Crystal Shards

Tiamat's Child

I. On Leaving

I don't know if I'll

ever see home again.

I'm scared, but I'm

glad you're coming too.

You see, as long as you're

with me, I have a little

bit of home standing

by my side.

II. Knife's Edge

A soft, worried voice.

A kind strong hand holding my own.

These give me something to

cling to.

Some way to shove the cold

back a little while longer.

Please don't let me go.

III. Recovery

The morning light slants in

through the window. I glance

about and find you curled up

in a corner. A smile touches

my lips at your concern for

me, as I seize the chance to

marvel at the way the sun

turns your hair to fiery gold.

IV. Caradhras

Snow falls and catches on

the curly strands of your

hair. I stare out of the

corner of my eye, careful

not to get caught, but

fascinated by the way the

soft white patterns stand

out against your brown skin.

V. In Khazad-dum

I would fear this darkness,

were it not for your gentle

touch. Reaching out to me

at night as if to assure

yourself that I am still here,


VI. Glimpses

Your smiling face, lit

by wonder and framed

by the golden woods,

nearly makes me forget

my grief.

VII. Boats

It's raining today and the

water has plastered your hair

to your scalp. The springy

curls lie neatly on your forehead,

except for one. It is curled just

above your eyes, almost hiding them.

My hands itch to tuck that lock

behind your ear, but I pull

my cloak closer to my body


VIII. Leaving

A brief glimpse of your eyes,

filled with confusion and hurt,

crosses my mind and I stumble,

nearly dropping my load.

You will understand.

You have to.


IX Visions

My dreams are full of

fire now. There is little

comfort in my rest, but

sometimes you are there,

and you bring your lips to

mine, giving me the only

joy I find in

my sleep.

X. Pass of the Spiders





But it's so cold.

bright gleam

of steel

off the edge




I wish I could

return to my


they were


but this is worse

a vast ache

curled in my chest.

it's gone.






XI. Where the Shadows Lie

I have hurt you. How

it must pain you to

touch me! And yet you

help me still, catching

me when I stumble and

raising me to my feet



I'm so, so sorry.

XII. Tatters

These three things I cherish:

Your eyes, warm as the

garden soil between your


Your kindness, gentle as your

fingers coaxing full life from

all you meet.

And your smile, bright as

the morning sun glinting

off your soft hair.

XIII. Resolve

If I can't mend myself, then

I can at least keep you from

being torn in two. I have

harmed you enough.

IXX. Passing

I can taste salt on my lips.

I wonder,

is it from your cheeks,

taken when I kissed you?

Or is it simply from

my own tears?

XX. Over Sea

I had almost forgotten

your smile.

I'm glad that I will

have plenty of time to

learn it again.