Chapter 92: The Rogue & the Preordained

PS: Hello everyone! My apologies for the long wait! This is the continuation from Vannessa's fight. The next few chapters will involve the other members of Fairy Tail. Be sure to wait for it. Thank you for your keen interest thus far my dear readers!

"You'll pay for what you did to her…and all of my friends!" the rogue Dark Dragon Slayer snarled, through gritted teeth. Unbeknownst to her, Vannessa's canines had elongated themselves into fangs.

However, it did not fail to capture Narumi's interest. His eyebrows rose and his eyes widened in dark pleasure. "Oya? It looks like your power has not yet fully awaken itself…" his voice trailed off deliberately as he licked his lips. "Well then, sweetheart…allow me the honour to awaken your sleeping potential inside of you, love and then let's dance together all night long."

Vannessa could hardly hear him as the wind bellowed in her ears when she took to the skies. As she hovered in mid-air above Narumi, her eyes suddenly narrowed when she realized that the older guy had disappeared from her line of sight. Her enemy of course did not allow her any opportunities for escape as he materialized in front of her, directing a well-aimed kick at her gut. The girl managed to pull back slightly but not fast enough as the impact threw her off course and she headed straight for the ground below.

"Saseruka!" Narumi growled as he turned and lunged towards the other Dragon Slayer, already anticipating her next move.

Having the wind knocked out of her, Vannessa hurtled straight down as Narumi followed after her. She twisted her body and opened her mouth. "Vile Breath of Chaos!"

The assault magic was aimed straight at the ground, instead of at Narumi himself. She was violently propelled upwards as she shot past Narumi who was caught by surprise. She flexed her wings to steady herself and executed her next attack without giving him a chance to recover. "Black Whips of Doom!"

The twin whips lashed out at the other Dragon Slayer and wrapped themselves around his legs and arms. Using his falling momentum against him, Vannessa threw him against the ground. "Heh!" the pink-haired girl smirked.

As dust cleared, Vannessa's eyes widened when she realized that her previous attack did nothing to him. Narumi was already back onto his feet and was dusting his jeans casually. He looked up at her and smiled coolly. "Well, that was unexpected…" he said flippantly. "A novel move to cleverly maneuver yourself on top of me."

The other Dragon Slayer had finally understood how he managed to escape unscathed. He had copied her move and used it against her. At the very last minute, he had directed a blast of dark magic towards the ground to soften his landing which had cut the damage of her attack extremely. "Tch!" she made a rude noise and looked away.

"I am sure it must have took you awhile to figure out something like that," Narumi continued dryly. "Now it's my turn!"

He cut his dark eyes at her and within them, Vannessa saw a tinges of red streaks materializing. Her eyes widened and she blinked. "Demonic pupil…" he whispered softly.

Vannessa had only just grasped her situation but it was too late and she was instantly rendered motionless. Damn it…!

A gleeful expression crossed Narumi's face as he slowly approached her, like a predator to its prey. "Now what will you do, Narazumono-san (Rogue)?"

Narumi's eyes were fixed on hers as he closed the distance between the two of them. The mage was slightly startled by the girl's expression. It was one that reflected no fear but only nonchalance. She was planning something, that much he knew. A surge of an unknown emotion pierced through his chest and started to spread. His smile widened in delight. Narumi knew that the girl who stood before him now was no more the childish Slayer who acted purely on her own emotions. For a rogue, she was turning into a calculating and condescending person…just like how Lord Acheron had always wished. A pang of jealousy struck him. Despite that, he had to test her strength. Let us see who is worthy of serving Lord Acheron, Vannessa…

"It's time for your debut, Micaiah…" Vannessa's voice did not go unheard by her best friend.

Almost instantly, Micaiah forcefully seperated herself from her wielder and took on her wolf form. "This is gonna hurt a little but bear with me, Vannessa…" she replied before she sank her fangs into Vannessa's right wrist. The pain shot through her body, pushing away the numbness that Narumi's paralysis magic had brought about.

Narumi's eyes widened in amazement at the forced seperation of two entities but he managed to regain his composure with rapidity. He did not give Vannessa enough time to recover from the seperation and moved in for the kill, brandishing his long sword which had long been hidden underneath his cloak. Due to the lack of time, Vannessa leaned forwards and ducked underneath the sword's arc, avoiding the weapon's line of assault by a hair's breadth. Missing his target, Narumi veered off balance and Vannessa used that time to recover and allowed for Micaiah to merge herself again, with her wielder.

Narumi somersaulted backwards to keep a distance away from the other mage. He swung his sword expertly and placed it before himself. Vannessa's eyes narrowed in concentration as she pulled out her twin katanas and swung them with ease before she adopted a fighting stance. The Dark Dragon Slayer twisted his body slightly before he lunged himself towards the girl. Vannessa reacted similarly as she shot forward, her swords raised. The three swords met in a clash of metal and sparks.

Without any intention to waste time, Narumi threw his body weight forward to knock his enemy off balance but Vannessa apparently had the same thing on her mind. Both met each other head-to-head and refused to back down. "Vile Breath of Chaos!"

His eyes widened in disbelief at the oncoming attack but he had no way of evading it. Within a split second, Vannessa gave a hard shove before she evoked upon her magic to call upon her wings and pushed herself backwards to avoid the blast. As the dust clouds settled down, the pink-haired mage's eyes widened in utter disbelief. "H-H-How…?" she trailed off. She was absolutely sure that her attack had no way of missing its target. Before her very eyes, Narumi stood before her with an unruffled look on his face.

In that instant, their eyes met; inky black met shocked lavender. Narumi's lips curled into a sneer. "Did you really think that I would be hurt by that kind of attack, love? I guessed I overrestimated your strength."

"N-Nani (What)…?" she gasped out, unable to regain her composure. Her magic-infused wings dissipated into thin air and she stumbled maladroitly back onto the ground. "How did you escape from it?" she asked him stupidly.

Narumi immediately seized the chance and disappeared from Vannessa's line of sight. He appeared behind her and caught her waist, pulling her body close to his own. "You haven't even felt half of my strength yet. This is just the beginning…"

His cold breath stung her flushed cheek as she struggled against him, to let herself loose. His free hand had already secured both her wrists behind her and his grip only tightened. "Let go of me," she spat out through gritted teeth, swallowing back her pained whimper.

"Does it hurt, Vannessa?" he whispered, ignoring her previous remark as he continued digging his nails into her skin. Without waiting for her reply, he simply continued, "Well, I'll be sure to engrave it onto your skin."

However, the other Dragon Slayer was having none of it and she struggled violently before finally, forcing her leg backward and slamming it into his shin. The momentary distraction was enough for her to free herself from his grip and darting backwards, making sure that there was enough distance between the two.

Vannessa did not provide Narumi time to recover and she immediately launched her next move. " Dance of Hell…" she murmured just as she disappeared from view.