A/N: This is at some point in the DH where Harry, Ron and Hermione are in their tent, and insanely bored when a surprise (good) visitor shows up.

There are so many truth or dare hp fics around, and I was desperate to do one, but I tried to make it a bit original, please tell me what you think and I hope to put up more chapters soon.

Disclaimer: Someone Random (SR) Truth or dare? ME: hmmm... TRUTH! SR: Do you really own Harry Potter? ME: NOOO... aaarrggghh, not really *sad face*, JK Rowling does...

Truth or Dare?

Harry was bored. So bored that it hurt, it literally hurt. They had been searching for Horcruxes for months now with little result, Hermione and Ron were rubbing each other's nerves and were now prone to explosion a couple of times each day. He looked up from his lying-on-the-ground-in-a-daze-of-boredom position and noted that Ron and Hermione were obviously fighting again. Hermione's legs were overly crossed and her eyebrows were so low on her eyes she could probably barely see. She was sitting in an armchair in one corner of the room, reading 'Tales of Beedle the Bard' for what could only be the 12th time today. Ron, as expected was on the opposite side of the tent, in his bunk grumbling in a low voice to himself while he fiddled with a broken radio. They were at their wit's end. Harry had no idea how to save them from themselves and he needed to talk to another human being, any other human being…

"POP" came a loud crackly noise and Harry looked up again to see Kreacher, having apparated almost on top of Hermione. Hermione and Ron both grumbled something inconspicuous, than went back to what they were doing. Harry had wanted a human being… but hey, what the hell… a house elf would do just fine. Harry crossed the room and led Kreacher over to his corner. "What's up? I didn't summon you?" Harry asked. "No, master, Kreacher sensed that master needed help, Kreacher came to help, what must Kreacher do?" he asked earnestly, his awful eyes opened wide.

"Kreacher…" Harry muttered and then, perhaps it was just because he was so bored with his present company that he asked for help from a vengeful little house elf that odd Sunday afternoon. "Kreacher, actually there is something you can help us with. Any chance you could bring us something to do? Books or games or newspapers? Anything really?" Harry asked in a whisper so as not to disturb his angry roommates. "Kreacher gave a wistful smile, "Kreacher wishes he could, master, but Kreacher has been banished from Grimmauld Place by Dark forces, Kreacher has nothing to offer his master but his company and magic." Kreacher said sadly. Harry sighed.

"Nothing you could offer us, sorry, I wouldn't ask it's just we are at out wit's end here, we're DYING of boredom," Harry said, exaggerating maybe just a bit.

Suddenly, Kreacher gave a big smile. "Master, Kreacher used to hear master Regulus and his friends playing a game when they were bored, shall Kreacher teach it to you?" Harry wasn't sure if Death Eater games were going to be such a good idea but shrugged, willing to try anything. Kreacher continued. "It's called truth or dare, Kreacher thinks it's a muggle game. But it's adapted for wizards master, do you know it?" Something in the back of Harry's mind tickled, something from his days with the Dursley's, but he shook it off and called the grumpy Ron and Hermione over to join in. They reluctantly got up, shooting glares at each other as they did so, and looked at Harry and Kreacher expectantly. Harry spoke, "Well, guys, as you know, we're fighting a bigger battle than the battle against Voldemort here, we're fighting against boredom. Kreacher here is going to teach us how to play Truth and Dare…" he trailed off when Kreacher shook his head at him. "Truth OR Dare, master Harry, Truth or Dare it's called. One must ask the question of another, and the other may pick truth or dare. One must then ask a truth of the person, or dare them to do something. It's mostly a game for many wizards and witched, but if master wants, Kreacher can create some enchantments to make the game more enjoyable?" then, as if a second thought he added, "If master wants, Kreacher can even summon some of masters Hogwarts friends to join in!" harry smiled at that, he missed the Hogwarts students, but was it too dangerous? Hermione, as if reading his mind said slowly, "I suppose for an hour or so it couldn't hurt, if we weren't so bored it would be a ridiculous idea, but as it is…" she nodded, "yes, let's do it, we'll call up Neville, Luna, Ginny, Dean and… Seamus?" she added as an afterthought, knowing that Harry had had bad experiences in the past with Seamus. But, that was of course, in the past, so Harry nodded. "Can you call them up Kreacher?" he asked. Ron looked excited to see Ginny, but still incredibly put out at Hermione for whatever she had done this time. Kreacher nodded, always willing to please his master and disappeared for a short time. Five minutes later, a very confused Neville, a mystical as always Luna, an excited looking Dean, a beautiful Ginny and a rather angry looking Seamus appeared alongside Kreacher with a loud "CRACK". Harry explained the situation and the game, and eager to help, no matter in what way it would help, the 5 others sat down alongside Harry, Ron and Hermione expectantly waiting to play the game, with Kreacher looking proud of his find. Harry smiled at Kreacher and made a mental note to think up some gift to give him as soon as he could…

A/N: More chapters to come soon. In the meantime, REVIEW! It really helps me to learn, flames welcome, just review and I wil LOVE YOU FOREVER! *smothers reviwers in hugs and kisss*. Also, any ideas of new guests to come, or truths or dares or any plot to add to it, please tell me, and if it's decent I'll try to include it!

Cheers, Gypseyy xx