Harvest Moon: A Pokemon Life

Day 2, Spring, Year 1

Matt lead me to the next house, knocking on the door like he did before. I stood behind him, slightly leaning into Blazekin.

" Hello?" The door opened to reveal a tall woman with grey blue eyes and long seashell pink hair. She wore a white button up shirt with long sleeves, a tan vest over top. The woman also wore a dark brown skirt and tan spectator sport heels.

" Hey Solidad." Matt smiled at her, just barely an inch over her.

" Hey, Matty, what's up?" Solidad asked curiously.

" Mommy! Mommy!" I heard a girl call from inside.

" Just a minute, sweetie," Solidad called back into the house." Come on in, please."

" Thanks," Matt said, Solidad leaving the door open as she disappeared into the house. I took a step to go in but Blazekin didn't follow.

" Blazekin?" I asked. He just stood there, as if telling me something, and I understood." Alright."

I stepped in the house with Beautifly on my head, the living room filled with light and rather open. A pair of stairs led upstairs while an arch doorway led to a kitchen. A little girl was in the middle of the living room, holding a doll as she played with the doll house. She looked rather sweet with wavy light purple hair and grey eyes, wearing a pink dress with black Mary Jane's and a pair of diamond earrings. Maybe a little spoiled, though, her Glameow's collar made of diamonds. Matt lead me into the kitchen where Solidad was cutting up a loaf of bread.

" Sorry about that, Marie reminded me that it was lunch time," Solidad said before shouting," HARLEY!"

" Coming dear!" A high voice though male said, a man that went with it popping in front of the window suddenly. I nearly jumped, almost tripping over the Slowbro that was sleeping behind me." Oh! We have guests!"

It was a man with shoulder lenght, violet hair that was wavy and light grey eyes. He wore a strange green hat and a white button up shirt. I couldn't see what he was wearing for pants or what was on his feet.

" I'm Harley Herse, I see you've met my lovely wife. What about Marie?" Harley asked, talking rather brightly as he waved his manicured hand around. He kind of scared me, creeping me out with his ultra smile and womanly groomed looks.

" Right here, Daddy," The little girl walked into the kitchen with her pokemon.

" Hi sweetie! Did you meet the new farmer yet?" Harely chirped.

" No, who is he?" Marie asked.

" Actually, he is a she," I smiled," I'm May Maple, the new farmer of the Maple Farm, the second."

" That's a weird name, who would want to buy from a farm with a name like that? And why would you want to work on a farm anyways? You could get your clothes dirty or break a nail!" Marie said with great disgust." How can you possibly work, ugh, that's soo disgusting. A lady should never work, I want to be a lady when I grow up and not some field working filth!"

" Marie Lavendar Herse, that's extermely rude!" Solidad exclaimed, setting down her knife and putting her hands on her hips to give her daughter a stern stare," Go up to your room right now!"

" No!" Marie stomped her foot. My hopes seemed to fall, depressing my mood further. Is that what people would think of me? A girl who couldn't take care of herself with no manners? A guy? I wasn't a guy, right?

" Go up to your room right now young lady!" Solidad snapped.

" No! I don't want to!" Marie shouted, crossing her arms with a stubborn stare. This kid really needed to get herself some proper manners, I would most likely be cleaning the stable. Plus, I would've never thought of speaking that way. Mom would never let me or Max behave like that.

" Now!"

" No!"

" Harley/Daddy!" They both yelled at Harley. He sighed, nimbly climbing through the window, over the sink and standing with his feet on the tile floor. I nearly opened my mouth in horror. He was wearing ultra tight black pants with black healed boots; thank Kyogre they were made for men.

" Your mother's right, Marie, go up to your room this minute!" Harley said, pointing up.

" But Daddy!" Maire cried, tears swelling up.

" Go and I'll paint your nails!" Harley said with a stern look.

" Okay!" She cheered, holding out her hand for her father to take. They headed out and up the stairs.

" But Harley!" Solidad exclaimed but they were already gone. She sighed, looking exhausted. The woman turned back to us.

" Sorry about that," Solidad said, going back to the bread," Marie always speaks her mind and can be quite a handful. Harley isn't big with punishment so Marie usually gets him to soften things up for her."

" It's alright," I said, receiving a sympathetic look from Solidad. I didn't like it so I looked out the window Harley had jumped through. The memory kind of scared me so I just stared at the sink instead.

