lot of ex-wives. And I can't say they were all too normal.'
While Munch and Fin, as an assignment, where dancing away on the dance floor, Elliot noticed that no one was paying attention to him and Liv. Of course, those two idiots where much more interesting.
He felt Olivia's gaze on him, and looked back. Olivia had noticed him looking at the others and knew what he was thinking. She looked at him with a smug grin and slowly slid her foot up his leg. He gasped, and looked at her in total shock. Bending his head next to hers, he asked: 'what the hell do you think you're doing?'
Olivia's smirk only grew wider and she leaned closer to him, her hand resting on his thigh (very, very high up his thigh). 'I'm merely having a little fun, El. What's wrong, having problems keeping the animal caged?' Elliot teeth clasped shut and he stared at the dance floor, desperately repeating the rules of hockey.
Olivia bended back, almost feeling sorry for him. She was merely teasing him, but she knew he had a lot to drink and this had to be hell for him. Not that that didn't make it funny, though.
When Elliot felt Liv leaning back, he sighed relieved. But he did know that he needed her. Really bad. If she went home after this as if nothing happened, he'd die. Honestly.
Okay, now he was just thinking nonsense. Noticing that his thought weren't clear at all anymore, he decided that it was time to go home.
Casting one last look at the dance pair in the front, he waved good-bye to his friends and winked one last time at Olivia. 'Guys, I'm heading home. See y'all Monday morning.'
When he was outside, waiting for a cap, he felt someone walking towards him. A little unstable from the alcohol, he turned around, nearly falling to the floor. Olivia caught him, however, before he hit the ground.
Laughing, she asked: 'Need some company?' While Elliot looked at her, a little confused about her intentions, she brought her mouth to his ear and said, huskily: 'Let me be a little clearer. Care to see that hidden tattoo I have?' She laughed again, amused by his stunned expression.
At that moment, the cap arrived. Elliot, who suddenly came back to live, took Olivia by her arm and pulled her towards the cap. Rattling the address, he said: 'we're cops, and we're in a terribly haste.' Even though the cabby didn't look to convinced, he brought them at Elliot's apartment in mere minutes.
Olivia pulled Elliot out, laughing. 'Come on, let's get inside.' They stumbled up to his apartment, and after some fumbling with the lock, finally where inside. Elliot took a minute to take Olivia in, and then, taking her by surprise, pressed her between the wall and his body, crashing his lips on hers.
I know this is all very out of character, but remember, this is just a fun drunk-story, nothing more. I hope you liked it, and don't remember to review! Even if you are thinking now: 'Oh my god, I have never read something this bad.' Always good to know, right? I think I will add one more chapter, and then this story will be done. What do you think, T or M rate?