(A/N: Last run! Enjoy it! Listen to Nirvana! Seriously. I mean it. Go get the CD. NOW. And get some Three Doors Down while you're at it.)

Chapter Thirty-Four: Given To Fly

Legolas was not about to go into a heroic battle. He was not about to face an army of irugus, or challenge an element demon. (There were only four and they were extremely bad tempered.) He was not about to do anything that remotely put his life in danger. Though those times in his life were upon him like wolves on a young deer. He was simply saying goodbye to someone. Not forever, just goodbye for now. He'd done it many times before. Sometimes he said goodbye most gladly. Sometimes he said goodbye and counted the days until it became hello...

Elorelei was sitting outside, soaking up the last of the heat before the seasons turned. They did not turn every year, but eventually, they changed. How long each one lasted depended on the peace and happiness of the Valley. The changes were hardly noticed, elves did not mind the elements. However, the irregularly warm weather to them was making Elorelei constantly seek shade and water. Legolas, brought her some while he was filling his saddle bag. The Northern riders he was to journey with were here. Not surprisingly, they knew the name of Andulin, his wife, Elorelei, and their riders. Elorelei recognized one, she had been a close friend on her adventures in the North. As soon as Legolas pointed Elorelei out, the elf, a female, bowed, saying: "Brave thing you're doing, my lady. Brave thing."

"Yes," She agreed. "No bravery without fear..."

She nodded as if recognizing it as a saying of hers. The elf, Mariellan, didn't stay for long, but rejoined her group.

"You'll like her," Elorelei said to Legolas, beaming. "She has a sure spirit. Even if she does jump into things a little quickly. I know the other elves, too. They're in good hands with you."

Legolas smiled. "And you? Are you in good hands?"

"I'm in my own hands. That will have to be enough." She sighed, and then she whistled very distinctly. "Here," She said, her eyes focused on the horse coming up to them. "Take Ilexim with you."

The elf gave a start, then shook his head. "I couldn't, Elorelei. His brother and mother-"

"Rydar is going with Filior on a few expeditions in the South. Iledian is staying here, in the stables. Her experience in the North was... tiring. As soon as Rydar was old enough, I did all my riding on him; Iledian just traveled with us."

Clearly, Ilexim wanted to go. The horse's ears switched back and forth and he nudged Legolas as Elorelei handed him the reins.

"Take him, Legolas. He wants an adventure as much as you do."

Legolas gripped the reins, but kept his gaze on Elorelei. "He's your horse."

"He's your travelling companion." She shot back. The debate ended as Elorelei heard her name.

She was being called. They were ready to go to Portalis Somnium.

"The time has come, Elorelei." Her father's voice was behind her, aching but strong. "The ride will be short and the Portal is already open."

She turned from Legolas, bowing to her parent and king. Minele was nowhere to be found. "I'm coming..."

He smiled. "Don't rush, Sparrow," Felair whispered to her. "They don't mind."

She hugged him tightly in thanks and didn't let go, gripping the soft fabric of his robes. No one was sure if she would let go until her grandfather placed a hand on her back.

"Come, Anta na Wille, let go."

She did, upon hearing her old nickname, release her father. He gave her a kiss on the forehead and disappeared to watch from a balcony. He could watch her leave a second time. He could watch, knowing she'd be back, but he couldn't stand there as she rolled away. Unless he wished to show another moment of indescribable grief, he kept to the palace.

Lumaeus remained, but his face was stern. "The dying won't end, Granddaughter. Everytime you are reborn it shall begin again."

She nodded in reply. "It's easier now... but I'm not... I won't ever be..."

"Accustomed to it? No, you shan't be. Ever... You understand how to keep the balance?"

Another nod.

"Assist, but do not openly change. Do what you can, but not everything you can. Never break the spell without Eli present." He gave her a long look to make sure she understood.

All she could give him was another nod.

"And... don't despair, Anta Na Wille. The time will come when your work will cease and you'll be sent home."

She looked hopeful at these words, but doubtful. Lumaeus left her and Legolas stepped forward once more.

"Given to fly," He said, repeating her name.