" Oh, Matty," Solidad suddenly said," The Hayden's are coming home tomorrow, the twins are creating some new invention and the brothers just made some new fireworks they need to try out. Also, Paul and Dawn are over at the Ketchum farm again, or so that's what Harley said."

" Of course he did, Harely knows everyone's buisness," Matt rolled his eyes and Solidad gave a light laugh. I felt like there was something I was missing, Solidad giving him this weird look.

" Anyways, we need to get going," Matt said.

" Oh, alright, you're leaving today, aren't you?" Solidad asked with a down expression.

" Yeah, but only for a bit, the Horse Race is coming up so I'll be in town for three days then," Matt said lightly, hands in his pockets casually. Okay, I was definitely missing something, and I hate being out of the loop.

" Only three?" Solidad pouted. The look she was giving Matt made me uncomfortable while Matt only gave an air of aloofness. It didn't help.

" Yep," Matt nodded his head," See you later, Solidad."

" Bye, Matty, nice meeting you, May," Solidad smiled as she lead us to the door and opened it for us.

" Nice meeting you too, Solidad." I smiled, walking to Blazekin's side. Solidad waved a bit before shutting the door behind us, a soft click closing it.

" Alright, the Gaten's are up next." We walked to the house in between the two, Matt knocking on it lightly. I wondered idly why he had chosen to visit this one last but I shrugged it off.

" Who is it?" A rough male voice said from behind the door.

" It's me, Matt and the new farmer," Matt answered. Why did he have to keep introducing me as the 'new farmer' instead of just spitting out my name?

" Let them in, dear, I've been wanting to meet her!" An sweet voice said from inside. At least she knew I was a girl. A rough chuckle came from the hidden man.

" Alright, honey," The door swung open, an old man appearing. He was slightly hunched, wearing a thick brown wool coat over a cream top and brown pants. His shoes were brown loafers and a hat was atop his grey hair head. He had stern dark brown eyes and a rough looking face with wrinkles.

" Afternoon, Leo," Matt said as he strolled in with a smile. I followed him, Blazekin once again staying outside.

" Afternoon, Mathew," Leo said. This living room was a quite nice, the look warm and inviting. A Persian and Delcatty were curled up on a shag rug in front of a blazing fire, a rocking chair next to it with a small table and a lamp.

" Hello, Mathew," The old woman was behind her husband, walking stick holding her up as she was crouched over. Her grey white hair was tied up in a bun and eyes a beautiful brown. She wore a light blue dress that went to the floor with a white shall around her shoulders. The old lady seemed very kind with her warm face though detailed with wrinkles." Oh, and this must be the new farmer!"

" Yes, my name is May Maple, new owner of the Maple Farm, the second." I smiled.

" Oh, wasn't his last name Maple?" The woman asked her husband.

" Herman Maple I believe, dear," Leo said. He didn't seem like the type who got friendly with too many people, eyes cold but warming when set upon his wife. It was adorable.

" Who?" I asked curiously.

" Sorry, Sarah, but we really need to move on," Matt interrupted, ruining my curiosity.

" Oh, of course, perhaps another time," Sarah said.

" I think I can wait till then," Sarah smiled when I spoke.

" See you later, Leo, Sarah," Matt nodded politely and opened the door.

" Good bye, Mathew, May," The couple said, Sarah waving slightly.

" Good bye," I smiled a bit, but not big enough for them to see. When Blazekin joined us, we walked to near the villa but past it when Matt started walking down towards the trees.

" Um, Matt, what about the pub and the villa?" I asked.

" Paul owns Pub but is at the Ketchum farm, May, and the Hayden's, who obviously live in the Hayden Villa, are in Mineral town." He explained.

" Oh." So that's why he went to Solidad's place.

" You get used to it, just talk to Dawn or Harley for any of the latest news. Brock's pretty well rounded too so you can hear things from him usually," Matt said. I just nodded," Also, Nami and the others at the Village Inn pick up things from customers and the twins usually somehow get caught in telephone calls when they test certain things. Tori usually brings news from the outside world."

" Tori?"

" A man who travels from town to town with goods from other places, you can usually get good prices from him," Matt explained. I nodded my head again, though still a little foggy. " Here we are."

" What?" All I could see was a bit of a small clearing, a rope ladder and poles coming from above to be planted into the ground.

" The Birch house," Matt pointed up and I gasped.

It was up in the air, above some of the shorter trees." How?"

" Don't know," Matt shrugged and rang the little church bell nailed to a pole.

