Today is hell, no one really cares, and all I do is make things always worse I can never just leave things alone I just have to keep interfering. It's always been like that.
My name is Isabella Marie Swan and I have a habit of making things worse than they already are. I don't mean to it just happens; to make it worse my grandma was diagnosed with cancer three months ago and now she has less than three months to go until she dies.
She was the only person who really understood me after my mum left me and my dad had died. Every day I watch her get paler and frailer it's like just touching her could break a bone but that's life she tells me and that I just have to carry on when she's gone. I was told I have really bad depression and the only emotional outlets I know are boxing and doing karate. Apart from that I just get on with my life, I cry myself to sleep every night because I know when I wake up Nan might not be there the next morning. I live in a small house on the outskirts of Forks we are alone and the nearest neighbours' are at least ten miles away. That suits us fine I cycle to school every day all fifteen miles it suits me fine. At school I keep to myself and try not to attract much attention to myself, everyone is used to my clumsiness but I have got steadier on my feet since I started karate training. I'm now a black belt but there's still much for me to learn like inner focus and controlling my emotions a lot better. I'll get there, eventually.
It was just another day when I woke up this morning; I went out for a run, I had a shower got ready for school. My Nan was just waking up when I was ready she had to sleep down stairs because I worried about her walking up and down the stairs and falling whilst I was at school, especially now. I made her breakfast helped her dress and prepared something for her lunch but I would come back later, I always spent lunch with her. The teachers were aware of what was happening so they understood why I was late sometimes to get to lessons after lunch.
I didn't have a car so I got my bike out and set off for school. It used to take me almost an hour to get to school but now I could do it in just over twenty minutes if I was in rush eleven. There was an announcement that some new students were starting today. The Cullen's and a kid name Peter Whitlock; the Cullen's all looked the same golden eyes, pale, cold, stone-like but all had outstanding beauty but boring too as they were practically the same. Peter Whitlock on the other hand was different he was tall with black hair and piercing blue eyes he looked more human than the Cullens' did. Peter was ignored because the Cullens' were more interesting than he appeared. He was quiet kept to himself I decided if I ran into him I would be nice, lunch came and I got to my bike to head home as I was tapped on the shoulder. "Where are you going?" It was one of the Cullens this one had a southern accent with light hair. I shrugged him off and said "None of your business where I go Cullen."
"I'm not a Cullen actually I'm Jasper Whitlock Peter's brother." He looked annoyed at my assumption and spoke to me as if I should had known this already
"Oh sorry you look the same as them that's all not like Peter." I really didn't have time for this Nan was waiting for me and I needed to be able to get back to school. "Can you at least tell me you'll be back?" He looked concerned but had given up trying to find out what I was up to. "Yes I will be back I just have to cycle fifteen miles and back to look after my Nan." Oops I slipped and I wished I shouldn't have. He had a grin cover his face and then he looked serious "I'll take you to where you're heading." It wasn't a question and he looked determined but I was stubborn and he would soon find out that."No." I said. I mounted my bike and sped off most of the journey back was down hill so I got home quite fast.
"Where have you been Isabella I was worried you had forgotten about me." Nan hobbled into the hall way. "I got delayed by some kid who thought I was skiving." My Nan just tutted and headed towards her chair as I got her food for her. It was a good day for her so tomorrow would be bad. That was the pattern one good day three bad so I needed to be home faster. After she had eaten I helped her into bed and I knew she wouldn't wake now until I got back. I walked outside to see a sliver Volvo waiting in the never used driveway. Leaning against it was a pleased looking Jasper. "Need a ride?" he looked like he had been waiting ages to say that which annoyed me even more.
"You followed me home. Why? I was coming back." I whispered angrily no one ever knew why I leave at lunch and no had to until know. "I didn't think you'd get back in time for your last lesson." His grin was gone and he looked hurt which made me feel bad. "Look I do this every day okay and I always get back now please just go." I pointed towards his car I was calmer now and he did as I asked. Before he pulled off the drive I was gone I cycled as fast as I could to clear my head and get back. I was running late now thanks to him and I really was trying to get back earlier to eat something. I haven't more than one meal a day for a month now as Nan has got worse, I haven't had time.
I reached school as the bell went and the car pulled in behind me. I left me bike and just walked to my next lesson bag over my shoulder. I was in Government and Peter Whitlock had just walked in. The only seat was next to me, everyone avoids me. I'm treated as unsafe, a danger magnet and to be left alone.
I was doodling when he sat down. I looked up, smiled said "Hi." and carried on doodling. My teacher Mr Turner was the most boring teacher alive he used to let us have discussions but after some of the teachers complained it's just an hour of his monotone voice dictating what we need to learn. Today was different when Mr Turner came in he looked cheerful and said "Today we are going to have a good old debate instead of listening to me for an hour as usual," the class cheered at this and listened more "I want you to work with the person next to you and discuss what you think on climate change. I know it's easy work but I decided you needed a break from all this hard work you've been doing." I turned to Peter and said "Hi Peter I'm-"
"Isabella Swan, I know I've heard about you from others here." I could have died here in the small town off Forks people talk so people know about my family history and I'm guessing Lauren and Jessica has already told him everything, "What exactly was said?" he seemed to think about it for a while "I was told by Mike Newton that your dad's dead and you mum is nowhere to be seen so you are stuck living with your Nan." That sums it up I guess thankfully Mike was nicer to me but we weren't really friends. "Yeah that's me the kid that got dumped." I tried to make it sound light and that I didn't care but I failed miserably like always. "Oh, and you're ok with that?" he had a look of concern on his face "I am now I've always lived there so all my anger for my mum has changed to gratitude because I've had so many good times with her; my mum," I took a deep breath and looked down "My mum could come back for me and I would say no to going with her." He seemed pleased with my answer so he smiled "Now most people would hate their mum for doing that and want to see her just to shout at her."
"I've never known my mum so; what is the need to be angry at someone I do not know." I smiled
"Did anyone ever tell you, you have wisdom beyond your years Bella" I jumped behind me Mr Turner was standing there and had been listening to our conversation "Just now can you get on with the task I won't ask you again." We both nodded and he walked off. We talked about the work for a while and then I wanted to know "Peter do you have a brother named Jasper?"
"Yes why?"
"Just curious he tried to stop me leaving at lunch that's all."
"Where did you go?"
"Home to make sure my Nan had some lunch otherwise she won't eat."
"Oh, you really care about her?"
"Yes a lot" I said in a quiet voice she means everything to me but no one knows that like most people think she's just ill and that I have to look after her begrudgingly. But they always think, assume things not really know because I'm avoided, branded as the girl who was abandoned and didn't need the same respect and care as others. The bell finally rang and I was glad to get out of there when I did. I picked up my things and ran out I wanted to get home. I never really wanted to say all that much to Peter but he was so easy to talk to. It was like we understood each other perfectly. I had never known anyone like him; I was confused why was he being so nice to me if he's heard my story from someone else? After hearing it people give me my space and leave me to it. I've got used to being alone and rejected. I've had to...
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