A Lovable Squeak-

"Alice! Save me, chu!" A voice cried out.

Alice sighed and turned just in time to see Pierce flying at her before knocking her to the ground. "Pierce!" Alice shrieked.

Boris came running around the corner the, knife and fork in hand. As he saw the two on the ground he hissed, "You stupid rat! Get off of Alice!"

Pierce squeaked, got up while pulling Alice with him, then hid behind her. "Help me! The cat wants to eat me!"

"Boris. Leave Peirce alone," Alice chided. She really did feel bad for Pierce.

The Cheshire Cat pouted. "Fine, but only because you told me to. Say, Alice, will you go on a few rides with me?"

Alice shook her head. "Sorry, can't. I'm just on my way out grocery shopping for the tower. Gray was so determined to cook a perfect diner yesterday that he used up everything in the kitchen." At the memory Alice laughed.

"Alright then. I'll see you later." At that Boris left.

There was a sigh of relief from Pierce. Alice turned to face him. "You should go to."

Pierce shook his head frantically. "No! I want to help you food shop, chu!"

Alice walked away and the mouse followed her. Once at the market Alice's worst fear came true.

"Buy this! Oh, you should get this too!" Pierce cried out, pointing at several different pieces of cheese.

"I'll buy one for you, but only one." Alice came to stand next to the mouse who seemed on the verge of going crazy with all the cheese in front of him.

With big, round eyes Pierce looked at her. "One?" He asked. Alice nodded. "One?" This time his voice went higher, causing a slight squeak.

Alice's side that adored cute things got the best of her. Turning to the stall owner she said, "One of each."

Pierce and Alice sat on the grass outside the market. Pierce was stuffing his face happily with the cheese he had recently gotten.

Alice watched him in wonder and horror. How anyone could eat so much cheese astounded her. One after the other he popped a piece in until there was none left. At that poin the sighed and eased himself onto his back. "Thank you Alice, chu!"

Unable to stop herself Alice smiled at him. "Your welcome Pierce."

Then the Dormouse hiccupped. Unlike regular hiccups this one sounded like a squeak. Pierce looked horrified as the hiccupping continued.

Alice's eyes clouded over. All she could see was Pierce's ears and all she could hear was the squeaks coming from him. Before she knew it she was petting his ears harshly. "Pierce is so cute! You're squeaks are adorable!" She screamed.

"Ow-squeak-ow! Stop it Alice-squeak-stop it!" Pierce wailed.

This went on until his hiccupping stopped. "I'm sorry Pierce. I don't know what came over me." Alice apologized.

"It's alright. Chu!" Alice's face went red as Pierce kissed her on her cheek and hugged her tightly.

(I don't know why but I find squeaks really cute! I think Pierce would be adorable when he squeaks so I thought Alice would think so too!)