" What?" Someone shouted from above.

" It's me, Matt!" He yelled back.

" Hey, Matt, be right there!" The person shouted back. Two guys came quickly climbing down the ladder, jumping off when they got to a safe height and landed on their two feet.

" Hi- a, Matt, who is this?" The taller one asked, looking at me. He was pretty cute, black tousled hair and orange eyes. The white shirt he wore was a wife beater that had smoke marks on it as well as his jeans which had been rolled up to his knees. His sandals were unscathed though they looked worn out. A beaded bracelet went around his left wrist matched the one around his neck. A Minun was at his feet, wearing a beaded necklace around his neck.

" May Maple, the new farmer of the Maple farm, the second," Matt introduced me.

" Neat name," The other said with a smile. He wore a white beanie over his black hair, red-orange eyes bright. He wore a red wife beater. and his jeans were a darker blue. Instead of the light brown beads, his were darker and had a red shade to them, a matching one going around his Plusle's neck.

" Thanks!" I said, glad someone thought so.

" I'm Brandon and my little brother here is Brendan," The taller one smiled while his little brother scowled.

" I am not little!" Brendan snapped.

" Of course not, little bro," Brandon smirked," By the way, want to see the new fireworks we made?"

" Sorry, I still need to take May around town," Matt said.

" Oh, well, the Oak's are back at the twin's lab, by the way." Brandon said.

" Thanks," Matt said brightly," See you later guys!"

" See you later," Brandon suddenly winked at me," You too, May."

" Okay," I nearly stammered but managed to keep my cool. Brendan, though, was blushing deeply.

" Bye, May." He said, eyes facing the ground.

" Bye you guys!" I waved before following Matt.

We rounded the corner, a metal building showing up. It was built on metal plates and a wire fence went around it with barb wires over top. Electricity crackled through the air from poles above in each corner. It looked like it came from a Sci-Fi movie with the evil scientist. The twins weren't evil, right?

" No, they aren't evil." I gave Matt an incredulous look," No, I can't read your mind. I just guessed."

" It was a good guess, though." I said.

" I guess," Matt smirked before opening the wire fence door. I cautiously followed him, looking around warily. He didn't even knock on the door when it slid open on it's own and two women popped out.

" MATT!" They squealed happily, nearly making me jump out of my skin.

" Hi, girls!" He smiled at them, obviously used to it.

" Is the new farmer here, is she, is she?" One of them jumped up and down excitedly while the other rolled her eyes.

" You had sugar today, didn't you Shire?" Matt asked.

" For breakfast with a side of cocoa puffs and strawberry milk!" The first exclaimed. She had long blond hair and light amethyst eyes. Her lab coat was white and decorated with green stitching. The woman wore a purple tank top underneath and a black skirt that ended at her knees with black lace. She had black pumps on her feet which didn't seem to falter her hyper jumps. A Manetike was at her side, just not as hyper.

" Shy?" Matt turned to the other woman, Shire's twin. Only, her hair was tied up in a ponytail and she wore black pants instead of a skirt.

" We had woken up late and I went in the shower before her so..." Shy smiled sheepishly while her Luxray shook his head a bit. Matt rolled his eyes.

" What's with all the commotion, ladies?" A man's voice said from inside.

" Guests, Gary," Shy called back.

" Come in, come in!" Shire chirped, moving her hand in a motion for us to come in quickly. I followed Matt in, surprised by how cozy it looked inside. Soft carpet of white lined the floor while wood panneled the walls. It was furnished with a sitting area- and a large television- and a small kitchen to the right. Stairs went up to the next floor and a door was heavily locked. Perhaps the laboratory? A young man with spiky auburn hair had his hands in his pockets, dark grey eyes almost navy watching.

" Hello, there." The boy stepped up to me, smirking slightly as I felt his eyes move.

" Gary Oak!" Shire slapped his arm, as if she knew exactly what he was thinking. The boy rolled his eyes but took a step back.

" Ugh, Shy! Shire! Gary! I need some help down here!" A voice bellowed from below.

" Coming, Prof!" Shy and Shire called.

" See you later then? Next Horse Race, right?" Gary nodded before all of them disappeared.

" That was easy." Matt tugged on my hand slightly to get me to follow." All there is left is the Ketchum Farm, I think they can help you at the Dig Site. I have to get going pretty soon."

" Alright."

Cutting off there cause I haven't updated in a while.