She looked so small and simple at the time. She didn't look as if she could fly anywhere. "Yes... Fly," Her voice was that of a person who'd been backed into a corner with no weapons and no route of escape. A person who's hope hung by thread. "Fly alone. Fly to a land I've never seen, a land I've never wanted to see."

Legolas shook his head, laughing slightly, and taking her hands. Onto her finger he slipped a ring. The same one he'd given her last time they parted. "No, melmenya. Remember? ... Fly with me. To the stars."


Legolas and Ilexim watched her carriage speed away into the fading day. It was a long time before it was out of sight, but none of the Northern elves seemed to mind his staying. Over the last hill, the carriage disappeared.

Mariellan sighed. "There, my Prince. Isn't it easier now that it's over?"

Legolas looked at her, smiling broadly. "Over? No, Mariellan, I think it hasn't even begun..."

Ilexim stomped impatiently. There was a lot of his father in him, and he longed for the adventure that he could smell was close. The Prince grinned and patted his new horse, then turned to the company, all facing him and acknowledging his royalty. He was born a leader and lead he would.

"Allright then... Let's to the North, while it is still daylight. I know a forest where we can camp off road, there are..."

So Legolas came into his own. Elorelei adapted to her new surroundings and I would like to say she completed her appointed task. But that is a story for another time and place. I'll tell you it later, of course. About how a task was done and a price was paid. And how, because the tale was no fairy tale, no one lived happily ever after... but like I said, that's a story for a later time. This story has ended. See for yourself...

The End.

(A/N: Okay, before I respond to my reviews, I have to say TWO things. One... This is what Felair REALLY wanted to say when he called Elorelei his sparrow. "What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?" Two... Legolas wanted to say "To Narnia and the North!!" Which is why you NEVER let your musies do all the thinking when you're writing... K! I'm done!

AngelOnFire- I need to know what's another funny Monty Python movie. Because OBVIOUSLY I love Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Thanks for beta-reading for me! Ya-ya!

Alodia- Yes, British swear words are great fun. Yes, cheese is good. Yes, I should go check out your stories... Okay, you didn't say that, but I've just never gone to look... Wow, you struck me as a humor writer, but you have a lot of Action/Adventure here. Spiffy.

Angel of the Elves- No pressure, huh? Riiiiiiiiight. Well, this is actually part of a series so that should keep you happy. But I write slow, so that should keep you mad. Good. Am still evil. BWAHAHAHAHA! No, seriously, I appreciate it.

Getaway Girl- Hurm.... that's a funny word. It sounds Entish... Hurm... can I use that? I can annoy many people with it. Hurm.... Hrm, hoom, hasty. Thanks for the reviews!

Tara- I thank you for reviewing, but unfortunately, if you don't who Elorelei's mom is, I don't explain it until the last story. *winces* Sorry....

Megolas- I wonder how you've lasted, because in every review you told me you couldn't wait... just joking. Yes, there are sequels and plenty of them. I'll try not to upload the next story until I have enough to keep you from attacking me for not updating...

Lady Arabian Knight- Thanks for your reviews, they were really encouraging, but... every time I see your penname, the song from Aladdin gets stuck in my head. Which wouldn't be so bad... except it's a struggle not to start singing it.

Thanks to you all (and everyone else) for reviewing, otherwise I probably wouldn't have kept going. Special thank you to my beta-reader *waves*, who kicked me in the ass when stuff got too Mary-Sue for comfort. Emi-kins reviewed my story!! DO you KNOW how cool that is? *slams into brick wall* So yes, thank the elf sisters (Alodia and Megolas) Thanks to the people who reviewed the first half. Thanks to those who reviewed the second. Future thanks to people who will read my other... *counts* .... six stories that revolve around Elorelei and her exploits. If anyone does read them. Should I ever finish them.


Okay, that has nothing to do with anything but still.... This is the end of MY story, I can say what I want. Sir Galahad RULED! *sniff* Stupid Bridge of Death!!

So, I thank you thrice for forcing me to be a good little author and get my story done. Until next time, folks. Thank you for coming. Your host for the evening.... Me.)